
It's almost like the government lied to us about their real nature after monopolizing education and co-opting the media. Whoodathunkit?

On the bright side more of us have woken up to the capture.

Almost as if history repeats itself...

censor motive.jpg

...and everyone is copying Uncle Sam. Speaking of which, when is your substitute drama teacher-in-chief going the way of the other totalitarian tosspots, Horseface and Mrs. Fish?

You forgot anti-science and racist ... oh and my personal favorite ... misogynist.

Yeah, I suppose that 20-year-old meme needs to be updated.

Still pretty accurate

History is repeating itself since 2000+ years.

Change happens slowly, until it happens all at once. I hope we are nearing a tipping point. But which way will it tip?

Direct democracy

What does that mean, though? Naked tyranny of the majority?

Include an unassailable bill of rights and freedoms and freedom of movement. I can't see us being able to do much better than that. Civilization requires some level of cooperation. Also for a bill or law to pass, it would have to have more than a majority; it would have to have a consensus ... just about everyone would have to agree to it ... say 90 percent. Otherwise, people would be free to pick up sticks and move to a community they preferred. Any citizen could propose legislation provided they gained enough signatories, and then it would be put to a direct vote. Also a great deal of decentralization would be required ... less power to federal governments and more to local governments. The systems is never going to be perfect but flattening power structures generally gives more power to more people.

The trouble with unassailable bills of rights is that lawyers and legislators and jurists are all willing to assail them anyway.

We need cooperation, but governments as we know them are not, never were, and never can be principally or even tangentially for that propose as far as I know.

Sooooo... basically what the United States were (emphasis on were, since "United States" used to be plural) originally meant to be, and not what they actually turned into. Smashing, but now for the obvious question: how do you prevent that system from eventually being corrupted? More precisely, since I can tell you precisely when the shift toward centralisation happened, how would you prevent the Hamiltonians from overtaking the Jeffersonians?