Jeffersonians, named for Thomas Jefferson: those who lean more toward small government, states' rights
Hamiltonians, named for Alexander Hamilton: those who lean more toward centralised government statism
Really though, that's just in the context of American politics. Jefferson seemed to take most of his cues from Marcus Tullius Cicero, whereas Hamilton took most of his from Gaius Julius Caesar, the latter of whom Cicero specifically warned about in his repudiation of representative democracy. "When the body politic is made not of true free men but of slaves who believe themselves free too easily it is swayed by the honeyed words of demagogues," is the best way I can sum up his philosophy. Sorry if it's a little hard to follow, but Cicero was not remotely fond of an at-that-time new linguistic concept called punctuation.
Back to the American system, some people have argued that the US deviated from what it was meant to be in 1945 with the rise of the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex.
No, it's further back.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913?
The Pendleton Act of 1886, which effectively laid the groundwork for the unconstitutional fourth branch of government known as the Administrative State?
Still no.
The American Civil War, cementing the notion that the Union was voluntary to join, but inviolable once a part of?
Getting close...
The scrapping of the Articles of Confederation?
And we have a winner! Of course, the counter-argument is that "had the Articles of Confederation remained in place, then the US would have been too weak to fight off the British in the War of 1812." Considering that the US declared war against Britain, I don't think that argument is particularly valid.
That's the rub then ... we get too big to avoid being corrupted or remain too small to avoid being conquered.
BTB ... the Romans had their own problem with its military complex. They needed soldiers to join up to achieve power and had to continue to colonize and expand the empire to feed the military. Could the problem stem from those that pursue power?
Cicero's criticism exactly.
How about...
The United States actually had to buy its freedom from England. And the Constitution is nothing more than a translation of the Great law of peace. A gift given by the Iroquois Confederacy because these young white guys didn't have the language to explain freedom and liberty.
Next up around 80 years later or so half of the United States refuses to pay the bill for freedom because they weren't even States and hadn't stolen the land from the indigenous at the time the debt was incurred.
So the 3/5 law was more about taxation than it was oppression. And slavery in the United States was ending all on its own. In fact slavery was one of the last issues even involved in the conflict other than an excuse...
Don't forget signing the Constitution was also a death sentence for the far majority of the individuals who touched pen to paper.