¿Como se cura un amor que perdió las expectativas de renacer entre tantas grietas de la vida? la mayoría de nosotros creemos que podemos cortar los lazos de la noche a la mañana, no me impongas decirle a mis pensamientos que debo decirles porque se que no obedecerán a mis palabras, no me pidas que le diga a mis recuerdos que te borren de un instante porque esos instantes fueron vividos a plenitud, que amargo es el sabor de los recuerdos cuando los mejores recuerdos fue el dulzor de unos labios que ya no me pertenecen.
How do you heal a love that lost the expectations of rebirth among so many cracks of life? Most of us believe that we can cut the ties overnight, do not impose me to tell my thoughts what I should tell them because I know they will not obey my words, do not ask me to tell my memories to erase you in an instant because those moments were lived to the fullest, how bitter is the taste of memories when the best memories were the sweetness of lips that no longer belong to me.
Esos pensamientos constantes donde me brindaste una felicidad que se acabo en tan corto tiempo y que no te hizo quedarte a mi lado me hace sentir una vez mas el fracaso, extrañarte no es nada simple ni complicado, es solo extrañarte, no tener esos momentos en los que alguna vez fui feliz, no es mas que un pensamiento repetitivo el que no se acaba ni se acabará hasta que llegue el momento de liberar las cargas que me atan a ti, pensarte como te pienso todas las noches, llorar como te lloro todos los dias, escucharte pronunciar mi nombre entre lágrimas me hace desear estar siempre para ti, aunque se que te he perdido desde hace mucho tiempo.
Those constant thoughts where you gave me a happiness that ended in such a short time and that did not make you stay by my side makes me feel once again the failure, missing you is nothing simple or complicated, it is just missing you, not having those moments in which I was once happy, it is nothing more than a repetitive thought that does not end and will not end until the time comes to release the burdens that bind me to you, to think of you as I think of you every night, to cry as I cry for you every day, to hear you pronounce my name in tears makes me want to always be there for you, although I know I have lost you for a long time.
Recordarme a mi mismo un amor que no pudo ser es vacío, es triste, es recordar mis miedos, traumas y dolores del pasado, se que estaré bien en algún momento para mi, para no saber de todo este amargo dolor que me deja tu partida, verte tan feliz al lado de alguien mas que no soy yo, alguien que te hace tan feliz, me alegra que estes feliz, me pides que elimine mis sentimientos por ti pero no se puede así de fácil, me tortura la idea de todos los sentimientos que vives a su lado, me tortura el hecho de que no puedo decir tu nombre en voz alta porque lloro, soy infeliz, se que lograre estar bien pero no se cuanto tome.
To remind myself of a love that could not be is empty, it is sad, it is remembering my fears, traumas and pains of the past, I know that I will be fine at some point for me, not to know all this bitter pain that your departure leaves me, to see you so happy next to someone else that is not me, someone that makes you so happy, I'm glad you're happy, you ask me to eliminate my feelings for you but it can't be that easy, I'm tortured by the idea of all the feelings you live next to him, I'm tortured by the fact that I can't say your name out loud because I cry, I'm unhappy, I know I'll be ok but I don't know how long it will take.
Me dejaste con este gran hueco en el alma que se que no se cura llenándolo con alguien mas, me dejaste con el inmenso deseo de volvernos a encontrar, de besarte, abrazarte e incluso de volverte a hacer mia, de ser tuyo en cuerpo y alma, pero no va a ser posible porque nada de lo que yo creí que pasaría es posible, no estábamos destinados como creí, no eramos el uno para el otro como pensé, no es en esta vida el estar juntos, aunque te eche tanto de menos se que debo repetirme tus mil y un palabras hirientes que me aleje de ti, que elimine tus recuerdos y elimine todo el espacio en donde una vez hubo amor, no se que pase el dia de mañana y me siento tan miserable de no estar contigo en tus malos momentos, de verdad espero que todo esto pase, porque siento que el dolor siempre es eterno.
You left me with this big hole in my soul that I know cannot be cured by filling it with someone else, you left me with the immense desire to meet again, to kiss you, to hug you and even to make you mine again, to be yours in body and soul, but it will not be possible because nothing of what I thought would happen is possible, we were not destined as I thought, we were not meant for each other as I thought, it is not in this life to be together, although I miss you so much I know that I must repeat to myself your thousand and one hurtful words that take me away from you, that eliminate your memories and eliminate all the space where once there was love, I do not know what will happen tomorrow and I feel so miserable not to be with you in your bad moments, I really hope that all this passes, because I feel that the pain is always eternal.
Aun no puedo creer que todas las palabras antes descritas sean tan fáciles de escribir desde esta postura en la que me encuentro ahora, es increíble como mi vida se siente tan llena de paz por el enorme hecho de que ya no te tengo a mi lado, no hay dolor, no hay desamor, no hay momentos amargos o triste, no hay memorias que borrar porque el dolor y la decepción hacen solos su trabajo, duele aceptar que no sentir nada es bastante extraño, increíble creer como la vida cambia en poco tiempo, no me culpo por no sentir, es mas, me felicito por no hacerlo, mi mirada dice muchas cosas pero... nunca te dirán un te quiero una vez mas.
I still can't believe that all the words described above are so easy to write from this position in which I find myself now, it's incredible how my life feels so full of peace because of the huge fact that I don't have you by my side, there is no pain, no heartbreak, no bitter moments or sadness, there are no memories to erase because pain and disappointment do their job alone, it hurts to accept that not feeling anything is quite strange, incredible to believe how life changes in a short time, I do not blame myself for not feeling, it is more, I congratulate myself for not doing it, my look says many things but. ... they will never say I love you one more time.
Creo que el destino nos hizo una mala jugada cariño mio, la vida nos hizo una morisqueta o una mala pasada en la que sufrimos los dos, pero siento que salí airoso de todo esto aunque no sepa exactamente cuales son tus sentimientos conmigo, que quieres que buscas que pretendes darme, que pretendes que te ofrezca, no me esforzare tampoco por averiguarlo, estoy cansado, puse tanto esfuerzo en entender tantas cosas, en averiguar tantas cosas, en dejar de sufrir tantas cosas que estoy exhausto vida mia, ya no quiero huir, no quiero correr no quiero entender nada, solo quiero vivir, perdoname si te hago saber que no quiero permanecer a tu lado, debes volar alto, debes continuar sin mi, con la vida que elegiste por encima de la mia, te esmeraste tanto por apartarme de tu lado, por hacer tu vida sin mi, que ahora me parece lo mas fingido y sin sentido que quieras que permanezca en tu vida ¿a que estamos jugando? no te debo mas verdades que las que te doy, sino te gustan son así, a mi tampoco me gustaban las tuyas, tu manera de hacerme a un lado, la vida no es justa, estoy ahora en donde estabas, solo que yo no volveré a donde estaba.
I think destiny played a dirty trick on us my dear, life played a dirty trick on us, life played a dirty trick on us in which we both suffered, but I feel that I got through all this even though I don't know exactly what are your feelings with me, what do you want, what do you want to give me, what do you want me to offer you, I won't try to find out either, I'm tired, I put so much effort into understanding so many things, into finding out so many things, I don't want to run, I don't want to run, I don't want to understand anything, I just want to live, forgive me if I let you know that I don't want to stay by your side, you must fly high, you must continue without me, with the life you chose over mine, you tried so hard to take me away from your side, to make your life without me, that now it seems to me the most pretended and senseless thing that you want me to stay in your life, what are we playing at? I don't owe you more truths than the ones I give you, if you don't like them they are like that, I didn't like yours either, your way of pushing me aside, life is not fair, I am now where you were, I just won't go back to where I was.
The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago when the HBD stabilizer proposal rose above it.
May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work?
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All votes are helpful and yours will be much appreciated.
Thank you!Dear @angelavad, we need your help!
Truth be said, Love hurts especially when whoever you were in love with is no longer yours. All you now have is memories, sweet-bitter memories which you can't remove no matter what!
Unfortunately it is very correct, but life goes on and growing up is the most important thing in the whole process.
I have not enough words to compliment your great artwork. That’s how wonderful it is.
Ow! Thank you so so much!!