Lack of education literally for them marriage means only sexuality.
Such terrifying demonstrate arch last years through social media I acknowledged that in Asia more specifically in India these cultures are more common. I have no words to condemn.
But yes the title you have given provoked me to write about this subject.@sunnyag I read your words which broke me, I am not pointing out towards that specific culture where this humiliating tradition happens, and each day hundreds of such honesty cases are degrading the women in the name of honor.
Sorry @ayesha-malik this tradition isn't from India but a country on the border of Asia and Africa. I would not name the country but probably you can guess the name. I can give you the proof of that.
Alright, but as I have viewed the same norms in the mentioned country that's why I said that.
You must have seen virginity test but I talked about Bridal test
Maybe you have distinct observations.
But yes you are right,
A VIrginity test is common in the world esp in armed services and at the time of migration etc but Bridal test is different altogether.