How scary is that, no seriously looking like the body snatchers arrived and took everyone with them!
Those desks are all designed with computer cabling holes, those are not even that old, yikes so much that is able to be used, leaving documents like that another not so great idea with identity theft and crap around now days.
You get my vote simply because you got balls enough to go there, then excellent photography to show the evidence!
@tipu curate
Thanks Joan! I don't feel scared as @dizzydiscovery is always with me. Maybe it's a psychological feeling but it works very well. I don't know whether I could have done it alone. That @grindle dude.. now he would!
I was just going to say, with all the stuff left around it looks more like they were fleeing the zombie apocalypse or something. No zombies?
Oh deffo a solo mooch here