During my time as a stock investor, I read a lot trying to unravel the secrets of what to buy. I was told there were two distinct types, 'Cyclical' and 'Defensive'.
Defensive stocks were boring and predictable whereas Cyclical were for the more daring, but could produce larger gains.
So why has this provider of food products which is considered 'Defensive' left this errr… mighty fine looking building.
I could not use the actual main building as the cover shot as it's too bloody ugly. Further within the grounds, we discovered this overgrown house that maybe the directors worked from.
I don't want to name this company as there are things of value left inside. You can probably work out where it is if you are not one of the 85 IQ brigade.
We had to dump the car half a mile away and walk a country lane to get to the entrance of this ‘Defensive Distributor Wreckage’.
Another house was close-by but I think we managed to sneak in the grounds without anyone seeing.
This gatehouse type of building was named 'bungalow' by its previous occupants.
Plenty of junk left behind, and maybe confidential material within those folders.
If you can’t get through the door, you can always walk through it?
Leaving the bungalow we approached the large main building which looked exceedingly ugly. Can you guess how I got in?
Did they just up their tools and leave? It amazes me how much shit gets left behind.
Ever get lines at school?.... 'I will not smash the classroom up and piss all over the floor' x 300. That book reminded me of those lines.
The thieves have been here for the copper wiring of course.
That paper sign refused to stick properly and be photographed.
Was this a call centre, done in the old style?
Just look at that - a doughnut still in the bag. Yum..
Even here there’s a bunch of clothes, where do they come from? Did everyone get naked before they bailed?
I have worked in so many office environments just like this one in the past.
Some evidence of other explorers signing their name. I know of 'peakys'.
Those desks must be worth a bit, they are used everywhere.
Is that water or piss? It looked seriously discoloured.
Everything you need for coffee or tea, even milk... albeit a little sour.
This seemed like an exec office, reports from past years.
We found a pigeon desperately trying to escape around this area. It kept banging into the glass until we coaxed it out through a big open hole in the wall.
Balances sheets through the ages; all left behind for anyone to inspect.
Having been inside the larger building, we approached the one I used as the cover shot.
The house was in a bad state, with a leaky roof being the culprit.
Server cabinets are expensive items, even with no rack equipment left.
I do wonder what happened here. Everything left behind, more so than the larger building.
This would make for a great detached family home if the roof could be fixed and it's not left to rot for years.
The warehouse area is the only part we didn't take a lot of notice of. It was accessible but was getting late and the darkness was drawing in.
Someone is seriously addicted and left all their substances behind.
That building needs a good scrub. What a messy-looking place for prospective visitors.
It was a good ending to the day and a large explore. We must have spent over an hour roaming around and saw nobody.
Other explorers I have spoken to have mentioned there have been thugs here smashing it up when they arrived. It doesn't surprise me.
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The amount of money that could be made from selling the stuff in there but I have a more important issue to google as I am now going to research the Sucksmith family tree....seems like the whole family worked there!
Don't suppose you know how to post images side-by-side do you please?
Anyway, I'm off to find a photo of the SUcksmiths to add to this great feature!
Hope you're keeping well fella and come on, tell ol' Nathen, how many salt packets did you nick and empty into your salt pot at home ? ;-)
That's some great detective work!, I wonder if they are aware their names are all over that building?
The salt pot hehe.., I'm not one to nick the unused sugar from hotel rooms either!
Side by side images can be done with this code... using the 'left' or 'right' commands..
In all seriousness, they have left a lot of personal and company information laying around there. I wonder why it wasn't archived or destroyed before they left? Very odd.
Anyway, off to try out the side-by-side thing and thanks for that mate :-)
Seems like they're a husband and wife team! How much info do people leave laying around on Facebook lol...
Say hello to Jenny and Warren!
How scary is that, no seriously looking like the body snatchers arrived and took everyone with them!
Those desks are all designed with computer cabling holes, those are not even that old, yikes so much that is able to be used, leaving documents like that another not so great idea with identity theft and crap around now days.
You get my vote simply because you got balls enough to go there, then excellent photography to show the evidence!
@tipu curate
Thanks Joan! I don't feel scared as @dizzydiscovery is always with me. Maybe it's a psychological feeling but it works very well. I don't know whether I could have done it alone. That @grindle dude.. now he would!
I was just going to say, with all the stuff left around it looks more like they were fleeing the zombie apocalypse or something. No zombies?
Oh deffo a solo mooch here
That’s a great mooch, superb find with a bit of everything, the opening para confused me, then I saw the snaps !
I’m not a stalker but the Ms Ball I have found is fit as fuck.
Haha, trust you to look her up!
This was our last one of the day and we were a bit knackered and with it being a biggie, a little daunting. More than we expected inside.. it's kinda out of the way and that's why it has survived.
Yeah looks like a few hours needed there
That was a sweet looking HP monitor in the one photo. I have some of those in my office. Yeah, what is up with all of the clothes strewn about. Especially if it was a food company! I could understand if it was a clothing company.
They were all doing a naked dance and forgot to put their clothes back on? They seem to be celebrating the closure with all the evidence left.
This one's really bizarre. It's like something out of an apocalyptic film where everyone runs screaming from the building never to be seen again.
Did the company go bust? In which case don't the admisistrators have a responsibility to sell all those desks etc. and recoup what monies they can?
Leaving all that stuff there is really weird.
The company still exists, and I can't find any reason why this branch has been dumped (I did look). The stuff left behind..., who knows?
Even more bizarre then. ???
tokens.If that was someones home grounds and yard the state would be all over them to clean it up, or be fined. Not a very community oriented company to leave an old area abandoned like that.
There was more left than usual. I always find something about.. (see the next one for something of a similar nature).
The clothes and books looked like stuff for a jumble sale. Someone who wrote in the 'book of lines' had funky handwriting. So much stuff seems to get left behind, but if a company goes broke then it could be up to the creditors to deal with it I guess.
'jumble sale' - I haven't heard that term in years! The company has not gone bust, they are still trading... just not here.
Jumble sales are great :) A form of recycling. I know companies write off the cost of equipment over time, so maybe they feel it doesn't owe them anything, but still seems a waste if it could have been sold off. I know little about such things.
I find it interesting that there are quite a few useful things in a house like this. It's different with us, I think. With us, such things - tables, chairs, even the stack for servers I saw in the photo, would disappear within three, four weeks :)
slobberchops - saver of pigeons! 😃😃
The cover shot building was obvs abandoned when the gigantic green ivy monster started attacking!!
Yeah, it tried a few times almost knocking itself out. These places are so quiet inside.. you can't hear a thing.. and any noise scares he shit out of you!
Pigeons especially.. give me heart attacks on a regular basis. Damn bird needed to get out!
I saved a pigeon once! In a car park, it had a broken wing. Had a swine of a time getting any bird charity to collect it they were all of a stamp on it and kill it frame of mind so you did well. Pigeons are daft and it would never have managed without you.
I can imagine the sudden flapping of a pigeon causing quite the stir in the dead quiet of an abandoned house!
They are terrible for keeping quiet until you are on top of them, and then fly out of some nook making a load of noise. It was quite funny watching it try to escape, we had to coax it to the gap.
As long as there was no penisery in the coaxing!!!
Something that deserted and overgrown here would've been stripped inside by day two. Incredible all that property's still there.
It's kind of out of the way, which has saved it's bacon.. so to speak!
Daily Travel Digest #1118.
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Some nice equipment left back there. Thieves will probably be back there for scraps.
I am always amazed by the amount of stuff that people leavs behind. So much money spent sitting there and rotting...
If they don't do anything about it, it will disappear over time.
Too bad😔
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