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RE: Let’s explore an abandoned sports complex… in Spain 🇪🇸

I so understand what you mean…
I can’t blend in, even if I want to try, I’m different.
I have been let down many times and let them change my life for too many times. But sometimes we have no choices. Every time I did what was best for “others” so they can survive… but some don’t see that. One day they will. But it needs some evolving and I think that won’t happen in their lifetime.
I’m fine with that and I know I did the right things in bad situations. They will never comprehend it… never…

As we seem to be different to them.

Some people are stuck in that mode, let’s do what the neighbours do or let’s get the latest gadgets…
Why… I so could easily go back to basics some won’t understand. Maybe one day I will. 🥰 and paint my little soul away 🎨🎨🎨 hahaha 🤣 yep we artists are already different and let’s add the other things to it… 🤩 what a blend!


I so understand You! I also have been let down "much", and I am sure it is because of the difference...
And nope, I don't blend in either - and that was part of being here (small part). After living in Germany 21 years, I thought that since I am Native American, to move next to the Mexican border would be the perfect camouflage... "NOPE", didn't work either! 😅😂😅

And I have been kicked around by a few and the list starts with my "Mother" and works it's way up... But oh well, it does not help to reflect on it all... On the other side...
It seems remarkable how similar our lives are, I would not have guessed that in the beginning...
However, the plus is we do know we have both had it rough - too Rough I think!

I have come to the conclusion You can no longer help these people. And if You try, it will hurt you - and they won't care.
I now use the law of "free Will" when dealing with people. Their free Will (wants and wishes) led them to whatever it is, it must also lead them out...

It is remarkable @lesmann 🙂 you know I could write books… maybe I will one day… sitting in a cabin with a log fire… it just feels I have lived already many lives in my (only) 43 years here hahaha I know I’m an old soul. And somedays I know things I shouldn’t know even see them. But it is there for me to “touch” I won’t put it all out here on-line though… it comes too close and some people shouldn’t know. You know what I mean with this I think.

I don’t know why we progressed to this already, normally I wouldn’t share about it much… especially this deeper thinking, but here it is… see like minded people do find each other.

The last part, free will… that nails it. I need to apply it more, but I’m somehow in a grieving stage that lasts longer than I ever had expected. Luckily I know and understand the layers of it. I just need to go through it all and find a way to live with it. Still a work in process. Some traumas do take time…

Well to be honest, I have come in the book idea a few times - but two things I think...
The truth alone in some instances is more than any "idiot" would believe is real and...
As things sit now, I would have a hard time writing endings...

I do get exactly what You mean about the "on-line" thing, yeah probably best not to "advertise" certain things - to be honest there is a "few" assholes here, as well...

And Yep, the wavelength thing is very interesting!
And "No Doubt", our life experiences made us this way.
Though it could be other things as well!
"Funny Stuff", right? 😅😂😅
I try to keep things undercover as well...😎

Glad to have met You!
Have a Great Morning, and Enjoy the Cappuccino's!

Yes… I understand your 2 points, but see it could be different.
It doesn’t matter if people won’t believe it could be real. You could bring it out as fiction.
And the never be able to write an ending… just make it books in parts and just continue. One at a time 🤓😉

Yes… exactly like that. Don’t put to much out there.
Funny stuff indeed. You never know where it ends up.

Thanks, me too. Great to have met you on here. 👋🏻😁 feels like we could chat about anything hahaha
Have a great day further ☀️☀️☀️☕️☕️☕️

You know I am thinking of possibilities...
How it "could" be done...
I like the fiction thing... Opens up a lot!
You know I just got it, though a lot of work - but if it pays off???
🤔😉😁 Hmm...
And Yeah, it does seem we could chit-chat forever,
A good thing I think!👋🏼😀👋🏼
And I do think that similar situations and understandings learned from them is why!😉
Interesting is the bumping into each other!
Have an Amazing Monday!

Ooo I do hear possibilities and something that clicked there 🤓🤓 exciting!
Yes, go with it… one can always try.

It is interesting indeed 😎 and yep, things that changed us, made us us… and here we are.
I discovered that with 2 other women on here too. We have soooo much similarities that we could be twin sisters, but each of us are at different ends of the world. But we connected. Here in Hive. So interesting indeed. I could chat forever… lol
Thank you kindly @lesmann you too have an amazing day 👋🏻☀️☕️🧘🏻‍♀️ With nice cold drinks that is hehehe

Thanks So Much and You Too!
Have a Very Amazing Day with some Cold drinks as well - after the Cappuccino's!
You know...
This story thing is not bad... Not bad at all..
There is "So Many Ways" it could be done!