Let’s explore an abandoned sports complex… in Spain 🇪🇸

Hi all 😎

I want to share with you all my next post here in the community and my exploration from this abandoned sports complex.
Was it empty…? Did people live there…? Ghosts…?

Let’s join me on my exploration 😎 and enjoy the excitement… 🤩 walk my steps!

This building is located in Casares, Spain, up in the country side… on the side of the mountain on an dead end street. You can see it from the A7 - toll road driving past. I always said, one day I go up there 😁
I visited this place last Sunday 5 June 2022, around 1300h, the start of lunch time for the locals 😉

After I parked the car, I see the building in front of me.

Everything on the left side is fenced in… also the road going down on that side.

Right side of the building.
Doors and windows are gone or smashed so easy access… I think 😉

I am standing on the roundabout (which is a dead end) and look to the right. Nobody around… great. 😎

Checking out the fence… oooo a camera, it’s not connected I see. Phew 😅

If needed I can crawl through the gap, just in case… you never know 😉
Sucking in… 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 Hahaha I’m small but might loose some parts of my clothes if I do 🤣🤣🤣

View towards the entrance.

I enter through the window opening… why easy when it can be a bit harder hahaha 🤣
My view at that window.

Looking around I see most windows are smashed and it doesn’t look too old either. Also looking at the graffiti. Recent intruders.

Look at that view they had here… wow 🤩 remember this is on top of a mountain overlooking sports fields and the toll road A7.

Next to me I find a table… at least what’s left from it.

More graffiti…

Looking around I see a bricked up door. A hall way and stairs going down.

I decided to check out the terrace first 😁

Rather large… and a satellite dish, but not connected.

Looking back inside… this room is big.

Electrical Installation that is gone.

Entrance… door is gone.

Let’s have a look if the stairs go somewhere 😎

A sock 🧦

And it’s bricked up… what a shame. Nothing there.
I wonder though… 🤔

Walking back up. I HEAR SOMETHING 😳😳😳
I wait for a moment. To decide what to do next. I hear the sound again… hhhmmm… let’s wait if I hear more.
Feel the adrenaline rush 🤩🤩 such great moments!

Now it’s gone, no more sounds. Let’s see what it was.

I peek into the large room. Don’t see anything, but I know there was something.
A ghost 👻 maybe?

It doesn’t stop me from exploring more… are you still with me? Ok, let’s look further. More to come 😉
I walk into the long hallway.
On my right the first room shows me the showers.
Marble sinks.

The showers.

Next room the same, showers, sinks etc.

But what do I find in the next room…
This looks nicely made up. Sleeping spot for 2. With beer cans all over. 🍺
I need to look out now. I could be not alone….
There could be more people in this building. 😳
Yep… I continue 😉

Next door I peek into is the toilet 🚽
These rooms where on my right walking down the hallway.
The last room/door is locked… or barricaded. I can not enter or push open. Somebody in there? “Hello”? I don’t know, no answer… But let’s continue.

The first door on the opposite side of the hallway has a really long room.

A dirty washing machine is all that’s in here.

With more beer cans 🍺

Windows smashed again.

Next room are more toilets, not sure if they are new… wrapped in plastic is put on after placement. Maybe to do the rest of the room, the tiles? A repair…?

Looking down the hallway… still empty 🤞🏻 Just me… good 😇

I decide I want to go down 1 floor… from the outside to see if I can enter below, from the outside.
The road was fenced in, so there I don’t want to try. But when I was on the terrace I saw something… some rocks on the side. When I go through the balustrade onto them I can get down.

The views from the edge of the terrace.
Sporting grounds below. Somehow it looks used? Right?
But this building is wrecked and abandoned. Hhhmmm 🤔

I look back at the building… moi 😎👋🏻

Views around the other side.

Let’s go one floor down… I manage to go down the rocks and a steep bit. My shoes will get me back up later again.

Of course couldn’t post without at least a flower… even a prickly one is beautiful 🥰

I check out the field below. The stair case to it disappeared. But the road down goes to it.

Next to me I see a rather new security sign. And a new padlock 🔒 on that massive iron door.
There must be something in there. It is locked secured.

Looking from the distance… wow the building is much larger than anticipated 🤩 yeah!
Let’s explore more!

I look first next to the massive iron door.

The wooden door I can not push open, must be barricaded from the inside. A birds nest on the ceiling.

Next to me the glass doors are open, I peek inside. Nothing there. More broken windows.

The lock broken.

Ok, let’s walk further… and check out the rest.
A large window cover with plywood. I do see something… 😳 do you? On the edge of the building.

Looking next to me. These doors are closed and still in good order.

Yep… 📹 I saw that right, maybe they are not connected??? Maybe they are…
Do you feel the rush again… of adrenaline 🤩

Windows are ok-ish…

O no… more cameras 😳😳 I follow the electricity cables. They all go inside the building. They could be connected. They have seen me by now.
Do I see lights in inside?

I look back to check what to do.
Cameras are pointed at the closed doors. It’s not moving. Or focussing on me.

I decide to continue. It takes about 20 minutes to get up here anyways 😎 and they have seen me already.
The back side.
I do keep an eye on the cameras, they don’t move…. Yet.

Let’s wander further.

At the far end are 2 free standing little rooms. Empty without doors.


Looking back at the building.
All quiet for now. Nothing moves, no lights go on.
Maybe they notice me and think she is just taking pictures and not destroying more… but who knows.
It’s rather exciting 🤩🤩🤩 Don’t you think?

A closer look at the back. Interesting, more steps down. The door is locked and I can’t go further…

Close up on the big camera… from the back hahaha 🤣

The little ones…

Let’s go on… 😎
You still with me?

Looking at the building. It sure looks like the lights are on inside… 🤔

The road next to it coming down.

I walk up again and decide where I get out. Climbing up… or walk the road further…
Let’s walk further along the road, it would make a fast exit.

But… nope… can’t get out, don’t want to climb over a gate or fence this time.

The fence is bend but not far enough.

Yep, let’s climb up again, over the rocks, under the railing and back inside.


There we go…


I walk out this time at the main entrance. Looking left. The road is quiet. Nobody to see.

Looking right… yep also quiet. But but but… I did hear something 🤔😳
Let’s just go.

Bye bye building…

We sure had some exciting times together 🤩😎

I get in the car and will drive along the A7 to show you the view up…

Here we go 🚗🚗🚗

Sorry for the wobbly last photos hahaha

The sports complex building… from the toll road.

And that’s all for today… hope you enjoyed our trip, and felt some adrenaline too, going through the building with me and felt what I felt 🤣😎😉
Thank you for looking and reading. 🙏🏻
Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.

Have a great Tuesday all 😎
Grtz Jackie


The divider is Created by SilverFish / @ mondoshawan

Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me first. As I have used some commercially myself. We don’t want that you or somebody else gets into trouble 😉 So please don’t use them without my consent.

🖼 My PRINTSHOP: for the purchase of all kind of prints in many sizes from my Artworks 🎨 and Photography 📸 Which come on different objects too. Have a look in My Prints Shop!

!pinmapple 36.399646 lat -5.241977 long Let’s explore an abandoned sports complex… in Spain 🇪🇸 d3scr


Always so great to go and explore and yes, either the Covid, or the sighting has outdone that building. With some alterations it could make a great home for some rich guy to live in.

A pity that you didn't find the origin of the noise though 😉

Blessings and have some !PIZZA

I love exploring these kind of sights 🤩 it’s truly fun.
Yep it’s one or both of the mentioned things that brought this place down.

Yes, it just needs some TLC and it could make an amazing house up in the hills 😎

It was hahaha maybe just an animal. Or somebody hiding 🫣

!PIZZAThanks @papilloncharity 😁 and back at ya!

Same as I love exploring in nature, as there are most often surprises. Over here a noise can mean anything from a Baboon, or a snake to a leopard.

That's why I said that a rich person can buy it, as it is going to cost a lot to alter it into a house. But the views will justify the costs, especially if there is a roof garden to relax with visitors 😉


Yes… a noice there can indeed be anything. Luckily not here.
But still, adventures are so much fun 🤩 love them. Surely we are not living boring lives hahaha

Roof terrace / garden… perfect for there.


Glad that you don't have the dangers there 😉
We also live for our adventures and I cannot understand why anyone would want to lead a boring life.
Big enough to also have a swimming pool, or a Heli-pad on the roof.


Just a wildfire that started this afternoon… a bit to close for comfort to say the least. 😖😖😖
View from my roof. It’s just behind that hill.
10 helicopters and 5 planes are up. They classed it just a level 2 and can ask the army for help… army is on it’s way.
Last year 10.000 hectare was lost just next to it towards the left on the mountain. Now it’s this side.

Hope it goes well 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

But no idea how somebody want a boring live.
Yes, it could have it all… even tennis courts where one football field was.

So strange as I also covered a new wildfire that started early this evening, but the sun had gone down already.

Take care my friend!

You know, it looks abandoned - but not abandoned...
Like something does go on there, just not for the public view...🤔
Have an Amazing Mid-Week!
I would say stay safe, heh heh heh!
Looks like You like adventure, so...😉😊😅
But yeah, "Stay Safe"

It looked indeed just like that. Why secure the bottom and not upstairs.
I will… don’t worry. I check before I enter 🤓 if something “feels” off I stop.
I do feel “energies”… what can be helpful.Thanks so much @lesmann 😁 I sure love adventures… they do make life interesting hahaha get some adrenaline going once in a while hahaha 🤣 it’s healthy!

That's Good and I Believe You!
I am "sort of the same"...
But all that's a "deep, deep hole"
(not necessarily bad, of itself...)
Funny how that works, eh?
Somehow you start to notice things a little different than others...
After awhile you notice that life is very different from others as well, but...
You also notice you are learning something they never even got close to trying (with their lives)...
Oh well, enough of that and I get "Exactly" what You mean, just always Stay Safe!

It is funny to see and sometimes look around you.
Watch people interact… be…. and think 🤔 wow how can they not see this or that and just continue…
It feels sometimes I’m looking in but I am not there, kind of thing. I “see” different, but that’s fine. I am me…

Thank you kindly, I will. You too! 😊

Thank You, I hope I will as well!
Yes I watch people around me, often...
And they have brought me in some conclusions about humans...
I think many (short description) are stuck in "animal", and don't even know it!
They are so far gone they are thinking that the "animal" evolved to "whatever" they are portraying...🤔
And they are comfortable with being "that".
I have a little bit different view, which also makes my life a little different.😉😊😁
I believe (although I LOVE my furry buddies) that I am more responsible than an animal, and that comes from somewhere.
Yes, to be honest my fellow man lets me down...😶😐☹️
But the "never ending search" for maximum comfort in all things has brought them to this - I don't see anyway out for them.
On the flip side..it sure is "Good" for Artists!
Of All Kinds!

I so understand what you mean…
I can’t blend in, even if I want to try, I’m different.
I have been let down many times and let them change my life for too many times. But sometimes we have no choices. Every time I did what was best for “others” so they can survive… but some don’t see that. One day they will. But it needs some evolving and I think that won’t happen in their lifetime.
I’m fine with that and I know I did the right things in bad situations. They will never comprehend it… never…

As we seem to be different to them.

Some people are stuck in that mode, let’s do what the neighbours do or let’s get the latest gadgets…
Why… I so could easily go back to basics some won’t understand. Maybe one day I will. 🥰 and paint my little soul away 🎨🎨🎨 hahaha 🤣 yep we artists are already different and let’s add the other things to it… 🤩 what a blend!

I so understand You! I also have been let down "much", and I am sure it is because of the difference...
And nope, I don't blend in either - and that was part of being here (small part). After living in Germany 21 years, I thought that since I am Native American, to move next to the Mexican border would be the perfect camouflage... "NOPE", didn't work either! 😅😂😅

And I have been kicked around by a few and the list starts with my "Mother" and works it's way up... But oh well, it does not help to reflect on it all... On the other side...
It seems remarkable how similar our lives are, I would not have guessed that in the beginning...
However, the plus is we do know we have both had it rough - too Rough I think!

I have come to the conclusion You can no longer help these people. And if You try, it will hurt you - and they won't care.
I now use the law of "free Will" when dealing with people. Their free Will (wants and wishes) led them to whatever it is, it must also lead them out...

Upvoted. Why nobody is trying to stole the gear left, like a washing machine, security cameras, etc? Frankly it's impossible in my neighborhood.

Thank you so much @valerianis 😁

I think most was already gone. And the cameras downstairs looked freshly installed. And working. I guess something was still behind the iron door. There must be security guards coming by once in a while…
The windows looked also smashed very recently.
But I know. Some areas all will be ripped even the sinks and iron/ steel.

Wow Jackie this was quite an exploration, an adrenaline one 😃
It feel a bit like am reading a thriller, I was actually wondering how safe it is for you, I like that about Europe, it is very unsafe to go out to such isolated place especially for a woman it is not safe in South Africa.

There views are breath taking, looking onto the sport ground and beyond. I wonder why the place was so vandalized though.

Thanks so much Joe, told you 😉🤣😂 hahaha what a rush it was that day!

It’s safe… I check first don’t worry, if it feels off I won’t go inside. Especially as it was so far up in the hills.
These things are better done in daylight.
We, women, still need to make sure that it is actually safe. As you never know. In every country there are crazy people…

Yes, the views were stunning. It was sad to see so much damage. I think the main reason that it was abandoned is the wrong location and covid. The vandalised part… because it is in the middle of nowhere.
It looked like people were sleeping there.

Some have no respect for other peoples belongings… sad sad things.

Until the next one 😎 Have an awesome day further @joetunex 😁👋🏻 Thanks for joining me on this exploration!

Some have no respect for other peoples belongings… sad sad things.

Very sad Jackie, reminds me of my car in 2019, I hired a driver to drive for Uber while I go on with my day to day work, a new car which I got on finance, you are not going to believe he turned my car to a mobile house, clothing, alcohol. He was actually arrested driving drunk... long story short he made me fall behind on the car payment and eventually the car got reposed.

Wow… sorry to hear that Joe. Crazy things.
It is indeed sad that people have no respect for others belongings.

It is. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday 🙂

Thanks I will, you too 👋🏻😁

Quite a mystery that this property has been abandoned, a beautiful house is not left like that because yes.
It is a pity that it has been the victim of vandalism, and internally destroyed in great quantity
Thank you very much for sharing this exploration.
have a beautiful afternoonhow are you dear friend @littlebee4 good afternoon

It is such a shame to see indeed. I think it wasn’t profitable as a sports complex all the way up there. No body goes so far as many others are closer by. The surrounding areas are build up with golf courses and golf houses. Most are empty. So it never attracted more people. Also the pandemic didn’t help.
I think it was build in the wrong spot. 15 minutes down the hill would have worked.
I tried to research it why… but I couldn’t find anything. So the above are guesses, but most likely.Hello @jlufer 👋🏻☀️

Thank you for visiting 😁
You are welcome, always happy to share.
Enjoy your day further 👋🏻☀️💃🏻

have a beautiful afternoonyes dear friend @littlebee4 is a very accurate deduction, building in the wrong place can be fatal, in addition, the pandemic contributed a lot to this happening in much of the world

It sure has brought things to a stand still all over the world. It will take some time to recover from that.

Take care! Thanks @jlufer 😁 you too.

There is really little graffiti for an abandoned building because it usually makes a perfect canvas for artists. It must be guarded a bit with all these cameras.
Cool pics and nice view from this building, a shame it's now abandoned.

My guess the broken windows and graffiti isn’t from long ago. Must have been very recent.
Maybe if I go back in a while, it all could have been changed.Thanks @heroldius 😎

Makes you wonder what they guard, as it only was on the lower level. Not upstairs where I entered.
It’s a shame indeed. The views were stunning there. 😊

You'd make a great detective, you sound like you were alone, were you?

Too much smashed glass, the house must be savaged and broken into just like you took the window.

Some people had laid in the place and taken whatever was valuable left there.

Interesting pictures, have a blast.

Hahaha a detective 🕵️‍♀️ lol yep… why not.
Yes, to much broken glass. Btw. I never break anything, let alone smash a window. This is how I found it.
You could walk right in. Through the front door or the window. If I can’t enter I won’t enter. 😎 I walk around a building.

It was not a regular house, just a place for sports men and women. Not much to take… probably some taps etc. the rest the company will have removed.

Thanks @boscohage it was such fun 🤩

You've shared in details and I liked the graffiti art on wall, it seems drawn in 3D style.

It’s rather fresh the graffiti. Not sure what it says.
Have an awesome Wednesday!Thank you so much @shohana1 😁 I like to share it all and draw people into my adventure 😉

Isn't it kinda remote for a sports complex? And what sports are played here? It doesn't look like it has any courts or pool? Weird.....

It is remote and I think that is one of the main reasons it failed.
I only saw the 2 football fields… below. Nothing else. No pool… or gym… or…
Must have been for football only. Or it wasn’t build up yet further.
It all looked a bit weird.

Have a great evening 👋🏻💃🏻 Thanks for visiting @livinguktaiwan 😁

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