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RE: Making Money from Urbex is BAD, that is a FACT.

This is the world, though.
It is frustrating when you are an honourable person and walk into a wasps'nest without realising.
I found a similar thing talking to the University: (not the hate, that's the Internet for you) their view was that it was a scam and/or for organised crime. My view is that blockchain is an important technology and serious crime shouldn't have the monopoly on the potential economic and social benefits. Now they've gone the other way and want to de-bunk the myths (good) and explain that it's risk-free (erm, no it isn't). It's hard work and these are nice people trying to understand.
I would just walk away for a bit and let them get over their drama, everyone enjoys a drama and the One True Way is always a good excuse for everyone to pile on. Maybe post something later if it suits you.
But I did enjoy your post, I like a good rant :)


I'm OK now, but wrote most of the yesterday in anger. Never a good idea but it always seems to happen.

The consensus is that I'm somehow selling out and that Urbex should be firmly underground. I can see the point of some of them in that sense, but I'm hardly profiteering here!

How long is it going to take before people realise that being crypto based doesn't make us scammers?

I have put hours into writing these up, more for myself so I can look back on them and remember the bloke with the hooked nose giving me a hard time when approaching some building.

They are stories, not just reports. I don't think my stories would go across well on those forums.. as they just want facts and not my warped humour interjected into the dialogue.

I won't be told what to write, and how to do it by anyone.