I have seen some overgrown places in my time but never have I had to work so hard thrashing through bushes, nettles, brambles, and creepers to get to my target.
What made it worse was that once past these iron gates and within the grounds, some bastard had placed a bunch of dead young trees with the spiky bits pointing toward me in a deliberate attempt to stop explorers from getting to the goal.
Well fuck that, it wasn’t going to stop us. ‘Stone Wharf’ was our last stop, it was getting late and we were not going to end the day with a fail.
@dizzydiscovery was about to call it a day but had no choice other than to follow me picking my way through the dense jungle trying not to pick up nettle stings and ending on my arse due to the annoying brambles.
Next to ‘Stone Wharf' was a semi-detached property thankfully with a large fence in between them and us. Still, we had to be quiet as not to alert them.
A little digging provided me some information that the fire is not so old and the property was intact until 3 years ago.
Squatters had lived in ‘Stone Wharf' until someone decided it needed to burn down. Explosions were heard! What was in there prior to the fire?
After around 15 minutes of scrambling, getting stung, and tripping up over all the greenery we spotted the house, nestled deep, lost, and in another time.
I knew from my research not to expect a time-capsule and that ‘Stone Wharf’ was severely burnt and damaged.
Was there going to be anything left besides rubble, dust, and loose stones?
A blowtorch. Was this responsible for starting the fire? Surely not!
So this was not the most stable of properties. I have been in worse.
It was quite evident this once distinctive property was now a shell.
Plenty of greenery was joining the interior rooms and what was left? Is this the remains of a rusted oven?
If the house went up in flames, then how has this cardboard box survived? The colour is faded telling me it's been here for some time.
The filing cabinet opened most reluctantly with a little force and a lot of scraping and screeching noises.
One document had survived as it was within a plastic sheet, burnt but not destroyed. Opening it, I found a couple of personal items.
Some packages were delivered in 1999 and 2002, and an unfortunate letter for Mrs. Towers delivering the bad news that her benefits are now going to be taxed.
The dates of both documents are 1988 and only £353.28 a year? It seems mean of them to tax her on such a paltry amount.
Upstairs was not on the cards for @dizzydiscovery, but I was not going to be deterred. It looks stable enough, doesn't it?
Struggling with loose bricks moving under my feet I managed to reach the top of the stairs and figured that was probably the limit of my adventurous streak.
That was about it for the house, the garage not yielding anything particularly exciting besides the bottle of water which did not look of vintage stock.
Just a few bits and bobs in the garden but other than this there was little left in 'Stone Wharf'.
What became of Mrs. Towers and why did she leave this very unique looking house, in a leafy suburb of Preston.
Was it related to her getting fewer benefits? I guess we will never know.
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You were brave to go upstairs. That's a real ruin now. Good pics anyway.
You never know what you may find. I tell you some other's I have been to since have been way ropier than this one. A certain mansion in Manchester that was literally dropping apart.. but it yielded some nice fruit inside.
Well if you break your legs don't come running to me!
Take care mate.
the important thing is to achieve the result, and then if you have to work hard at it you have a great personal satisfaction in the end, anyway congratulations
As someone who regularly visits the abandoned, did you hit any scary houses on Halloween?
Nah, covid has messed things up here and we are not allowed to do such things anymore. I know one dude who did a solo pub on Halloween.., one of my previous fails. He's a but mad though.
Oh yeah I heard England is shutting down again soon?
It is from Thursday, but before that it was dodgy going out.. not because of C19, but interfering cops.
Another great post, it's sad to see though, as this was someones pride and joy at one time, sadly left to the elements after the fire, I'm going to have to do some urbex when we can go out again, currently on Tier 3 lockdown in South Yorkshire.
I was in the Sheffield area just around 5 weeks ago and did around 8 locations. It's very industrial around there and yet accessible. There's a lot to look at, especially if you like graffiti and artwork.
I think the trike and wheel barrel would make for good restoration projects.
How about the rusted blow torch? :)
For sure. That one would actually have to be restored to a functioning state :-)
That p45 has lasted well
I'm amazed it survived... 'explosions could be heard', says the article. If you look hard enough you can find stuff, poor Mrs Towers..., what of her?
I am going to keep bugging you about it until you finally buy that machete. Maybe you just need to start carrying around some hedge trimmers. That might be less threatening... I understand why so much is built out of stone over there given the propensity you folks have to burning things down...
I would love a machete mate, more so for the back of my house which is similar to the gardens of 'Stone Wharf'. Nothing would please me more than to scythe away all this crap and also for doubling up in UX.
They are considered deadly weapons and I would end up in jail. You can't carry shit around like that over here!
Pffft. Dangerous. It's not like it is a gun or anything :)
How about these:
Those are garden shears, not a machete! You get arrested over here for carrying around a knife.. never mind anything bigger.
That's what I am saying, if you can't carry around a machete, maybe you should get a pair of these.
As always, enjoyed the little escapade into the ruins - you always make them look so sexy...
It's the filtering, without that they would look a little dull.
I'm not sure I would have went upstairs first, but I may have gone to take a peek after you came down, it just did not look sturdy enough for one person let alone two.
I enjoyed the link to the local newspaper, chuckled at this line:
It was nice of them to attend the fire. Even though our language is the same, (almost), there is such a diversity between American English, English from England, and Australian English.
They were too late, not a lot left!
Daily Travel Digest #1014.
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Very cool. Love poking around old abandoned homesites. Would love to take metal detector out and around a property like this!
It would be better in some of the older industrial sites I visit.. the ones built in 1850's etc.., more chance of old coins etc.. there. This property looks newish and may have been built in the 60's or 70's.
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Amazing long article
It is sad to see how the fire destroys a site that could have been used for better purposes, or perhaps if it was used and they simply did the damage so that did not take advantage of it, human beings are quite strange sometimes.
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