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RE: Is it okay to stake the bare minimum HP and withdraw everything else?

in Hive Polls6 months ago

no worries just sounded a bit flawed. There are however projects that do that and some thriving, i.e. delegate to us and get a guaranteed vote on your daily posts worth ~10x more than what you could self-vote. Either they give back some token or hive returns but they mainly take into consideration the delegators when curating which is very wrong.


I think my point was that if @usera has 50,000 HP and delegates 99% of it to @ocdb.., and you give them a nice chunky vote for their great post, comment on it, they can't even give you a comment vote back in appreciation, never mind looking at my stuff and voting for it.

The delegation takes away their power and moves it elsewhere. A portion of the stake I feel is good.., but 99% of it rubs me the wrong way.

This is the reason 99% of my stake is my own, because I want control of it. I am not saying my way is the right way, but it works for me. Each to their own ideals.

What you describe above is something akin to the bid-bots in disguise.

oh yeah definitely get that, doesn't matter what APR projects offer, it's a bit meh to have no voting power. There's definitely plenty of accounts doing that though, maybe we need to hike up RC costs for stuff. :P

Thank you @slobberchops for articulating your position...I have been trying to put the same into words for myself as I am of the same opinion.

Appreciate the clarity @acidyo .