Is it okay to stake the bare minimum HP and withdraw everything else?

in Hive Polls2 months ago

Do you ever see a high rep Hive poster that is actively posting or commenting, and when you check their wallet they have plankton staked (less than 500 HP)? I am not talking about delegating most of your stake, that is understandable. What I mean is when you keep your total Hive stake balance just enough to have enough resource credits to comment on all of your posts and others.

There are many Steem accounts that relics of the past, that earned much but sold at some point or another. But that is not what I am focused on, its active users that sell 99% of their rewards.

I am not looking to call anyone out here, so I am going to just display my stats. I have staked a little less than 3X than what I could have ever withdrawn. And I continue to power up.

But I feel like my account is the extreme other side of the issue I am talking about. You can find many active Hive users that have earned thousands if not tens of thousands of Hive, yet they have a hundred HP or less staked.

Using the website that is LEO's Dapp has given me great insight to others staking habits on Hive. And sometimes I feel shocked when I see someone earning thousands of Hive yet they only have a few hundred at most staked. Just enough to comment and post.

We were approaching all time lows for the price of Hive in the last few months. And I have stopped selling for the moment. Right now Hive is at 20 cents, and it has made me think a lot about the Hive hitting the exchanges and being sold for BTC or whatever else.

So I am curious to others consider how much a Hive user has put into the network vs taken it out? For me it does, and I have seen people on discords complaining about how little rewards they earn now.

But if you looked at their stake, its 10x less than what they have earned over the years blogging. Nearly no curation rewards, and were some of the most vocal users when the 50/50 curation reward split happened.

How do you feel about this? Do you find all of this sleuthing pointless? Or Is this a crucial group of Hive users without would cause the network activity drop significantly? Possibly other issues? Many of them leave great comments, and maybe this gain to the community is worth it?

Or does it indeed affect your overall opinion of a Hive user?

I would vote No, as I feel one of the reasons Hive and others have fallen in altcoin ranking overall is due to this. If more is removed from the network than gained it will have a negative effect in my opinion. And there is not much I can do besides to vote less for that person, knowing they are just going to cash it out right away.

If someone could show me it is not hurting the network I am open to changing my mind.

There are 2 pages

On the internet...
Content consumers bring money and attention.

Content creators make money.

Everyone is happy.

On Hive...

Content creators come to make money. They earn some. They automate upvotes and pretend to be consumers. The more money they keep in their wallet means they're better at pretending to be a consumer, and people like them. But that content creator isn't making any money, they're just holding on to money. The ones that noticed free money falls from the sky even when nobody is looking; they make money. Then the individuals making money are frowned upon by those pretending to care the whole time.


Create content worth money and attention.

Attract consumers with money and attention.

Since consumers typically outnumber content creators on the internet, the result is stake being in the hands of the majority and content they actually want to support is their incentive to hold. Now the content creator can make money without being glared at. Plus everyone stops pretending what they're doing is a good idea, until they realize it's not but won't accept it. However, not all is lost. Acceptance creates desired results.

This sounds excellent.

That's literally how the world of entertainment actually works. Not sure why Hive members insist on going against the natural flow. Their own behavior and common practices decrease the value of their holdings. It'll remain that way until they're able to see the difference between the role of creator and consumer, then embrace both.

Even "curating" content is dysfunctional under these circumstances, since there isn't a mass of consumers around to curate content for. Placing your "best" items in high traffic areas of the store is smart, but without customers, that item collects dust. It'll remain that way until people can accept where they've gone wrong.

You mean, double, triple, or octuple down on the same practice and yielding the same result hasn't changed them?

Maybe things will change when we reach decuple times!

20 people could come here and bring 20000 paying supporters in no time, and that's only, the smallest effort.

All it takes is one big bang and the community becomes an expanding universe.

So I don't understand why we do things this way instead of that way.

I think streaming services have the best chance of pulling it off, since having paying types in the audience is the norm. Then all that money and attention would spill over onto everything else.

Selling stake as the opportunity to be a curator or "influence" is not what people want. Everywhere else, proves that. Same with eight years worth of history here.

And I know that famous quote about what doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result means. Yet I'm pretty sure here, I sound like the crazy one.

I guess the "stakeholders" simply know better.

It is what it is. Everything can still be the same way for some. Just add that part in. Ease in to progress so it's not a culture shock.

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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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So true!...thank you for your kind reply.

Your "solution" makes a lot of sense for other social media platforms that are free to join and use. But Hive is a different beast and I'm not sure this translates in the same way. Hive requires buy in to become a consumer. An individual needs to invest in order to become a the consumer that you describe.

Attract consumers with money and attention.

Since consumers typically outnumber content creators on the internet...etc

So the question is: how does Hive get more consumers willing to buy in (with stake)?

You're not wrong but there are missing steps.

Hive requires buy in to become a consumer.

How is that different when compared to the thousands of people dropping massive tips constantly upon streams for example, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars annually? How is that different compared to the thousands of people supporting a content creator's Patreon? How is that different when compared to one purchasing movies, games, subscriptions and so on?

How is that different?

The consumer is no longer spending their money or throwing it away or burning it on something like entertainment. They're literally earning to support content. This behavior turns the act of consumerism into something productive for the consumer. Something never before seen in history so I understand where your confusion comes from.

Maybe take a closer look at the broader picture.

How is that different?

It's different because we don't actually see that on Hive.

-We don't have new users bringing in large invested stakes to make those "tips."

-"consumers" as you're describing them (individuals with stake that can tip or vote for content to pay creators) don't outnumber "creators" on Hive. On Hive it's the opposite. There are more creators. The Consumers on Hive that can actually pay for creation are essentially whales and orcas which only make up a small portion of overall accounts on the platform. The average consumer on Hive are the folks that Solominer is describing - an individual with little to no stake at all because they cash out every penny then earn in creation and curation.

The consumer is no longer spending their money or throwing it away or burning it on something like entertainment. They're literally earning to support content.

This is the ideal situation I agree. But it's not the reality of Hive - which you outline here

This behavior turns the act of consumerism into something productive for the consumer. Something never before seen in history so I understand where your confusion comes from.

I agree with your premise, in that it's what we want to see, but we don't see it on Hive at this time. So what I'm asking is how do we get there?


Hive requires buy in to become a consumer.

How is that different when compared to the thousands of people dropping massive tips constantly upon streams for example, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars annually? How is that different compared to the thousands of people supporting a content creator's Patreon? How is that different when compared to one purchasing movies, games, subscriptions and so on?

It's not different and they all work in the right venues, media content wise each suits different kinds of content differently to some degree but..........

wait till you guys see what I've been doing for you and all the other folks to see what everybody else has been doing!

doing doing doing doing doing

That's a success ball bouncing along.

You meant the bouncy sound effect.

I saw it as Do ing Do ing Do ing Do ing

And I thought you were describing my to-do list. It's full of do - ing lately.

But I got it, that's just how your successful bouncy ball rolls.

boing boing boing doesn't quite fit there.

I read through your comments here and if I got you correctly, the idea would be not to promote hive to content creators but to promote hive as a way to create an income stream based on an existing or growing audience.

You ask your followers to come to hive and you propose them to support you. They grow their account and by supporting you they also increase their own stake. Is this correct?

It could also be applied to any other field than the traditional social media influencer concept. Let's say, I'm the president of a small football club. I ask all the members to join and to invest a small amount. I then publish the weekly results of the team and people can support the posts. Thereby they support the club and at the same time, their power grows. The bigger the club gets, the more money it can make and the members can use the same money to support again and again...

It's like this: You publish something, create a video, do some streaming, or whatever you do. You notice nobody is voting. That's because you don't have any paying supporters with HP. You need those. That's how you make money here.

People exist outside of Hive. Billions of people. After staking some tokens, they can support your work, forever, and earn to do so. With every vote they give you, your support base grows. A much better deal than throwing that money away. It's also a decentralized revenue stream. If one backs out you still have everyone else plus more might come with their money to support you. Your market or following is set in stone here. Nobody can take it away from you.

So yes, anyone could do that in the same way they ask people to support their Patreon. Now the content creator can make money. Don't even have to say, "Hive". Just direct them to your own brand which happens to exist on Hive and teach them what to do. Surely that memo already exists.

Watch a few streams and look how much money people are spending handing out tips. They'll never see that money again. Consumers would love to hear about this deal. Spend the same amount of money they spend in a year on HP instead and now they have something to show for it.

Even an entire community here can seek outside support in this fashion to support the happenings in their community instead of sitting there wondering why nobody votes. Perhaps the existing stakeholders simply aren't interested, but that doesn't mean several of the billions living on this planet are not interested. So now your community is successful.

Anyone can do this for themselves, starting today. Could have been happening for eight years. We're not trapped inside a bubble here. And if you're bringing money in the door, cashing out isn't a big deal. They need to be real people though. If there's no signs of life chances are it could lead to downvotes. I'm only talking about legit consumers, active and engaged.

I wrote the same thing in another words multiple times, and some people told me that I am negative, and that they do not like my negativity, while I was only honest, and I wrote only the truth about this platform.

I am happy that someone else (you) also wrote down the truth, and at least a few other people are also honest (accept the truth as truth, and they do not see it as negativity, but as honesty).

Pointing at any problem in society, and saying there's a more productive approach, will often lead that reaction. I think in general, plenty of people can see common practices aren't quite yielding results anywhere near full potential. I always say the knife isn't dull. Just need to turn it over and use the sharp edge.

That is an interesting idea, I hope one day we have such an ecosystem. But most large stakeholders here are "crypto-bros" so it would be nice one day to see a change in who holds most of the stake..

It would also great increase the security of the chain by spreading out stake, making it harder for take overs or other shady stake based attacks.

Yes. It'll be difficult to break through that wall and just start using crypto as money that helps pay for the legitimate products we can offer. The average paying consumer type on the internet would love this. I know within a week someone would say, "You don't need to support the things you enjoy. Simply automate everything and get your ROI." Like throwing customers out of the store. They didn't come to buy ROI. Then we're right back to this same mess, praying for the bull run that only leaves this place trampled once it's done. Rinse and repeat. Such a waste of potential.

In order to have high quality content people would be interested in supporting with their own money, the content creator needs to get paid so they can improve. So the value that sticks around is in their audience, rather than the content creator's wallet. That's how it's done in life, and on the internet. Far more effective in practice. That's what led to something like Youtube having millions of creators and billions of viewers.

This approach where the content creator must hold their money in order to be accepted by their "audience" is odd and not very attractive to anyone who takes their work seriously. A true fan of your work would never turn their back on you simply because you spent some of the money they gave you.

And yes a positive side-effect of a mass of consumers is the added layers of security and decentralization. People want a decentralized media platform. That doesn't happen until its in the hands of the consumers.

Working on it, consumer boss!

This approach where the content creator must hold their money in order to be accepted by their "audience" is odd and not very attractive to anyone who takes their work seriously. A true fan of your work would never turn their back on you simply because you spent some of the money they gave you.

Yep, everyone here only sees their "content" in terms of Hive. So they should ask themselves...

  1. What's the value of my content in terms of Hive?
  2. What's the value of it on a global scale? ¿Huh?

Arts and entertainment is bigger business. More money. Probably a good time to start looking at those billions instead of what the crypto crowd can offer. I've been saying that though for a long time. Hate repeating myself.

That's part of a comment from June, 2019. It's five years later and I still hate repeating myself.

Melts away, so people can earn a high score.


I am not talking about delegating most of your stake, that is understandable.

If someone wants to grow their HIVE account as a content creator, even that isn't understandable...

For me it does, and I have seen people on discords complaining about how little rewards they earn now.

Seeing the same thing, was the reason for creating my last post... I still believe that HIVE can "survive", but to get there, we should "market" it differently... While HIVE is different than other social media, that doesn't mean that it's NOT one of them... Obviously, some people forget that it is a network of PEOPLE in the first place, and that's why they look at it as a "money-making machine"...

Back to the topic... At the Hive meetup in Hamburg, that was exactly the topic that we were discussing at the end of my presentation... Unfortunately, the audience didn't have a microphone, so that part wasn't recorded... But, the point was that even those who are struggling with money issues, can put on aside 5-10% and grow their HP... But, they do what you said, power down everything...

We need more education, more talk about the benefits of building healthy communities, on support, on helping each other... and HivePower is a perfect tool for doing that... That's why EVERYONE should grow their HP! To support fellow Hivians, friends, good content creators... To get there, we need to look at HIVE as a network of PEOPLE!

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Except this:

We need more education

They know exactly what they are doing.
Authors who can barely write a coherent sentence can still figure this out in minutes.

I suppose you are talking about "old accounts" and I do agree that they KNOW exactly what they are doing... IMO, there is no chance to "educate" them, and there is no sense in doing that at all...

But, I know that many newcomers have no idea how HIVE works, and they think that the system is upvoting their posts and putting money in their pockets... We can't "force" them to power up or to do anything, but we can show them how it works, and the long-term benefits...

no no. I mean new accounts, mainly.
They might not get the intricacies of HIVE, but everybody knows how money works.
Even the dumbest cunt.

I can't and don't want to force anything.
But I can choose what and who to support.

Maybe they do know how money works, but I saw many newbies having 0 idea of curation rewards on HIVE, and from WHERE the value of upvotes are coming... That happened here in the comment section, Ecency Discord, and even in some of the HHHLive shows, too...

I can't and don't want to force anything.
But I can choose what and who to support.

Agree with that... Maybe I'm too naive, but I like to give everyone a chance before giving up on them... To show them how it works, and when they know it, they can decide what they want to do... No forcing anything...

but I saw many newbies having 0 idea [...] from WHERE the value of upvotes are coming

They fooled you.

They can figure out how to trade/swap the coins and cash them out. But they don't understand how social media likes work and that some display 1.00$ and other 0.10$ ?
Nah, bro.

I just unfollow and they immediately hop in my comments and ask what's up.
And then pretend they don't understand.
Yeah, right.
Makes me angry - I sometimes just mute them at that stage. Can't deal with those silly 'I am so stupid, lol' - games.
I hate that mindset. Just writing about it now annoys me.

Delegating you still keep your Hive on chain. But when you withdraw it is no longer there. So I feel like delegating even with all its shadiness is better than powering down. But please compare how far we have come since Steem with delegation for profit groups and all of those have been removed for the most part.

As I have said before I feel like marketing happens naturally as the price rises. And that happens during "alt-season" as we call it.

Yes we do need to educate, but as @felixxx mentioned many know and chose to do otherwise.

But please compare how far we have come since Steem with delegation for profit groups and all of those have been removed for the most part.

Thanks for that reminder... We did make a huge journey and I hope we will make more of it in the future too... Hive is far from being perfect, but it is better than it was before, and it will be even better in the future... To see that happening, we need more posts like this one, where we can have discussions about important things... I missed these things as recently, we barely had any talks about HIVE fundamentals...

I feel people who dump most rewards become dependent on various curation initiatives rather than their own individual supporters, who often keep selling too. And that does not seem healthy to me.

I do understand some people need to sell most of their assets at a certain moment, but generally, I prefer to support those who create interesting content (to me, obviously), and keep supporting the others building something here. They may not be developers - building a community is as important as developing tools and dapps.

I feel people who dump most rewards become dependent on various curation initiatives rather than their own individual supporters, who often keep selling too. And that does not seem healthy to me.

Exactly! And that happens because those people don't care about the community at all, or about supporting others, or the platform... If they would, they would grow their followers and the network effect...

Web3 should be about empowering yourself (and others), not depending on others, on big whales... What you described is a typical owner-worker relationship, but we would like to build a completely different thing here...

Precisely :))

Greetings @solominer ,

Your query; Is it okay to stake the bare minimum HP and withdraw everything else?

What happened to freedom of use one's own funds.

However we do have the option of voting or not voting for those who practice a use of Hive funds which users do not approve....and there are many other ways of using Hive funds besides what you have shown here...which we could/should question.

Today you have brought forward something to think about....maybe something we should think about is who we vote for and why....another thing that came to mind for Bleujay is voting on or not voting on proposals. I wish we could vote against proposals.

The more clear query would be....does it hurt the Hive economy for users to stake the bare minimum HP and withdraw everything else?...however as you said in your post we do not know...even so, it is quite possible we are stepping on Freedom's toes.

I for one would like to think we are free to do with our funds as we choose....because circumstances change and sometimes we have to change our 'druthers' in the process.

With Respect,


Hey there @bleujay

Thanks for all the interaction here in my comments, sorry I did not respond sooner. I had a meeting with my farm foreman this morning and just wrapped up a few minutes ago.

People will always have the freedom to use their own funds, I am not suggesting we downvote or do anything drastic. I think the most simple thing we can do if we do not agree is do not engage with activity we disagree with.

Interesting idea of being able to vote against proposals. I am not sure if you have been watching the Splinterlands proposal. But it went from 99% funded and then dropped to like 90% and is now completely funded. I could tell people were contacting high stake holders and tried to persuade them to not vote for a proposal. I think this is fine and how it should work. But a downvoting option would be interesting for the DHF.

My pleasure @solominer ,

No worries. Really enjoyed reading and was great fun and highly informative...Thank you!

Yes, it was the Splinterlands proposal that caught Bleujay's was not quite like the drama of the olde days....however it did cause me to give me to give it a think...what a solution could be.

Thank you for your kind reply.


I don't see many YES comments, are they afraid to pipe up?

and I have seen people on discords complaining about how little rewards they earn now.

It's something that irks me, active 2016 accounts with a vote of $0.001.., you see them all the time. They are free to take it all out but don't expect any support from me.

This goes for stakeholders who have 50,000 HIVE and 49,950 is delegated to @ocdb or something that rewards themselves. They may as well self-vote..

Funny how that works with some OG Steem users.. I see one here in my comments now that seems like just the type. They do not seem very happy with my question I asked.

LOL, I know exactly who you mean..., this is why I don't write HIVE content.., you spend several hours reading and responding... 😀


I agree with what you said 100%.

Voting in a circle is the exact same thing as self-voting, just slightly disguised, though.

Voting in a circle is the exact same thing as self-voting, just slightly disguised, though.

There is some of that, but many of these people I regard as friends.., chat in discord often and are power-up people. You have seen my BOT (nobody else has, and it's working now!), so that accounts for a percentage + I always have plenty for manual curation.

If someone new comes along (yeah it happens), then I want to be able to motivate them, like you did me. I have a long memory of both good and bad things on HIVE/STEEM.

@bostonadventures springs to mind recently.., new account powers up a load, gets barely nothing.. or did until I started spreading his stuff around. He seems to do better now.

We need another 100 like him.


Greetings @slobberchops ,

Bleujay said yes...and voted yes...

Lovely to meet you.

Kind Regards,


@bleujay also has a substantial stake, so congratulations for not taking everything out 😀


@solominer really should do this more often...bleujay has only ever had this much fun at Hive on the Frigate of @joshuaslane . ^__^

"Haw! Haw! Haw! Blimey!" 😉 -Keptin

Lovely to see you Keptin....What do you think?

I tend to only post about garden and homestead stuff. I made a poll for what I should be posting about the most and it won by a far margin.

But as someone that has been on the blockchain for a long time, I have some thoughts and wonder if others feel the same or in a similar way.

Ehm, what? Getting returns from ocdb is the same as getting curation rewards basically, not sure what you mean with them voting themselves?

A bad example in retrospect.., I'm tired and a little grouchy tonight. If it wasn't for the larger stakeholders.., there would be no votes of any worth... and @solominer kind of hit a nerve.

no worries just sounded a bit flawed. There are however projects that do that and some thriving, i.e. delegate to us and get a guaranteed vote on your daily posts worth ~10x more than what you could self-vote. Either they give back some token or hive returns but they mainly take into consideration the delegators when curating which is very wrong.

I think my point was that if @usera has 50,000 HP and delegates 99% of it to @ocdb.., and you give them a nice chunky vote for their great post, comment on it, they can't even give you a comment vote back in appreciation, never mind looking at my stuff and voting for it.

The delegation takes away their power and moves it elsewhere. A portion of the stake I feel is good.., but 99% of it rubs me the wrong way.

This is the reason 99% of my stake is my own, because I want control of it. I am not saying my way is the right way, but it works for me. Each to their own ideals.

What you describe above is something akin to the bid-bots in disguise.

oh yeah definitely get that, doesn't matter what APR projects offer, it's a bit meh to have no voting power. There's definitely plenty of accounts doing that though, maybe we need to hike up RC costs for stuff. :P

Thank you @slobberchops for articulating your position...I have been trying to put the same into words for myself as I am of the same opinion.

Appreciate the clarity @acidyo .


You don't see a difference between centralized and decentralized voting?
Are you serious?


I have unfollowed many people for powering down.

It's okay to take a payout.

To take everything out, not bother voting, not supporting anything... I can't vote for these people.
I don't expect a vote back, but if I see they don't vote for anyone, or delegate all their stake away... I'll unfollow and never look back again.

Likewise, I don't vote many of your posts.
Because you get excellent rewards already.
If they were lower, I'd vote.
The way it is now, though, I prefer voting for small accounts.

I am voting - by hand - for 8 years now. With my own stake, which I earned here.
I am trying to keep the ball rolling.
And when I see a small account immediately delegating it all away, I want to smash my keyboard.

Greetings @felixxx,

Thank you very much for the support you gave Bleujay when I returned....I appreciated it very much....and I hope you continue to do so because another thing I really appreciated about Hive and the other site is the Team's E'Spirit de'corp formed....which has sadly depreciated...imo due to major delegation.

Many I enjoyed following, reading their content, voting for, asking after their families etc. have different plans for their blogs these days. Of course it is their choice and there are now new people to share this E'spirit de'corp with...but the others are still missed.

That something special is what binds an organisation least I think so.

Thank you is appreciated.

Cheers, Bleujay

That something special is what binds

You are something special 😘 😅

I remember November 2018, Krakow, you dishing out 59c votes on a handful of my posts..., I was overjoyed. I don't expect votes from you now.., it's not necessary.., a great comment.

So true, powering down is completely fine. Everyone should do it. But leaving some of chain and growing it should be as important as taking it all.

Yeah save your votes for new accounts with low reps, if I see someone that is a 50 rep it always feels better to upvote them than someone in the mid 70s or whatever.

Glad you have a working system, sounds like a good plan.

You know rep is really just an upvote activity count, right?

Basically, unless somebody downvotes the living hell out of them like you see with the incessant negative repped "bcpvoter" or berniesaunders back in the day, rep is just a cumulative "I posted a lot of stuff over time" number and got upvotes on it number. And we all know how upvotes used to be HEAVILY gamed, less so in current chain fork rules iterations and with various groups scanning for scammers but overall, its just a sort of longevity clock, no indicator of any kind of "quality" across the board.

So voting that 50 is going to encourage them, but voting a 70 because they seem esteemed based on that number? Is just voting for the person who has been vocal frequently and consistently for a long time now.

It's funny because I took a break for emergent medical health issues and international move caused by them reasons, and left with a rep number, came back and began posting and interacting again and watching my rep move daily and in decimal sized incremental amounts, and its moving based on sheer quantity of output, as opposed to the quality of that output.

I get my fair share of upvotes on wordless, two seconds of giggling between two people chatting in comments single image "GIF reaction" comments alone which moves the rep number just like my 2000 word project manifesto and feature update posts upvotes do, illustrates that.

Rep is more of an indicator of time served, than quality time, is all I am saying.

Low rep more or less just means newer, until its SUPER low on an old but very active account, then it means that person is socially pissing EVERYBODY off lol

I don't enjoy staking the bare minimum and continuously withdrawing. I recently had to do a full power down and withdraw most of it and the drop in curation rewards has been awful - I had about 11k HP prior and while that's a drop in the bucket it was enough that just by voting for cool content I would add about 200hp per month.

Im glad I had my stack as a fallback when I needed it, but I'm going to personally be trying to get back to 11k+ as quickly as I can, since I love being able to do a .25c upvote for folks who aren't regularly hit by the various curation teams. A lot of folks make great content and get overlooked which is a shame.

But to get back to the actual question, I tend to prefer seeing folks grow their HP because I've seen first hand how well that snowballs into further rewards. Delaying the immediate payout gives you a lot more earning power long run.

It is okay to sell when you need to, but I think you have the right mentality of staking it back and giving rewards back to the community using it. So I can see where you are coming from.

I wished there were more choices to vote on than yes and no since the question has several interesting points to expound further. So maybe I'll make a separate post about it than bore you with more than 500 words worth of comment. I answered no.

Wait. You mean to tell me 500 word comments are boring?

OMG I've been making an ass outta myself!

I've seen it, 500 words is a tweet for @nonameslefttouse

Further more, I've personally requested such tweets from just this very person who shall remain unable to be named.


If I do it, it makes me think I'm just pontifying for the sake of it. Even if it's not true from another observer's view, this is my own view of my own acts. Though I do commit these self imposed mistakes once in a while, I try to do my best to catch myself when possible. The post raises good points and it makes me think about my position. So much so that thoughts branched out to different angles that I can shitpost about it.

Maybe I'll read it and leave comment. You might want to set some time aside lol.

You already had me at maybe 😀

Well I wanted to keep it simple, otherwise my question would be muddied.

Ah nice just found it.. reblogged and curated it.

Tell your whale buddies to stop voting on them then.

You telling people not to sell makes them want to sell more.

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

Hiya @isnochys ,

Welcome to the party!

Hey @bleujay, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

@isnochys is the best! Thank you for stocking this place full! ^__^

Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Okay I will tell them 👍

I think no. These folks tend to be leeches saying how much they love hive (usually including the word community in every sentence) but behind the scenes their actions show an entirely different story.

I am not against taking profit but I have seen some shocking wallets and it does colour my opinion when I do.

I really hate to stereotype but it is true. They can say anything they want, but their actions speak louder than words.

Really thankful this is all transparent information on the blockchain and it can be queried.

I do love the transparency of the chain. People can say all they want but the proof is in the wallet and all can see!

Let's talk about circe-jerking next, ok?

I voted NO.

I will get some stats put together soon from top 200 HPs and reps, and see what I get.

Glad we agree, I wondered if other large stake holders took considered this.

Okay great! More data the better!

look the top 50 reps you will see that many are not even dolphins =)

I have staked more than I have earned :)



while I had to use some of my rewards to just survive in the past

I've also just managed to finally break the 10k HP just a few days ago

and I'm planning to break 20k this year

wish me luck!

Very nice! That metric is ideally how someone should be staking.

Hope you hit 20k!

wow, thanks for the compliment :3 and all the support ! :>

Personally, I would refrain from voting on posts by account that 100% just sell.

I can understand that for many, this is an actual income for them that they live off of. But what I can't understand is them not at least keeping some of the rewards to grow their account.. it's makes perfect sense from a business prospective to allocate some of your earnings into account growth to take advantage of governance, curation rewards and the perception of being invested in the network in general.

To just perpetually cash out with no forethought of the future is reckless. Do these people really think that they can keep this going forever without fail? Because they can't, they should make sure to grow their account and have other mechanisms in place to generate income as well, savings, defi etc. Putting all your eggs in one basket as they say is a bad idea.

TL'DR It's ok to cash out hive.. but for goodness sake at least grow your account a little while you're at it. Cashing out only 80% of what you earn will see your account grow nicely over the years. It's that simple.

As an example, I make roughly 40-50 hive a week, I power down 30 a week at the moment to invest in some tokens on hiveengine and diesel pools.

I'm a hive witness supporting the blockchain please consider voting for me.

I cannot imagine why someone would not ever want to build up stake if they better understood the benefits of hodling.

Even a little bit over a long time makes a difference.

Definitely a really important and relevant topic right now. It has definitely been going through the zeitgeist! Anti socialist introduced me to this concept like 6 weeks ago roughly and I’ve been sitting on it figuring out what I should do. About last week or so I put my money where my mouth was and started to focus my votes on people who are keeping their stake. I run a community so I give people who post in it a 10% vote and a comment but that’s really not a whole lot, without hurting the community itself.

For my other voting power though - I have stopped giving out a bunch of 20% or less votes and started dropping 75% votes for the people who I have seen consistently powering up, keeping their stake and growing on here. This is absolutely how we can improve the culture around here - the middle to large accounts need to band together and change our styles so that it reflects on downward to the people. I hope that it turns into people powering down less or not at all, because their free rides and decent votes are drying up.

It takes a while to turn a ship around, but it starts with one small move of the wheel!

I feel like the answer is not that simple to say yes or no, because it depends. I believe people can use their rewards as they want to so if they want to sell, fine then. But I also think that dropping your HP to the minimum shows that they only care about the money, which is not necessarily bad but obviously has an impact on the platform.

I personally choose not to because I prefer to grow my account which also helps the platform, and improve my content. But I'm not the one to judge people for withdrawing their hp because who knows exactly why they do it.

It really does depend, sometimes life happens and you have to cash everything out.

But many do not have good mentors here and learn the benefits of staking, or just think it does not matter on a proof of stake blockchain for some reason.

Yes, exactly. Stuff happens and you might need the money so I can't blame people who do that.

But probably the big issue is not having someone that can actually guide you and explain how the platform works, at least not well enough. That actually happened to me and still there's plenty of things I don't know because it's hard to find a good mentor here...

There is a group called "the terminal" that may be able to help you with being shown the way.

Thank you very much, I appreciate it. It will be very useful.

I say no, but with a caveat. If you're actively living on crypto, cycling HIVE out as it is earned makes sense. But I'm here for the long haul. I want to curate with some weight. I want to see HIVE grow. I still think the long-term value is way above present prices. HODL!

Yeah I think its two different mentalities.. The yield chasers that want everything now. Verses others that can wait and benefit from it.

100% HODL


I power up, my wallet clearly demonstrates it. I've started checking the wallets of accounts I upvote lately, if I see lots of power downs and no power upvote.

I've started doing this as well but like someone else mention, it can be a lot of work and very time consuming. Going into people's wallets and also checking to see if they actually voted for your post or if they are just farming comments, and then trying to remember it all for the next time as well. It's like you need a spreadsheet to keep track of who to vote for and who not to 😆

It's a lot more work but I'd rather vote people who support the blockchain rather than take it all out, I only just left a comment for one such person and retracted my vote and curangel promotion. Too many people see it like a personal bank and give nothing back.

I completely agree. It is worth doing for sure.

I am glad others are taking notice. I think it is important to consider whos sending money to exchanges without staking any themselves.

Yes, I agree and pay a lot of attention to it now. I also vote comments with more VP now, rewarding those with more effort.

The reality is, it is their money and they are free to do what they want with it. Expecting them to do anything other than what they want with it, will never end well.

If that is a concern of yours, you can use that as criteria to determine how you influence the reward pool with your own stake.

Ultimately this is all just another form of mining if you boil it down.

Hello @themarkymark why are you and your friend bots downvoting all my blog posts recently. I post original content daily with most of my posts receiving hundreds of upvotes. What is the issue?


Yep, so true.. I think saying I will not vote for people is telling them to sell.. which was not my intention, but I can see how people can take it that way.

I am sure many others with even more stake than me do not care about such things and will keep voting for those that are selling all the time.

Rewarding those who hold stake sounds completely fair, those take huge risks holding a asset that is volatile. They could have invested in anything else but they chose Hive. So I think its fair to give them more reward as its showing respect so someone else staking as well.

Rewarding those who hold stake sounds completely fair

Having criteria for how and why you vote is perfectly acceptable. It's a shame more people don't.


The damage has already been done by insiders extracting from the DAO and 20% HBD interest.

How the 20% (currently 15%) HBD savings interest is damaging?

The damage has been from people thinking that 20% is too good to be true and a scam, especially after the collapse of Terra Luna.... and the 2nd thing is that 20% doesn't come from nowhere... it is basically a value extraction method for insiders like there is on all Proof of Stake chains.


As much as I have enjoyed the 20% APR through @solominer.stake I do feel like it was not sustainable.. no way to prove that just seemed like being able to cash out HBD for so much Hive would lower the price.

I support them lowering the rate to 15% and I am not going to panic sell my HBD because of that. Hopefully it does not go the way of Luna.. that was quite the disaster.

Then the damage is not done by the 20% HBD savings interest, but by the thoughts and the sentiments of some Hive users. If this even affected the price/value of the Hive at all.

I do not think any damage has been done.. All altcoins are down. So Hive is no different.

But if we want to stabilize the price.. making changes to yields may be the way to do it.

Indeed when curating, one should take these suckers into account. Someome who drains all earned rewards should not be incentivized. However it is timeconsuming to check always the wallets of posters.

Yes its is important to be a responsible curator, over the years many I have thought about voting I decided not to for one reason or another.. Sometimes they are notorious on discord, voted for Justin Sun witnesses, or maybe just always selling all their earnings.. Many good reasons to vet someone.

I agree that it becomes very difficult and time consuming to constantly check each account and re-check (who had memory to remember it all?)

Is it ok? I think yes people have the option to do so. However Personally if I see someone constantly selling it all out I don't vote on their stuff very often. However there are lots of accounts where people just constantly sell and are upvoted by whales. I'm going to say a large portion of the vibes community does this as they need the money and look at hive as being a pay day. I feel like we need to get away from that and stop sending out thousands on projects and payouts to 3rd world countries. It's legit killing the price of hive as there's little to no value being injected back into the price.

I guess its okay as in I would not stop someone from cashing it out. Just I do not see a point to enable such behavior.

Yeah I know what you mean, sometimes it seems the curation is not where it should be.

I mean digging wells for Africa is nice, but does it have to be fully funded by Hive?

Sometimes there comes a need and we have to power down, deplete Hive savings, and sell tokens, my son did this to my account and his, I told him he could use my account. He did not want to do this but there was no other option for him to get the money so he could move. Now I have to start over.

This ✓✓✓✓

You are not the demographic I am talking about. You had a stake, but sold it for important reasons. And now you say you are starting over staking again.

The people I am speaking of never had stake, nor wanted it. And did not have any money to get them through hard times like your stake did.

I have pulled money out to pay for car repairs and I was always glad to do it. But I felt it was important to reinvest when I could so I would once again have the ability to pull myself out a rut if need be.

I love that I had it to give to my son, and all from posting which most people do for free on other sites.

I have never bought Hive or tokens, not because I don't want to, I do.

I understand staking tokens and try to do it once a week but I wish I could understand how to buy tokens and Hive, please do not try to explain it to me, others have tried and I have read about it until I was blue, I can not get it to sink into this old brain.

I would get my son to do it but he lives off-grid and does not have much internet time on his phone. I will keep reading and trying it and maybe one day that light bulb in my head will turn on.

It is nice to have it to fall back on when in need and I will build it back one post at a time.

I hope you had a great weekend.

Disappointing to see. Shows not a lot of confident in this chain.
Growing is key but most don't see it that way.

Perhaps growing the network by effective marketing will make it difficult and expensive for the witness to maintain the nodes. Telling the existing users to put a brake on selling what you earn is easier while witness earn and sell thousands in curation rewards by posting the so called burn post and tens of burn comments every single day.

As a stake holder burn posts benefit you, it reduces the amount of coins in circulation.

And many witnesses have some really heavy duty hardware that costs cost to what they earn as a witness.. Many need backup servers in case their primary misses a block. And those setups are not cheap.

I believe in the halving effect long term on crypto will be all the marketing Hive needs. As BTC rises from the reward halvings over years so do alts.. they always have and will probably continue to do the same.

Hive is in a prime place to take on more users, and seeing the price of Hive rise by many times due to normal altcoin trends is all the advertising it needs.

I think we need to remember that people need the fiat to survive. I don't know who you're talking about so maybe they don't but it's a shitty system if you can't use what you've earned. Every time I cash out because I need the extra cash I worry I'll be penalized for it. If it's good content and engagement, vote. That's what it's meant to be. I don't look in people's wallets anymore because I don't want to judge how people use the money they've earned. Grateful to those who can afford to stake the big amounts tho.

You made a total of 64,240.17 HP from posting.
You are holding 38,799.381 HP right now.

You sold less than half of what you made.
The post explicitly adresses people who 'only hold the bare minimum'.

You only delegate a small fraction away and you seem to actively curate.

The post is not about you.
I think you are a good example of how to do it right, actually.
Take some out, but don't milk it dry.

100 percent... Thank you for pointing that out @felixxx


Agree, it's like none of these people need the hive to buy groceries, come here and work it like a job. Because when the "holders" start posting about the "sellers", you have to remember that if they can afford to be piling up crypto in alt-coin chains, they have totally forgotten what its like to actually need the money and find this place and use it as a full time job.

It's rich kid problems. I was scrolling down, planning to bite my tongue on this one because its a 7 year long re-run, but you really hit it. The world is in a financial crisis, for the average person in any country, if you can make 20 bucks a week here and cash it out, its half a tank of gas or maybe a week of food for a single person.

But those that hold, clearly have forgotten eating on 20 bucks a week. Apparently.

Thanks for the support. I nearly didn't say anything either. I can afford to hold a bit but tbh it's touch and go and I definitely don't appreciate being shamed for selling, especially when I think I do the right thing on Hive with how I support people and run a community etc etc.

I also voted for No and I have not power down or sold major amount of may Hive. Hive Power is a status symbol on Hive and I am building it and will continuous working towards it. No doubt its individuals decision but we should also be responsible and show our responsibilities towards the Hive ecosystem.

That is good you are building towards the future and helping the Hive ecosystem.

But yes in the end people can do whatever they want with their earned money.

I didn't see any restrictions for the poll: account age, reputation or amount of HP stack, so I also clicked the answer 🙂(lower reputation, less amount of HP, shorter time on the platform, as they say, I'm a beginner🙂).
For the most part, all the comments were comments from members with the opinion - NO...
Thank you for your opinion, it means confirmation of the direction in which I want to move.
Of course, no one can judge members who need to be paid, but they must be aware that this may jeopardize further votes, even for the good content they publish (this is what Felixxx wrote).

I vote manually and sometimes I look at the history of the author of the content I'm voting for, if it's an old account, but with 0.001, it gets my vote in a small %.

If someone votes automatically (or by delegating his HP), he doesn't look at the activity of the person he votes for, that's OK, but by filling the bag for someone who will pay off, he reduces the possibility of his better reward...

When I decide to delegate some HP(I've only done it twice with some small amounts), I put it in from fiat, because I don't want any Hive that I got as a post reward (at this early stage of my Hive life), removed from the HP stack.
But again, I plan to be here for the long time and I don't need the income I have here now to survive...

true, there are many senior users who continue to publish, also getting great feedback from the curators, but then they continuously dismiss HIVE. So I wonder if it is really worth supporting these users who somehow damage Hive more than they promote it.

Yes, I have seen many earn much from Hive.. Just to turn completely toxic when it comes to appreciating what Hive has done for them.. @world-travel-pro is a great example of that.

Luckily Hive has its own "immune system" and the community has done well with dealing with such folks.

Maybe a controversial idea, but why not put a maximum payout on posts bloggers make based on their stake in the platform. This in a way where it's separated from how high something goes in trending. I'm sure there is a way to get this done in a proper way that benefits the platform. Not sure if it's a good idea though, it just briefly popped in my head without really thinking about it further.

The fact remains that many things about the entire Hive upvote model are totally broken.

By that logic, there's no incentive to create good posts if they have less stake. They can only expect low payouts for their content which they may have put in the work because they are conditioned to think they didn't stake enough to earn high enough.

I have to say, I am with @riverflows and @sircork on this. People do need money to live. If some of that money comes from their Hive earnings, so be it. That is how we advertise this place.. well, how we used to, anyway. "Join Steem/Hive and earn money while writing". There is no mention of the requirement of staking most of what is earned in that. But then again, if we had fine print that said "Staking at least half of what you make is required or else whales and orcas will downvote the bejesus out of you and call you a leech". I'm sure our pitiful onboarding would be even worse if we mentioned that part to new people.

I've personally never powered down in my 8 years here. Everything I've made on here has been reinvested, either in HP or in one of the numerous H-E tokens, most of which I've lost money on since they are by and large shitcoins. Maybe that's stupid on my part. If Hive ever does die or if we don't recover from the 20 cents we are at now, I will be in for quite a loss. But I'm one of those Hive believers who isn't entirely rational and not who you are talking about in this poll. Despite my investment in this place, if someone needs or thinks they need their Hive earnings in other places, more power to them. It's their money. Once a post pays out, the money is 100% theirs and I don't think they should be told what they should do or pressured to do otherwise.

In other words, I have the luxury of not needing to take my Hive money out. I don't have any ill will towards anyone who is not so lucky.

As a group, I think attitudes shown in this post, will prevent Hive from growing. No one in their right mind is going to join a network that says "You can earn money, but... we tell you how you can use what you earn."

Yes we should respect others choices what they do with their funds, but instead of selling everything maybe if they just saved 1-5% it would grow.. but many do not find this acceptable, even if their life is stable and in order.. so I question the intentions of those people.

I do get that, absolutely. I mean, I have been growing for 8 years without taking any out. So that's definitely where my personal beliefs are. Where I'm coming from though is that I don't know if I can assume others have the luxury of not needing the money that I do. To some people any money is a blessing, I'm sure you know people like this who live paycheck to paycheck. They know saving and investing would be good for their future, but doing so is simply not possible for them. To people like this, they are going to withdraw everything they can from Hive. Not because they want to be a leech, but because they just need money that much. To people like this, writing a post here and getting paid is little more than like a job.

Anyway, so that is where my idea is. I fully agree with you that they, and all of Hive, would benefit if they saved just a little, but I just don't know if I can assume everyone has this option.

Hear hear!

I'll be honest, if I had enough HIVE to pay down some bills I'd withdraw.

It'd be a great position to be in.

I'm not there so right now it's powering up, HIVE savings, and staking.

tbh, I tend not to be worried about how others are using theirs.

Good as you should, but saving Hive so its worth much more than $0.20 you can pay off even more.

I slept on this post because it was so ingratiating to see it last night, and it was still on my screen when I came back so fuck, let me summarize it and the comments for you real loud.

Do what WE say with YOUR money or we will shame you!

If you use your money however you want, WE WILL SHAME YOU



We're going to shun you too, anyway, because you are the POORS!


Those who are completely out of touch with reality


At the end of the day, people can do as they please and no one can do anything about it.
I don't think anyone here is trying to shame those who do cashout everything at all nor are they telling people how to use their money. They are simply asking of people share their opionion. nothing more.
We have the right to talk about this like anything else, some people don't like how people purely cashout. We can voice those opinions and you can yours.

I personally think those who do cash out everything but the bare minimum are missing out on so much.. They are missing out on curation, governance, having a say in the chain, the perceived and often tangible clout that comes with being a 'big' account. You miss out so much by not at least keeping some of the earnings you make here on hive.

I'm a hive witness supporting the blockchain please consider voting for me.

If anyone voting for @PolleNation witness is hungry, cash the fuck out and eat.

Missing "governance tickets" sure as hell beats missing meals and meds.

I am sure my witness partner EngineWitty will stand right beside me on that one!

Anybody can say what they want, but read the comments, they literally often are saying, not only will we have an opinion, we will treat these users who have freedom as suspect, or otherwise penalize them or even treat them badly for using it.

I don't agree with penalizing or treating people who cashout badly. It's just.. not right and anyone who say they should be penalized for doing so is either misinformed or needs a good debate to correct them or something..

I know a great deal of people do in fact live of their earnings and it's practically their sole income. To those people, I say do as you do and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'd also recommend that if they have a leeway, try grow their account a little also if they can even hold back 5% of their earnings. etc.

Those people are also the first to suffer from falling prices too unfortunately, but as much as we can discuses and theorize why and how to get the price to go up blaming sell pressure isn't going to fix anything.

To summarize, I wholly agree that to attack and target people cashing out and to penalize them is wrong.

Thank you, my work is done here now.

Are you asking if that activity has been noticed by me or that if it is considered to be in bad taste? If the former, yes, that has surprised me from time to time. As to the later, then my opinion is that one can do whatever they wish to do with their tokens. They can burn them if they want, though that would be disappointing, to me, if they were Bitcoins. 😎

Okay glad others notice this as well.

Yes everyone can do whatever they want with their tokens, but others pay attention. This is a transparent blockchain after all.

If people wanted to burn their Hive that is great! I mean doing a burn post or comment.. But if you mean burning by selling Hive for something else then yes I can see how that is not good for Hive in some ways.

I would say that everyone can do whatever they want with the Hive they get, as this is decentralized and not a dictatorship. There are people who use hive to pay for their bills, rent or school. If Hive is the one getting you through, good for you. You can also use it like a retirement fund, if this is what you want. I do not look down on someone just because they extract value from here, after they are active.

I agree it should never be a dictatorship here, but we should have the choice of who to upvote. Especially if they feel like they may be one the reasons Hive's price has taken such a dive.

Oh, the upvote is always our choice, isn't it?

Yes my upvote is my choice. Absolutely

I have voted this as NO because I believe in building and holding HP as much as possible.
I get your point and you are right that many people kept on selling their rewards and their wallets have low Hp balances. I think that its every individual's choice what they are doing with their reward but this time its best to accumulate as much as possible.
Hive at $0.20 is super cheap and I am trying to grow my HP holding. I believe that investing on HP is a long-term plan that will give significant returns and following the same for me.

I agree we should all be saving and holding on to some of the Hive we earn. Right now is a great time to accumulate it.

Agree with you Sir, that a lot of people who are earning a decent amount from the hive and withdraw everything that they can. And that is a bad thing for the hive, in my opinion. But I think that if everyone will do the same, then the ecosystem is not going to survive. So we should motivate and make an example for others, and keep is taking whatever we are earning. And I think this is a good opportunity for everyone to increase their stakes right now, because the prices are very low Yes, most of the big holders are at a great loss due to they do have all the power staked.

That's why I think that A few many biggest stakeholders should power down and stake and take their high power and convert into HBD and or interest and that should be withdrawn in my opinion.

Even if the biggest stakeholders are not withdrawing, they are earning rewards from other things. But still, everyone does have the right to earn profit and take profit from whatever, or where they have invested.

Yes I think it is key to teach others what is considered acceptable and what is not. Many do not have good mentors here, and I think they suffer some of the pitfalls due to this.

Not sure how moving Hive to HBD would help though.

I see someone earning thousands of Hive yet they only have a few hundred at most staked. Just enough to comment and post.

I have also seen some people doing this and they keep on withdrawing their author reward continuously and their HP holding hardly generates any curation. I think another way that we should focus on building Hive power holding and I have been following the same since the beginning.

Glad others are noticing, sometimes I think I look into these things too deeply.

I am happy you are saving :-)

After I read this post and read the part in the comment column. It became a very useful knowledge for me, and maybe for all hive users. Thank you for your input ♥️

Ah glad, yes the feedback on this has been quite impressive.

I voted "no", even if I'm not against people powering down their HP: the issue are people blindly curating authors who don't bring value back to Hive. If someone generates lots of traffic, views and engagement, they can do whatever they want with their HP as they are helping Hive grow (at least in visibility). But if someone publish low-quality contents and gets a ton of upvotes just because they used to publish good contents years ago, or because are friends of some whales, then that's where the problem lies... and they powering down their rewards is just a conseguence of having earned them without efforts. At least this is what I think.

That is a great point about curation. I think it is important to tell the curators they may have made a bad decision voting for someone. It happens and we all make mistakes.

Yep I have seen exactly that, people from the old steem days coming back here expecting something they really do not deserve. Probably the same people that bought votes back in the day.

You are right, but more often than not curators/whales/orcas are friends with those who get their biggest upvote or they get upvoted back by those users (vote trading), so I always had the feeling that saying something would have caused me troubles while changing nothing about that situation.

And I'm not saying this because I think that one isn't entitled to upvote whoever he/she likes: I'm saying this because I sincerely believe that by doing so we will very hardly see Hive become mainstream and we will always struggle with user retention... if new users see low quality content getting a lot of upvotes, why should they put effort in their posts? If some users power down all their HP and still receive a ton of upvotes, why should new users aim to increare their HP? It's pointless to tell a new user to engage, power up and write good content if some of the biggest, oldest and more active user are doing exactly the contrary.

Effort put in the creation of a post and quality of the post itself should always be the two top main criteria to upvote a post: reward those who work hard and bring value to Hive and you will see them staying here, powering up and engage with others; gift upvotes to those who post low-quality content, do not engage and always try to make the most from Hive... and, well, then do not be surprised if Hive struggle so much in getting the attention it deserves.

Sorry for this long reply, but it's rare to find a big user which is interested in listening (and answering) on such topics 😅

Good discussion topic, but I feel the word "okay" is misleading and mis-interpreted by some.
In my eyes, of course it's "okay" for them to do this if that is how they decide to engage or utilize the platform.
It may garner them some minor, low level quick rewards if prices are on the way up and continue up during their usage.
It's probably not in their best interest if they want to increase their holdings or grow their holdings over time. We all know that prices fluctuate.

In my eyes that is the primary reason I invested in Hive over the other platforms. Instead of being "just" another crypto following the price roller coaster, we have the incredible social media platform and concept. This is still just on the edge of people fully understanding the power and value of it. Just needs a bit more marketing and push. Versus the other crypto's you can actually earn more for "free" by posting and curating.

Even during the low price value times, you can continue to generate HP, which while it may seem lower in value when the Hive price is low, will multiply in value quickly when the price goes back up or even soars higher.
I for one example used the low prices to buy another 4K of Hive that would have been even more if I was in more stable financial condition.

Per my history, I will be powering up mostly all of that again on Powerup day. The more of us that do that and vote on each others posts with higher value votes, the more everyone's stake grows, both the voters and the voted. I don't autovote. I manually curate all my votes and reward the quality posts in my communities with quality votes. This is what real social media platform and real Hive growth is about.

Let me tell you from experience, when your value jumps from $5K dollars to $50K dollars or $100K dollars on price jumps it's quite a nice feeling.
Maybe one of these days I'll pull some out during a price swell and sell for retirement, but for the near and mid-term I'm still a HODLER and GROWER.

...and that's a longer rant than I've done in a year :) Now everyone get out there and grow yourself!

Yes, at the end of the day people can do whatever they want with their tokens.

And I have seen what you are talking about first hand with how these alt coins that we consider gems can grow. I 100 percent agree with you this place is special and not like other coins. But for many the rush of getting a bigger payout now sometimes takes president of long term planning.

I don't think there will be anyone who comments yes to this question, and I agree with some of what @introvert-dime said in the comments. We need more active Hive users, and we especially need users who don't think about anything other than selling every Hive they get. Every person is free to sell Hive as they wish, but why do it for pointless reasons and price pressure? This is a topic that needs to be discussed at length and I'm glad you shared it. I will follow the comments with interest.

They can comment yes and convince me why. I am open to changing my mind, but the way I see it is withdrawing all of your coins and not staking any is not good for the Hive ecosystem.

Thanks man, glad you liked the post.. Lots of interesting and some quite hostile comments.. lol oh well that is life.

People need to get paid BUT look at this for the real truth. You can very clearly see the VALUE of the account compared to the reputation. You can see who has taken all their HP and sold it off. You can see the clear disparities in many cases. It is very illuminating to peruse the rankings with a critical eye...

Ah yes, that is a great dapp. Indeed you can really see some trends in there. A little overwhelming the amount of info that can be parsed there.. but glad to have it.

Of course yes, it's the smartest thing you can do. Unless you are a crypto fan and you will find hundreds of justifications that make you dream of a great future.

That is your choice, probably not the smartest though if you sell the Hive for some other coin that will do worse. Hive has been around a long time, unlike 10,000's other altcoins.

No, it's not really my choice, but it is the best choice for the vast majority of Hive users.

Over time everything evolves and with it the economy, and the responses are to adapt or resist. Today, the new currency is called attention, and it is what moves the world, not fiat or alt coins. The vast majority of Hive users come because they are interested in earning a few HBD quickly (it called their attention), and in exchange for this they sacrifice the benefits that they would obtain on their own blogs in the future. Can they be considered looters or extractors? No, because they contribute hundreds of thousands of times more value to Hive, by directing attention to Hive as long as that content continues to appear on the Internet, than those who prefer to profit from Hive through greed simply by accumulating Hive Power .

Hive must learn how to profit from that attention....


And there is not much I can do besides to vote less for that person, knowing they are just going to cash it out right away

Same here, if I would cash out, then I won't come back and post for the sake of earning some profit alone.

Glad I am not alone, and happy we have other high stake holders considering how their votes affect the ecosystem.

I would feel really weird if I powered down everything and expected others to still treat me the same... not a mentality I keep.

I would say it is not good, but it is ok

Yes exactly!

I would say no, but feel free to withdraw some. Power up > withdraw.

It's okay to withdraw sometimes, I personally withdrawn only twice or thrice since 2021. And it is not a lot. I think it was less than 50 HBD.

Yes its okay with withdraw, but to keep building stake on such a platform should be peoples highest priorities.. Even if its a tiny amount at a time.. It can be done.

Of course yes. Your money (earnings), your choice. Everyone can do whatever they would like to do with their own money.

Yes its always your money, spend it how you see wise. I completely agree. But people are judged based on their actions.

Awesome post, I'm a new user of course for me this is a new experience, and I read some of the comments below of course I will understand, how it works 🙏

Your account is almost three years old.. How is that new?

But I see you do work hard on keeping your stake, and I am glad for that.

If you're selling hive for tokens on Hive Engine, that's cool.

If you are selling tokens that stay in the ecosystem I think so. But Swap-Hive is not a substitute for Hive IMO

investing in the ecosystem is probably better than just hoarding HP and setting up auto curation, at least you're supporting people who are doing some business with hive.

Swap-Hive is just used as a bridge to buy other tokens and even buying it does support core devs behind hive-engine, bee token, etc as there are small fees. If you're using Swap-Hive to exit buy buying Eth/BTC/Steem/whatever then no, it's the same thing as dumping Hive.

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