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RE: Is it okay to stake the bare minimum HP and withdraw everything else?

in Hive Polls3 months ago

Is it ok? I think yes people have the option to do so. However Personally if I see someone constantly selling it all out I don't vote on their stuff very often. However there are lots of accounts where people just constantly sell and are upvoted by whales. I'm going to say a large portion of the vibes community does this as they need the money and look at hive as being a pay day. I feel like we need to get away from that and stop sending out thousands on projects and payouts to 3rd world countries. It's legit killing the price of hive as there's little to no value being injected back into the price.


I guess its okay as in I would not stop someone from cashing it out. Just I do not see a point to enable such behavior.

Yeah I know what you mean, sometimes it seems the curation is not where it should be.

I mean digging wells for Africa is nice, but does it have to be fully funded by Hive?