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RE: Is it okay to stake the bare minimum HP and withdraw everything else?

in Hive Polls3 months ago

So true, powering down is completely fine. Everyone should do it. But leaving some of chain and growing it should be as important as taking it all.

Yeah save your votes for new accounts with low reps, if I see someone that is a 50 rep it always feels better to upvote them than someone in the mid 70s or whatever.

Glad you have a working system, sounds like a good plan.


You know rep is really just an upvote activity count, right?

Basically, unless somebody downvotes the living hell out of them like you see with the incessant negative repped "bcpvoter" or berniesaunders back in the day, rep is just a cumulative "I posted a lot of stuff over time" number and got upvotes on it number. And we all know how upvotes used to be HEAVILY gamed, less so in current chain fork rules iterations and with various groups scanning for scammers but overall, its just a sort of longevity clock, no indicator of any kind of "quality" across the board.

So voting that 50 is going to encourage them, but voting a 70 because they seem esteemed based on that number? Is just voting for the person who has been vocal frequently and consistently for a long time now.

It's funny because I took a break for emergent medical health issues and international move caused by them reasons, and left with a rep number, came back and began posting and interacting again and watching my rep move daily and in decimal sized incremental amounts, and its moving based on sheer quantity of output, as opposed to the quality of that output.

I get my fair share of upvotes on wordless, two seconds of giggling between two people chatting in comments single image "GIF reaction" comments alone which moves the rep number just like my 2000 word project manifesto and feature update posts upvotes do, illustrates that.

Rep is more of an indicator of time served, than quality time, is all I am saying.

Low rep more or less just means newer, until its SUPER low on an old but very active account, then it means that person is socially pissing EVERYBODY off lol