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RE: Is it okay to stake the bare minimum HP and withdraw everything else?

in Hive Polls3 months ago

I don't agree with penalizing or treating people who cashout badly. It's just.. not right and anyone who say they should be penalized for doing so is either misinformed or needs a good debate to correct them or something..

I know a great deal of people do in fact live of their earnings and it's practically their sole income. To those people, I say do as you do and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'd also recommend that if they have a leeway, try grow their account a little also if they can even hold back 5% of their earnings. etc.

Those people are also the first to suffer from falling prices too unfortunately, but as much as we can discuses and theorize why and how to get the price to go up blaming sell pressure isn't going to fix anything.

To summarize, I wholly agree that to attack and target people cashing out and to penalize them is wrong.


Thank you, my work is done here now.