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RE: SPS Poll: Should we alter the contents of Conclave Arcana Starter Packs?

in Hive Pollslast month

I respect your views, but want to be clear RB has not 'maintained value'. We have a few OP cards totally skewing the average, while the majority have gone down considerably since release. I know because I have been watching, and regret buying many cards early at 2x, 3x, or 4x the current price. I'm still watching most go down... even trying to DCA the set over the past few months, I kick myself for even buying a few cards a month or two ago as prices have still dropped considerably!

The way to drive value is DEMAND, and that is ONLY done with new players and a constantly expanding player base. ALL of our problems come from that, band aids and intentional price walls will only work against us long term. A 1/100th change of an E, L, or GF will hardly change the market value on those cards while adding excitement for the little guy. It's the 'always available' stater sets that will devalue the set, I didn't know the staters would still be available after the standard boosters were OOP.


I think I would be okay with 1/100th honestly. We'll see what the DAO thinks. As I said above, I'm not overly invested in this particular argument and I've told you personally I don't really even care if the DAO wanted to move back to cheaper packs. I think the terms just need to be known upfront so people can make decisions accordingly. If the DAO wants some tiny chance at epic/legendary cards (like microscopic) I could probably support it... I definitely wouldn't vote against it.