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RE: What kind of powerdown option would you prefer?

in Hive Polls7 months ago

I don't think anything needs to change about the 13 week powerdown. I think if people are unsure about investing on this platform, they can simply start more slowly. The things you can do on this platform with a small sum are the same as you can do with a large sum, especially since there are so many programs to ensure folks have sufficient resource credits. Give it a shot with your $10 investment or whatever for a few weeks instead of trying $100,000 right off the bat and then trying to get it all back in a snap. 13 is short enough.


That's true but in terms of influence and attention it matters how big your vote is.

1000 people all with a vote worth ten cents is far more influential and full of attention than one vote worth the same amount.

All that one vote did was put a post on trending, it's costly, and it hasn't received any views yet aside from one. The 1000 votes is affordable to more people, placing the post on trending, with 1000 views.

That's the difference between an "investor" and a group of "consumers" doing the exact same thing.

Yes but in terms of "trying hive as an investor" you're not going to get as much attention for your brand/personality/content/whatever if you're relying on using your voting influence to bring in likeminded people to your thing. Sure there's other accounts and projects that'll help you get your posts to trending or more visible but I meant in terms of using hive as attention generation.

We've also seen in the past that people matter, there's been accounts like theycallmedan who with stake have received tons of attention continuously then we've had other whales who may not have used theirs as well and barely any attention was generated/people realized they're kind of full of shit, etc.

That doesn't mean you can't generate the same kind of attention as a minnow/dolphin/orca though, it'll just rely mostly on your engagement, content, ideas, brand, etc in that case and won't be about investing.

If a brand could attract 10000 consumers all with 2 cent votes, which is even more affordable, all from the outside, bringing them in, what does that do for this ecosystem?

alright mate, i usually love your comments but seems you're more interested in discussing something unrelated here and I haven't even had coffee yet

It's not unrelated. The brand influenced 10000 people to view and support their work here and they all have enough stake to provide a vote worth 2 cents. Add that up.

That's far more attention generated when compared to what one individual with the same amount of stake can do.

One brand with no investment brings 10000 more people to the platform, while the individual with the large vote only brought themselves. While 10000 combined have the same amount of stake as 1.

A large vote is not as effective in this scenario. The small votes are far more effective. And since they're affordable, far more likely to occur.

Have some coffee. I think I will too and ponder if I'm living inside of a simulation or not.

Okay but the talk was about investors trying out hive and if it matters if they can try it with 1k hive or 10k, 100k, 1kk. They're not going to get the same experience depending on how much they bought in to test it with in all aspects, it's another thing if that brand can bring in 1000+ other minnows/dolphins, that'd be best case scenario but we haven't had much luck in actual influencers outside of this place understanding and seeing potential in hive enough to actively try to bring in their audience/followers to support them and get support back.