Before Hive, I saw a lot of this. Back when many of us were on Steem, self upvoting comments was common, so was buying upvotes. But much has changed since 2020 and before Hive came into existence. Other such things discussed were double posting on Hive and Steem at the time of the fork. And plagiarism / copy pastes was taken more seriously as the formation of Hive was happening.
Do I dare push the button?
Around this time of March 2020, I remember many talks about what was no longer acceptable. You could no longer pay your way into trending, and getting attention required a much more grassroots approach. One of the behaviors I recall deemed no longer acceptable was self upvoting your own comments.
Many have adjusted their strategies by moving funds to another account and upvote themselves that way. Though with blockchain forensics and looking at details such as memo fields on withdraws to those people can be figured out as well.
So my question is, on Hive is it okay to upvote your own comments?
I say no, you should take that vote and share it with someone else and not on yourself. The same could be said about upvoting your own posts, but today that is not the discussion I want to have. We are talking about specially upvoting your own comments directly or by proxy. Is that okay?
Lets see how the community feels four years later.
Seeing as Hive Watchers is the authority on abuse on Hive, and they used to self-vote 60-80 comments a day for $1-2 each it seems it is allowed.
They also earned over $230,000 in author rewards doing things they flagged others for doing for $0.03. So I would think they are the expert authority on it.
But what do I know, I am not paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by the DHF to decide these things.
These are the people protecting you from anyone abusing the reward pool.
Nothing like a bit of corruption in the system....
I've just briefly browsed their latest comments (2 weeks or so), and they've stopped, likely because you or somebody else kept pointing it out.
Still, they get quite a lot of money, and there're hardly any real benefits for the network.
They stopped when they got their $350/day proposal funded.
Oh, I see.
That really sucks to see that. I guess they thought they could get away with it unnoticed early on.
Though with the blockchain and being able to query it like you do. We are going to indeed find skeletons in the closet.
Thanks for pointing this out
I've been saying this for ages, but they continue to be funded.
I asked a simple question in their discord in 4+ years, when handing out 200 day demands users to decline posts, I asked if they thought this was a good idea or the user would just go and create new accounts. I was put in timeout, and then when their proposal was unfunded, I was permanently banned. For asking one serious question in 4-5 years, because I don't agree with them.
Asking simple questions here tends to result in bad outcomes. It reached the point with me where I just only talk to people in private about things I notice or dislike. This sort of stuff tends to be a leading cause as to why I feel like Hive is slowly drying out and living on borrowed time.
This chain can't grow with such odd attempts to either moderate or distribute. We're pissing away money on a rally car that maybe 2,000 people (outside of Hive!) actually know about while attempts to bring people in (Splinterlands) can barely keep their doors open. At the same time people are getting YouTube channels funded through proposals. Everything's just so all over the place and void of structure; this sounds fine when you consider decentralisation, but proposals really are just a big group supporting their pals for the most part.
(3/3) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily@namiks, @bilpcoinbpc
And the faux outrage against people with 2K HP in their wallets should now look dumb as hell.
While some of your "favorite" people have been cashing out close to $500K from the chain. lol
Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below
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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use
Shit like this is why this place went down the tubes. We have a bunch of fucking toxic gatekeeping cunts on here ruining the place. Patting themselves on the back for doing so. Then raping the reward pool for themselves and then downvoting some guy in Africa because he posted content that wasn't good enough. Then we wonder. Hey where is everyone? Why don't we have more people on here. Yeah well because the gatekeepers told them to fuck off.
Who is going to stop this nonsense?
The Nonsense Busters.
Just look how dumb I look for voting for my own comment.
Don't be like me!
Or you'll look dumb, too.
This has been a public service announcement brought to you by, me.
Shame!... Lol
"Ow! I'm being downvoted! How didn't I see this coming?! Help! Hive is going to fail now!"
Think, before you do, at all times, or this could be you, dear Self Voter.
This has been another public service announcement experience.
I didn't know that it is against HIVE etiquette to upvote your own comments. There should be a warning when you try to upvote your own comment or even better disable the option to self-upvote a comment. This poll / post and comments below clearly show upvoting your own comments isn't OK, so I will stop from now on.
LOL I was so confused by the hivebuzz image in the middle of this hahaha
I was like, I don't self vote for myself OR my witness account or my app accounts for the hive apps I make for the platform users to enjoy. Why me? Then I saw what you did there indicating the power of your own vote on a one word comment on a "minnow's" billboard comment where the only person that big vote would benefit would be yourself and I got it then. But at first I was like, aw shucks, hes congratulating me before getting to his other points. I see that you actually did that on the OP and somehow missed it two days ago, but responded there and thanks here as well! :)
Haha, I was trying to upvote your congrats in the image above at first, as I am at work and slightly distracted while scrolling hive blogs. LOL, I'm the dumb sometimes.
I don't upvote my comments, nor my posts... doesn't really make sense to me. I would say one of the goals of growing an account is also to reward posts/comments deemed worthy from other users; if I create decent content, then the upvotes will come.
good to hear.. I agree with you.. that is how it should be.
If we allowed accounts to upvote themselves once a day, on a comment or post, it's a motive to hold HP.
Instead we insist on pretending we have a bunch of curators who read all the posts and vote accordingly.
If we treated Hive more like a social media site and less like an Author's Guild we would appeal to a larger market share.
But, yeah, currently not self upvoting is part of the super weird culture that HWs and a handful of the original Authors have created.
i don't like my comments on other social, it feels stupid. so i don't upvote it here :D
People do self vote in the ways you're describing. Leo voter will upvote leo content, for example. Splinterlands will upvote Splinterlands content. Holozing will upvote Holozing. And so on.
This puts product placement ads all over the place and the creators act like sellouts to get those votes. It's a real downer in some ways especially for the artists since when they deliver their own style, they'll make a lot less on average.
Just another issue that's quickly resolved by attracting people actually interested in supporting content, the real way (strange I have to add that "real" part in).
I am completely fine with others upvoting their posts. But I feel like upvoting comments is a bit much.
Well I hope one day we have better curators to replace the ones doing poorly. I still know curators that are doing a great job. But yes there are some I really question what they are doing sometimes.
Well, I don't care about posts vs. comments, but for a platform that's constantly complaining about people powering down, it's hilarious not to provide any incentives to hold.
I have always chosen not to vote for my own posts and I care very much about keeping my selfvote = 0 because I prefer to support other authors' posts and an extra vote available to me is a chance to support another author.
Consequently, I do not like to vote my comments and I do not like those who vote their comments and my vote in the poll is obviously No
That is good to hear, yes I think we should be supporting others posts instead of self voting. If they care they will show appreciation in return if your content is good.
oh thanks for the curation.
i think it is a little more nuanced than yes or no, whether comment or post. If you are upvoting a one line comment or post for $2, in my opinion, that's abuse. if you are adding a 5 cent vote to a post (or even comment) you worked hard on, i don't see an issue. Where exactly the line is is a matter of personal opinion but then that is what the downvote is for...disagreement with rewards.
No. Not at all. Even upvoting own posts is a tad shabby, but upvoting own comments is a no-go.
Good to hear we are on the same page
Hive is a social network. The society of which we are part rewards content creation according to the subjective valuation of members of that society. To maximize the strength and value of that society, which underlies the value of our Hive tokens, we should strive to find and upvote such content as we prefer, per our biases. IRL we all know people that take, take, take, and give as little as possible. Those people tout their own accomplishments and diminish those of others to make their own seem even greater in comparison. We call those people narcissists, and they devalue our society parasitically. Self-voting is comparable to that RL behaviour, taking the maximum possible from the rewards pool, puffing up their reputation as much as they can, likely pandering to anyone with stake, and so forth.
Those users and actions decrease the strength and value of the society of Hive users IMHO, and this reduces the value of Hive tokens. I have long advocated against curation rewards because these rewards similarly reward pecuniary interest instead of subjective valuation of content, replacing 'good' (however our bias leads us to call content 'good') content with emunerative voting strategies. At it's worst, this gave us a trending page consisting of nothing but votebotted posts. I haven't looked at trending for a long time. Some years IIRC, because I found no posts of interest there, but only posts that were profitable for some reason or another related to curation rewards. I have advocated instead for savings accounts that enabled folks seeking ROI to attain it thereby, rather than through gaming curation and befouling content valuation.
I was greatly encouraged when HBD savings accounts with 20% interest eventuated, but curation rewards remained available, and folks haven't stopped perverting curation based on financial interest as a result. Still, I think HBD savings helped to reduce curation rewards farming, and probably improved trending marginally, likely less so now that the interest rate dropped to 15%. HBD savings compete with staked Hive and curation to create ROI, and those interested more in money than society are more likely to save HBD for higher rates of interest, which reduces their staked Hive and their impact on governance. I reckon that improves the quality of governance by increasing the weight of non-pecuniary interests on votes for witnesses. Most of the most valuable things in society are far more valuable than mere money, and Hive being a pure plutocracy hugely devalues those far more valuable features of society by making money the only way to vote, distorting society by grossly overvaluing the weight of stake on governance.
Mike Tyson said Don King would sell his momma for a dollar. Folks like Don King rule plutocracies, and most people value their mothers vastly more than mere money. It is most people that make societies valuable, not Don Kings.
Trending is our marketing department. If we want Hive tokens to increase in value, because Hive society is growing, we should tend that garden assiduously. At least we don't have kids pimping their mothers OF's pages on Hive trending, like there are on X. I'm sure we can do better than we are, however, and the less self-voting there is the better we will do.
Yes I think curation has a long way to go, but I am glad to hear others do take it seriously. I am just glad bid bots are no longer a thing, so hopefully one day trending can be more organic. I think we are making progress though.
We are making progress, but losing >1m users since 2017 is a hard way to do it.
I wish that were true, but at least one is still openly in operation on Hive today. Not mentioning it because I'm not advertising for it, but a while back I tangled with it for a bit because they blacklisted someone I follow that spoke up.
Never was a million individuals active and engaged on the social network side of things.
That doesn't have anything to do with what I said, which is that since 2017 >1m users have been driven from the platform.
Maybe there's a chance I just don't remember that part.
Excessive taxation always destroys viable enterprise.
That practice of voting early in order to snipe curation rewards is no longer a thing.
Yes, but there are other reasons to upvote posts to farm curation rewards. Being quick on the draw isn't the only stratagem.
First 24 hours after publishing, all votes yield the same outcome. No need to be quick. Some of those autovotes still roll in quick simply because those individuals haven't made adjustments for several years in some cases.
Some vote early and on everything. They do that mainly to gain a follow from naive members thinking those people are actually supporting them.
People will be rewarded no matter what they vote for or why. Good reason or bad = same result.
Which scenarios are looking at? The basic blind voting that's been creating a disaster for the past eight years?
There are a variety of ways to game network effects, pandering, and etc. I prefer not to detail here because those that know, already know, and those that don't include some that would if they did, in order to farm curation rewards. I generally agree that curation has been a disaster for the past eight years, and point to financialization of curation as a large reason for that trainwreck. @edicted suggested savings accounts as a means of enabling investors to attain to ROI without deranging curation some years ago, perhaps before Hive even began, and when HBD savings with interest of 20% advented I was greatly encouraged things would improve.
I don't have the chops to investigate how much the HBD savings accounts changed the situation, but I assume it has done something beneficial for curation by enabling an alternative way to benefit the platform from stake without requiring investors to game curation to attain ROI. Ideally folks would upvote content per their biases and promote their principles and subjective preferences for creators and posts that would appear in trending, rather than seeking to maximize ROI with curation rewards, which would make trending a better reflection of Hive society to folks searching for content from outside the platform.
Our content is our marketing, after all. This is one of the reasons that Splinterlands has been such a relative success for Hive. However, while gaming is a massive draw, social networking has become the largest global market financial sector IRL in ~10 years, if you consider PC hardware and phones part of it (which I do). Hive has potential to surf that tsunami of financial growth, if we could only fine tune the code a bit to enable investors to attain to good returns without deranging curation, and end the free for all of taxation by any and all of any content or creator on a whim, by restricting DV's to spam, scams, and plagiarism.
Eventually someone will get it right. Steem was the first on that scene back in 2016, but the weakness of pure plutocracy caused it to fail and impelled the creation of Hive back in 2020, and now there are numerous competitors in the market. I want it to be Hive that gets it right first.
Ha yeah this was MANY years ago at this point.
I know this because it was before AMM liquidity pools existed.
Meaning around 2019 my plan was to get rid of raw 15% yield to HP stakers and allocate that to the savings account. Once AMM rolled around it became obvious that we could allocate inflation to LPs to create exponential liquidity between HIVE/HBD on the internal market... but politics (and maybe technical limitations/risks) prevents this from happening. It still remains a good idea. Not having AMM is embarrassing... but at least HE has it even if people don't use it correctly.
Good ideas like that are why I follow better minds, and once I grasp a sound principle I stick to it like a tick on a dog.
From this response, I take it you simply don't like curation rewards. I think if more stakeholders wanted to be responsible and wanted to see progress, there wouldn't be such a mess.
They're more about mining tokens though and building their stake. Many seem fully against attracting consumers, which is the paying audience this content needs. They prefer to pretend to be consumers, leading content creators on, in order to build their stake and status within the tiny community designed to never grow.
With consumers engaging organically, consumer rewards would be a boost to this economy. Instead we stick to common practices stemming from 2016 and basically contribute to this project becoming obsolete. Consumer rewards place us ahead of the curve. People don't want to be curators. They just want to pay for the things they like and being rewarded is a perk that helps attract them. That's the only way you can move a large established market from one place to another.
The current state of content alone won't do it. Need self starters reaching outside for support like you see anywhere else.
I saw the numbers. There's only a couple thousand potential paying consumers here. That can't support an entire social network that pays contributors. A tiny market, so people need to reach outside and create their own in order to succeed here on their own and ignore all the local shenanigans.
Without any appeal, paying consumers will simply stick to "web2" offerings and give them their money. That's life. No way around it.
Trying to convert people into investors when they are consumers is sure to fail. And crypto already has plenty of options for investors so making more saturates the market which is one reason Hive isn't appealing to crypto investors. There's simply enough options out there.
Whereas consumers outnumber crypto investors and are not aware of this option to grow their money by supporting content rather than throwing their money away. In other words, we're missing the boat. Consumers are spending wild amounts of money on content and that market is expected to grow, all while they don't trust crypto in general and think most "investments" are scams. In order to bring the masses, one needs to offer something they're already familiar with, don't have, and want.
Way to ignore what I said about them. You can make any assumptions you want, but you ignore the statements I have made that form a rational basis for eliminating them to do so.
I almost unreservedly agree with this statement, only replacing the word 'many' with 'the oligarchy on Hive that control governance', and also detail reasons - that the hostile takeover of Steem demonstrates - why the stakeholders that control governance of Hive must suppress growth to maintain their control of governance.
Best estimates are that >1m have been driven from the platform by unrestricted taxation since 2017. That's the reason there's only a few thousand consumers here, and it was done on purpose because a growing platform offers an attractive target for hostile takeovers.
That's just like, your opinion, man. I pretty strongly disagree, and can voluminously cite reasons consumers of social media are strongly incentivized to support the platforms they use, even without the financial incentive Hive potentially avails bloggers.
Hive enables them to spend the rewards pool, rather than their own personal funds, on supporting content. The market is growing. In ~10 years social media has become the single largest sector of global financial markets. Consumers are right to not trust crypto, and to suspect investments are often scams, as I'm sure you'll agree.
This is exactly what Hive offers them. They generally know that the Big Tech companies make scads of money off their content, their posts about pot roast and selfies with grandma, and Hive offers them a chunk of that money, which they do want. It's taken a lot of effort and blather to prevent them from coming here to blog, which is what HW and spaminator are paid ~$350/day to do.
I don't think it really make sense to upvote your comment
It really does not make sense.. always someone else out there that would be happy to a vote on them.
I’ve learned about that since so I always make sure that I don’t upvote myself and I can’t remember the last time I made that mistake
Glad you learned that early on.. it can be the downfall of newbies that do not know better.
No, it doesn't make sense. I have never voted my comments and even I don't vote my posts.
Good to hear, it really shows to show you care about the reward pool.
I totally agree that no. There have been times on the mobile platform I thought I was upvoting the other persons comment and I accidentally upvoted mine. So I was like oh shoot and quickly removed the vote before the ban hammer came crashing down!
Hah.. I am always worried about doing that.
I think it's ok upvote own post, not own comment
yeah I am cool with that too
your vote, your hive, vote where you like as far as we can see. We definitely upvote others comments as rewarding engagement is a very powerful tool hive offers
Upvoting others comments is great and fine, but when you upvote your own an issue arrises.
Rewards should be up to the community for posts and comments. There are options to promote your posts in Ecency and peaks, but that won't guarantee getting votes.
I'm less likely to vote for people who self-vote. They can do whatever they want, but must expect to be judged.
Hey @steevc its been awhile.. I hope you are safe in the UK right now.
I agree communities should have a heavy impact on what posts and comments are going on there. But sometimes the communities fall short and the global Hive ecosystem has to deal with them.
That is completely fair, and looking for that as a criteria to vote is great.
All fine here. Hive is imperfect, but it offers an alternative to other platforms. I think it will change as it grows. I want to see that happen.
I don't know why its even possible to upvote on your own stuff. It's similar to liking your own post on social media (just plain wrong)
I guess it was easy to leave that programming in, and figured the overall network will deal with those who abuse it.
Hah yeah it is a lot like that.
Jeez those were the days. Upvoting comments, multiple accounts, bidbots. Jeez it seemed we had a helluva lot of drama back then. Shows how far we have come. Newbies learn quite fast it's a bad idea.
I remember those days, something had to change.
Well... I think nobody will answer a "yes" in here hehehe. But anyways you are right the problem here is getting both ends of the rewards! I know that you are talking about comments only but the system was done where no one gets into the hands of the whole poll....your voting power gives half to the author and half is used for your curation rewards. If you are taking both there is something wrong...the system allows but there are some ethical problems in there. But how to deal with it is another problem, downvote them? I understand when the voting power is big, it is interesting to try to make the person stop that. But as user I am more towards not support with my voting mana. Lately, big accounts have been discussing how to change their voting trend, moving into only those who stake Hive. Supporting people who are self-voting could be the same or even worse in my point of view because damages the ecosystem in the same way compared to vote selling.
Lol yeah only one serious yes vote.. and their proposal is not that bad honestly. I was suprised.
So true, the system allows for it. But the way it was designed you are suppose to upvote others not the other way around.
Upvoting is for rewarding others' work. When the Abuse controllers abuse, then the system is very flawed and you probably can do nothing about. Copying them is the worst strategy to milk 🥛 the Hive Cow 🐮
It sure is bad, glad they are not doing it any more.
Lol I love the Hive cow meme.
I added "YES" just to mess with the results xD
It's a NO from me.🤣
Lol.. you and @nonameslefttouse trying to cause trouble. :-P
its okay I love it
Hell No! :)
Tbh, for me, it's not a question if it is allowed or not, but more about common sense...
Upvotes are there to support others and appreciate, and that's how I try to use them... Upvoting comments of people who engage with my posts/comments is something natural, as those people decided to spend time with me and my content, over doing something else... At least that I can do for them is to upvote their comment...
It is allowed on a technical level, but as you said its meant for others.
There is something ick about self voting.
The only time I have ever self voted on Hive is when I fat finger upvoted my own reply comment, thinking I was voting on the other persons comment. 😅 that's the problem when you do everything on your phone. Luckily you can removed such votes though
Yeah I know what you mean.. and yeah I have done the same.. oops it happens sometimes. It is indeed good we can go back and change it though.
@libertycrypto27, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/2) and will start the voting trail.
In addition, @solominer gets !HUG from @hiq.redaktion.
Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻For further questions, check out or join our
I think upvoting your own posts is ok (at least if they are not shitposts and if there are no 3+ a day), voting on your own comments though for me is a no-go. I do always try to upvote those who leave a genuine comment on my posts.
Honestly, I stopped caring about any of the drama or what anyone else does on Hive with their vote a long time ago.
Yep I agree, though I do not do that anymore I do not judge others that do. But some are more harsh than me when it comes them seeing self upvotes on posts.. But I am not one of them.
Thats good to hear, its best not to worry about crypto drama so much. Gotta live life :-)
of course I disagree. there is no benefit to upvoting your own comments.
Glad to hear, yes I think so too.
I think if anyone wants to vote himself then some conditions must be followed.
Interesting thought, it would require lots of community engagement though to make sure its not taken too far.. so rule three is key.
No, I don't even know why self upvoting is an option on Hive.
Thanks.. yeah it is kind of strange.. Did you know you can also downvote your own posts and comments? lol
I downvoted my posts when I did double post due to any technical issue. I clean my own trash :)
Jeeze. I did not know that.
Thanks for letting me know, just in case.

Well, I think, it should be okay to upvote 1 comment or post a day, for very large stake holders, if they want to earn a little reward of their investment, but ethically that may not feel right to many. I don't like to upvote my own posts or comments though.
I agree with you on the upvoting of a post. As that would require them to put something into the ecosystem for others to then share and network. Comments are kind of like that but not on the same level as a post. Because of that I think its okay to upvote your own posts. But comments is where I draw the line.
💯 No 👎🏾
I am curious why we have this conversation.
Isn't it just about morals?
I mean, if its such a broad issue why isn't it patched so nobody can self-vote? On comments and/or on posts aswell?
But then it properly becomes a censorship debate x)
I am asking this question and others because of the vast feedback I am getting in my posts for it. Usually Hive Polls only get 5-10 votes. I am amazed to see mine getting upwards of 50 or more.
So I think I should be asking these questions, as these posts have a lot of reach.
Thats a good idea! :D
I think no, it is usually a sign of something untoward!
Sure is.. when I see it red flags come up for me right away.
The only reason I can justify upvoting my own comments a little bit on rare occasions would be to be showed above the plethora of bot comments.
I can see that, but if we would just downvote the spam instead then there would be no need to rise yourself above the bots.
That's true. But it's rather a generalized practice for most comment bots. And in some cases I like their owners, they just get the "standard code" and don't know or can't afford to upgrade it to a custom version. is not good to upvote your own comments...i never do it ....
We have to help each other to grow and support quality and hardwork 😃
Good to hear, yes we do.. vote for others not for yourselves.
Yeah 😀😀
Been in the "0% selfvote club" for a long time already and it feels much better than in my first years here when I did some selfvoting. Many things were different back then though and I´m glad to see that the vast majority of the changes that have happened in our community since the Steem times were for the better ;)
@tipu curate 7
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/67) Liquid rewards.
Nice, I self voted my posts as well for the first years. But as my stake grew I figured taking that 100% vote I would give myself I could split it up 10 ways into 10% votes and help others out.. feels way better as you say.
Me too, we have really grown. I am happy with that.
I've upvoted my own posts now and then (but super rarely, usually if they're less than a dollar and I think I might be able to kick it over that line). Usually I don't because just like Facebook or Twitter or such, I think it's weird to upvote my own stuff 😂
Reading some of the comments on this post really puts it into perspective how much damage has been done to the network because of self voting.
Self voting is only one aspect of the issues and at this point it's hard to fathom that the ones with the power to impact the network negatively will suddenly just change their mind and start being less selfish.
I used to stay up a bit on the blockchain metrics and consensus based changes, but when the consensus based changes started to look like they favored the one's more that had all the power, it became a daunting task to feel motivated to keep track.
I used to know how curation works, but that was changed too and I'm assuming those changes don't do much for the dust voters, so it is difficult to maintain optimism that things will turn around.
Honestly, liking your own comment seems tacky to me and feels like an unhealthy way to seek validation. People are free to do what they want, but so are the rest of us. So, if others come through and downvote, they shouldn’t complain. If people put in a bit more effort, they wouldn’t feel the need to upvote themselves just to get attention.
We don't talk about it much anymore, since the cool kids said it was square, but proof of brain is the game we are playing.
Voting on yourself gives you both halves of the rewards your vote entitles you to.
If everybody did that hive would be straight proof of stake.
Straight proof of stake gives proof of wallet.
I'm sure many of us can agree that the rich getting richer simply for already being rich is not a game we want to play.
We've already had the curation game turned into proof of wallet because the coders enabled the greedy to break the game's original design with their bots.
IF we had continued the tradition of the whale experiment, and had community support across the board, we could get back to the original ideals as sold in 2016, but never really practiced because greed.
Maybe we could see #3 on coingecko as we did back then.
Hive is a commons, what hurts the least of us hurts us all.
I know the crapitalusts will choke on that, but I didn't train them in economics, their economic masters did.
'The rich get richer because that is how the rich want it, if they didn't, they would make things change.'
So, here we are a microcosm of the broader world trying to force crapitalism onto a communistic endeavor.
Rather than allow the design to change us, we changed the design.
It's rarely a good idea to try to improve upon genius, far too few are up to the task.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(5/5) @bilpcoinbpc tipped @namiks
An article that is very useful for myself, in my post there are several posts I upvoted my own posts, actually what I did turned out to be wrong, hopefully after I read this article from my brother @solominer I get a very valuable lesson for me, for the future I will not do it again,But I never upvote on my own comments during my active time on #hive 🙏
Upvoting your own comment to gain attention or to get the reward is a bad idea. But it happens regularly on Burn Comments under the Burn Posts. But perhaps that is fine because whales support it and pocket heavy curation rewards.
Please read what I said in reply to you 5 days ago when you brought up the same issue. Burn posts and comments are not bad in my opinion.
Okay well thanks for being honest