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RE: Is Hive Watcher's doing a good job?

in Hive Polls10 months ago

so what are you ideas on how the community does anti-abuse without hivewatchers?

You could literally do nothing and be ahead by $270/day. They deal with less than $20/day of abuse yet they asked for $350/day.


so we need more decentralized flagging again

We need a lot of things, just people need to care.

People that are flagged for their forthright speech here are given nothing to care about. When fakebook and twatter are BETTER THAN HIVE for speaking objectionable opinions on, Hive has failed miserably to promote free speech.

Free speech is infinitely more valuable than money. Push it up. Pushing spam, scams, and plagiarism down isn't all we need to do. We need criticism, even if it's criticizing us, because that's how we can learn how to be better than we have been. Even if it's wrong, it isn't spam, scams, or plagiarism and deserves protection.

People care when they have a reason to care. If all they can get for posting is $.30, why should they care? Give forthright speech a reason to care.


yeah, so just abandoning anti-abuse and not more people joining anti-abuse efforts (not caring) wont bring us any further

yeah, so just abandoning anti-abuse and not more people joining anti-abuse efforts (not caring) wont bring us any further

I downvote more abuse than they do on a daily basis. There is a handful of other people doing some as well, but largely most people don't want to be involved or risk losing upvotes.

Most people didn't amass fortunes running bidbots. I dunno much about backdoor deals, but you and wolfie joined the oligarchy when the bidbots folded, so something was arranged off chain.

That being said, I have expressed my opinion to you without restraint, and you have not flagged me for it, which I respect. I donate 1/4 of my author rewards to support authors that are being permanently opinion flagged, and if you promoted free speech with your phat bags a lot fewer of the content creators that eventually give up fighting that financial censorship would give up.

I zealously promote free speech - and particularly OBJECTIONABLE speech - and hope you will too. Hive has not succeeded in competition with blatantly censored web2 platforms because it does not protect free speech, which you and other oligarchs could do. I can only conjecture that were Hive to become a profitable investment legacy financial players would buy up tokens and take power in the plutocratic governance model Hive employs, and you and your mates don't want to lose your pond you're the big fish in today.

Perhaps you could set me straight if I'm wrong.

However, whether you even deign to notice I exist or not, you could defend creators that are opinion flagged, like @por500bolos, who adamantly refuses to be flagged off the platform. Hive NEEDS forthright speech and CRITICISM to succeed.

Please defend and promote Hive by defending objectionable/critical free speech and countering opinion flags.

Thank you.

I am part of no oligarchy or anything I’m as much of a loner here as you can get.

As for flagging for opinion, that’s not my style. What others do is out of my hands.

Well, appearances certainly can be deceiving, and I pointed out all I can do is conjecture from what I see. I agree that what others do isn't in our hands, but as a coder you certainly can consider mechanisms to promote free speech and deprecate profiteering.

I don't think that's really your 'style' either, but thought it was worth an ask.

risk losing upvotes

There's more than mere pandering at stake. People get flagged into oblivion. Opinion flags are the stench of death on Hive that permeates the entire cryptosphere. Flags should be limited to actual abuse, not objectionable opinions. If we don't defend objectionable speech we will have only virtue signaling - and that doesn't merit any defense whatsoever.

And that is why I like you so much.

Well, I am certainly objectionable.


I also do not like Hivewatchers

I am always downvoting when I see something, since years

I have also already witnessed Hivewatchers condemning people for wrong

Still, if we just abandon (like all the comments under your post seems to want) - we still need some kind of alternative.

maybe revive HiveFlagRewards? redistribute the HBD that go to Hivewatchers currently to HiveFlagRewards ?

Still, if we just abandon (like all the comments under your post seems to want) - we still need some kind of alternative.

Do we though? We would have $270/day less sell pressure and about $20/day of abuse.

Yeah, you only care about the selling pressure, ofc

Maybe the code leaving potential abuse fighters vulnerable to opinion flags is the actual problem. People getting flagged for criticizing whales have a damn good reason not to criticize whales.

The code is the problem, because it allows opinion flagging. Not until the oligarchy cut a deal with Marky and Wolfie did the bidbots end (mostly), and that reveals the real problem is plutocracy, not whether people care. People flagged into penury can't afford to care.