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RE: 缔沙湖边公园城

Hey buddy. I would like to thank you again for inviting me over for a pickleball session. Unfortunately I will be declining no matter how many times you invite, for the same reason of NOT participating in any badminton session. I simply can't risk having a stroke or heart attack because of me chasing a plastic ball. There are a million reasons I SHOULD at least try it you say, but it only takes one stroke or heart attack to send me to heaven(or hell for some dirty sins I've done when I was younger). I know I know, everybody dies, but I am not ready to die for the reason of trying to get healthy. Therefore, I am happy to do the one man sports, walking at my zone 2 cardio. Perhaps you want to join me walking? Guess what, I rent my pedestrian walk for RM0 for 1 hour. Guess what happened the other day? I was so happy doing it and I extended my walking time up to 1.5 hours, and I only got charged for 1 hour rate. I am now thinking to try 2 hours, see if I still need to pay for the extra hour. I hope you can understand my concern, and I am not confident with my condition.


o.o i see. is your health that bad :( omg. I feel that you still young that's not good that you are at risk of stroke or heart attack.

i've actually been walking 30 mins -1 hour lol. I walk to the pickleball place to play.

ya i understand. Hopefully you will be better healthwise to finally join in the future ;(

Blame it on my younger years that I have abused my health ever so badly. My current blood pressure reading on a normal day is already sitting around 150/90 and I refused to take medication. My dad has been taking blood thinning for his entire life and I know what that shit does to his body and I decided either kill me without the pill or I will keep trying to walk it away. I already have enough cousins died at the badminton court after a short burst of ball chasing. I watch pickleball in YouTube and that thing looks "casual" enough, but it's hard to tell if I will start to pickup pace and become competitive 🤣

Once again, thanks for inviting and thanks for understanding ❤️