o.o i see. is your health that bad :( omg. I feel that you still young that's not good that you are at risk of stroke or heart attack.
i've actually been walking 30 mins -1 hour lol. I walk to the pickleball place to play.
ya i understand. Hopefully you will be better healthwise to finally join in the future ;(
Blame it on my younger years that I have abused my health ever so badly. My current blood pressure reading on a normal day is already sitting around 150/90 and I refused to take medication. My dad has been taking blood thinning for his entire life and I know what that shit does to his body and I decided either kill me without the pill or I will keep trying to walk it away. I already have enough cousins died at the badminton court after a short burst of ball chasing. I watch pickleball in YouTube and that thing looks "casual" enough, but it's hard to tell if I will start to pickup pace and become competitive 🤣
Once again, thanks for inviting and thanks for understanding ❤️