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RE: Hive-Naija Weekend Engagement #9 - Pro Choice Or Pro Life

in Speak Peace3 years ago

As for me, I support the pro life option, that is giving the child a chance to live. Abortion whether intentional or not is considerable when you are pregnant. Even considering the dangers involved, one shouldn't dare.
These days there are readily available childcare/daycare for working class mothers, funny but true there are states/Ngo support... This is True because I worked with an Ngo in affiliation with the ministry of youth and social development, Lagos where there is an initiative called child care support, here parents bring in their children for a speculated period of time because of financial inconvenience, mothers, after giving birth register their child/children at orphanages and they visit at stipulated time.
More so, if you knew you didn't want to placed in the difficult situation of choice, one would critically put in place measures to prevent such occurrences. I mean there are several means these days such as postpills, iud, family planning and so on.
Well yes, my religion is also a determining factor because as a practicing catholic the teachings of the church oppose all forms of abortion procedure because it holds that human life must be respected and protected from the moment of conception.
Even though some might consider the ignorance of parents whose genotype are incompatible because they have to flush out several pregnancies until they get a matching AS or AA baby. In this 21st century why take such risk at first, the trauma for the woman involved is unbearable.
So, generally you have every reason to give that child a chance to live with no excuses... Thank you.