It was not a child she asked for, but she can love and cherish the child as her own, (which he/she is). She can teach the child to love, instead of heart or bitterness. The child can great bring immense join to the mother eventually.
It's not that straightforward though. Some women want kids, have them, and then don't want them anymore. They suffer post-partum depression and might cause harm to the child.
Now imagine a scarred woman who doesn't even want the child in the first place?
I have come across several true stories of mothers killing their babies, babies Pro-life made them keep. Society will tag it spiritual attack but really, that's just an effect of depression.
This is more common than we see, as we only get to see the successful stories of how the child became a blessing.
He doesn't get it at all, you expect a woman to raise a child that she had maybe 5 men rape her to get.
Like the trauma that comes with it.
I guess he doesn't get my point
Pro-life might be okay morally and all that, but we shouldn't ignore the mental health aspect of it that can be very detrimental to both mother and baby.
I understand being prolife but you can't say a woman who was raped should learn to love a baby born out of trauma.
Its his choice if he doesn't get it. We can't change it.
Yeah we can't.
Just to be clear,
You're saying killing there child for some personal reason is okay?
Also, I think putting up a child for adoption is a thing.
Ofcourse it's not okay, I'm seeing it happens, it's as a result of a mental health condition that shouldn't be overlooked. Women commit suicide too because of it.
Adoption is a thing yeah, but it's not reason enough to carry a pregnancy you really don't want to.
Sometimes you don't want sometimes but you have to make a sacrifice.
In the end, people have the liberty to make thier own decisions and live with it.
Lol...I rest my case o