
If it's not too personal, I'd like to hear. Perhaps we could gain more insight on the topic.

I'm pro-abortion. If the pregnancy comes when a lady doesn't want it, she should have the right to terminate it. It should be the lady's decision. It's her body and she'll bear the consequences of whatever choice she makes more than the guy will.

The world is already overpopulated as it is. Why bring more kids into it with no proper plan?

I'll totally respect it if a woman decides to go ahead and have an abortion. It won't change my opinion about her. I'll still hold her with the same esteem I did prior to her decision.

Why bring more kids into it with no proper plan?

That's why condoms and contraceptives exist...
But then, mistakes do happen and they can happen to anybody, so...

I respect your decision and also understand why you're in support of it, but I still don't think abortion is totally right..

It's just the world part of the world we're in and the makeshift morals that's been forced into most of us. It's legal in many places because they understand that the hazards of having a child you weren't ready for are more than having the child.

Abortion is just as controversial in Nigeria as it is in some other developed countries.
Even in countries where abortion is legal, there are certain conditions that are attached to it. Chile, for example, will not allow abortion unless the woman's life is in danger. Any other thing apart from that is considered illegal.

I admit that my stance on the issue is partly due to my upbringing. My opinion might change in the future. But until then, I'll continue to convince and confuse, while being in support of the motion which states that "pro-life is better than pro-choice"

😆 it's not a debate. It's a respectable personal choice. And it's understandable. Abortion sometimes comes with some regret.

There are pros and cons either way.

Ikr. 😅

There are pros and cons either way.

Exactly. One just has to be careful and hope that he/she doesn't find him/herself in such a compromising situation.

If the doctor is saying, pro-choice, who I'm I to say no...... Wait, @young-boss-karin, you're a doctor right? Before I blab nonsense 😂😂😂

😆 I'm not a doctor but I've had this conversation with many of them due to some experiences I've had.

Due to the oath they were made to take, the majority of them don't come out in public to say it but they usually don't support it due to what they see in hospitals.

People have no money but just because they are pro-life they have these kids they can't take care of.

Next thing you know, one low life is out there trying to steal my phone when he shouldn't have even been born if his mother wasn't so stuck on being "pro-life"

Hehehehe..... It's the last part for me. Hunger makes people do a lot of things and commit certain crimes they wouldn't do if circumstances were different. And now, we have to blame their parents for not thinking everything through.

I don't even want to talk about the ones who get married to a man with many wives and children on ground, I often wondered what exactly is wrong with their medulla oblongata 😔

The world is just a tricky place, really. Every action has a consequence.

Exactly. There are repercussions for every decisions we make. 🥲