The Greatest Showman
What a coincidence! It was yesterday (or the evening before yesterday, cant remember anymore) when I was flipping through my TV channels, that the movie "The Greatest Showman" showed up. About to start (or just started), I juggled with the idea to re-watch this movie. And then I didn't. A bit of a shame though, since I liked that one. And then today, some "The Greatest Showman" coming my way again through your post. Coincidence? ... ah well, who cares. Just interesting and funny :)
Million Dreams
My take: Dreams is soooo 1400, so overrated. Lets not dream, makes us sad most of the time.
Nervous on stage
I can imagine. I would be. Therefore I never tried to play an instrument. But being on stage has some appeal. For instance, more room to move than in the audience. Better views to those in the audience. Free drinks instead of paid drinks. When lucky, free food. And when super lucky, much better food than what the audience has access to. Two ways to get on stage and enjoy all these perks without becoming a musician: 1) get a job on stage 2) become a Groupie. I opted for number 2 {LOL}
Coincidence or not, can you tell me which TV channel it was?
I should find out who was in charge to make the program and that choice and send them a gift or something, as it made this coincidence :D and you paid me a visit in the comment section :)) Thank you so much!! 😌
You and sad - can not go in one sentence!
So, you don't dream or you made reality all your dreams :))
Being nervous. It depends, we are a bit nervous always but when you have confidence and the set-up is good, and the whole ambience is ok, then that feeling just can help and we turn it into the positive fuel for playing well. (these are the optimal circumstances, not always happen 100%)
hahaha, more room to move, lol, I know what you mean, in the type of events you go to. But I think I will remember this the next time I am on a stage with classical music hahaha, maybe do a small choreography showing people the advantages of being the performer and not the listener :P
Free drinks, yes, food too after a bigger event.
100 x LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Veronica started out as one of the stations that had some airtime on one of our public (not commercial) TV stations. Before they became 'legal' they were a pirate radio station having their studio on a ship that was anchored on international waters just off the Dutch coast.Dutch commercial station 'Veronica':
I refer you to a recent comment to one of your latest posts that you submitted after this one :) It's somewhere in between your gazillion comments your may still have to respond to. My advise: x all of them. Concentrate on post-dropping since why wanna be different to most of the HIVEIANS 😂😂😂
A bit nervous is excellent. It drives adrenaline and adrenaline drives focus and drives peeps to do things better. Just a little theory. In case you didn't know this, you may just forget it again. It's more like Edje playing the wise-nose... Hahahahahaha that's so not an English word: Wise-nose. In Dutch we have this word: Wijsneus which is a combination of two words: Wijs and Neus. Wijs = Wise and Neus = Nose. The term Wijsneus is mostly used towards peeps that 'show off' their knowledge. Typically used when such information or knowledge is not requested.
I do hope you enjoyed very much the concert at which your little one is performing this afternoon... this is May 8th (HIVE frontends are not that good in showing the exact date of comment, hence I added the date)
Veronica becoming legal, and commercial, but was not, started on a ship... could be a good story to make around :))
Yes, that adrenaline thing coming from being nervous is a very good thing, if controlled. Also, adrenaline coming from fear, ( well, similar to being nervous) it can save a life as make your body react quickly and have a sharp mind. Yeah, you said focus 👍 that's it.
Hehee, funny word, Wijsneus, will try to remember it :)
I think I responded to that comment yesterday, maybe not?! but anyway, we can travel back and forward in time (or was it just in the dreams?) let's mix all of them, the comments :D
X-ing comments... not all of them. But, you are right, we have to stick together and follow the trend 😂
My little one 😅
reaction to different part of your comment in as short as possible 'language'
😱 🙇 😂
I see screaming and laughing at the same time while searching 😀