Brave Mind, the topic that brought so much courage and brave people to Hive Open Mic this week. It is thanks to @obaro, one of our young and talented members of the community.
If you are a musician, you already know that it is not that easy to perform in public. To go up to the scene and be in the spotlight. The audience is watching you and you kind of feel their gaze on you. I would not say that the performer is scared, maybe just nervous. After some time and experience, this feeling fades away a bit, but there is always a small percentage of that thinking that you will make a mistake or get blocked.
Something similar happens when you are recording a video for example for a hive open mic entry! You can play the piece perfectly, but when you press that record button on your device, there are always some mistakes. Then you stop and start again lol. @khaleesii was brave this week, she recorded from the first attempt and published it. Well done, stellar girl. Well, I had to start over my performance three or four times, actually I could leave it in the way it was but I didn't like the too visible imperfections :D
The song I have chosen is from the same drama/musical The Greatest Showman as Khaleessi's song. She performed This is Me which is a song a enjoy. But there is also another one that I like from that movie: A Million Dreams. We had the opportunity to listen to the coverhere but I will anyway bring here the part I relate to of that one by @me2selah. She also did very well. Now, I am not singing, as you all know, I just play my piano 🎹 ... Hence I can't express the message through the lyrics.... meh... The lyrics can be seen
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind
I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy
We can live in a world that we design
Do you agree that there are situations we have to live on our own, chose our path although others do not agree, or even call us insane? On one side you choose a life you want and on the other, you live with the consequences that others don't accept your choice. It is not good if the latter prevails... Courage is needed to achieve your dreams but in the end, that is the only way that can make you have peace of mind.
source of the photo
Well, I hope my playing will not bring you some unpleasant feelings 😅 just maybe encourage you to think that there are a million dreams we all have and they are not impossible to make a reality. Be a brave mind and thanks for the listening :))
▶️ 3Speak
Thank you so much for sharing this soothing music with us 💯👌👏
I also sometimes have the problem of recording that I have to record several times to be recorded as I like. I completely agree with the other part of what you said. I am even ridiculed by people for pursuing my interests and dreams and they call me crazy. But the peace that exists in this dream makes us continue, and I think these are the crazy people who make the world beautiful. Cheers and have a great weekend my friend 💯🌹🎹
So I am not the only one who have to do it several times... 😁
Sometimes it comes out well from the first time but usually not.
Fighting for our dreams and doing crazy things (or what for others seem crazy,) is the best we can do for ourselves 😉🌟
Of course, it is normal for us to record our best feelings to better express our feelings. when i want to record a song, i always listen to it over and over and i say to myself, oooh no man this is not what i wanted, it's better to record it again😩 and finally i can record what i want.
that's a whole process, isn't it?
but it is how it works when we seek perfection ( or at least be satisfied with ourselves ;D )
Yes, that's right. in my opinion, when it comes to perfection, when we listen to song after recording, if a tear comes out of our eyes, our body hair stands out or there is a movement in our heart and emotions, surely we have perfected our work and others they will like our work stoppage💯
This is my experience😇
What a coincidence! It was yesterday (or the evening before yesterday, cant remember anymore) when I was flipping through my TV channels, that the movie "The Greatest Showman" showed up. About to start (or just started), I juggled with the idea to re-watch this movie. And then I didn't. A bit of a shame though, since I liked that one. And then today, some "The Greatest Showman" coming my way again through your post. Coincidence? ... ah well, who cares. Just interesting and funny :)
My take: Dreams is soooo 1400, so overrated. Lets not dream, makes us sad most of the time.
I can imagine. I would be. Therefore I never tried to play an instrument. But being on stage has some appeal. For instance, more room to move than in the audience. Better views to those in the audience. Free drinks instead of paid drinks. When lucky, free food. And when super lucky, much better food than what the audience has access to. Two ways to get on stage and enjoy all these perks without becoming a musician: 1) get a job on stage 2) become a Groupie. I opted for number 2 {LOL}
Coincidence or not, can you tell me which TV channel it was?
I should find out who was in charge to make the program and that choice and send them a gift or something, as it made this coincidence :D and you paid me a visit in the comment section :)) Thank you so much!! 😌
You and sad - can not go in one sentence!
So, you don't dream or you made reality all your dreams :))
Being nervous. It depends, we are a bit nervous always but when you have confidence and the set-up is good, and the whole ambience is ok, then that feeling just can help and we turn it into the positive fuel for playing well. (these are the optimal circumstances, not always happen 100%)
hahaha, more room to move, lol, I know what you mean, in the type of events you go to. But I think I will remember this the next time I am on a stage with classical music hahaha, maybe do a small choreography showing people the advantages of being the performer and not the listener :P
Free drinks, yes, food too after a bigger event.
100 x LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Veronica started out as one of the stations that had some airtime on one of our public (not commercial) TV stations. Before they became 'legal' they were a pirate radio station having their studio on a ship that was anchored on international waters just off the Dutch coast.Dutch commercial station 'Veronica':
I refer you to a recent comment to one of your latest posts that you submitted after this one :) It's somewhere in between your gazillion comments your may still have to respond to. My advise: x all of them. Concentrate on post-dropping since why wanna be different to most of the HIVEIANS 😂😂😂
A bit nervous is excellent. It drives adrenaline and adrenaline drives focus and drives peeps to do things better. Just a little theory. In case you didn't know this, you may just forget it again. It's more like Edje playing the wise-nose... Hahahahahaha that's so not an English word: Wise-nose. In Dutch we have this word: Wijsneus which is a combination of two words: Wijs and Neus. Wijs = Wise and Neus = Nose. The term Wijsneus is mostly used towards peeps that 'show off' their knowledge. Typically used when such information or knowledge is not requested.
I do hope you enjoyed very much the concert at which your little one is performing this afternoon... this is May 8th (HIVE frontends are not that good in showing the exact date of comment, hence I added the date)
Veronica becoming legal, and commercial, but was not, started on a ship... could be a good story to make around :))
Yes, that adrenaline thing coming from being nervous is a very good thing, if controlled. Also, adrenaline coming from fear, ( well, similar to being nervous) it can save a life as make your body react quickly and have a sharp mind. Yeah, you said focus 👍 that's it.
Hehee, funny word, Wijsneus, will try to remember it :)
I think I responded to that comment yesterday, maybe not?! but anyway, we can travel back and forward in time (or was it just in the dreams?) let's mix all of them, the comments :D
X-ing comments... not all of them. But, you are right, we have to stick together and follow the trend 😂
My little one 😅
reaction to different part of your comment in as short as possible 'language'
😱 🙇 😂
I see screaming and laughing at the same time while searching 😀
Esto fue hermoso querida @mipiano 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏... toma esta rosa 🌹 es lo menos que puedo darte ante una interpretación tan bonita 🙌😍💖!!!!
Pararse en un escenario más allá de que para mi en lo personal es la sensación más grandiosa que existe en el mundo, no deja de hacernos sentir nervios, el día que no lo sintamos algo anda mal jajajaja lo digo muy en serio... hasta el más virtuoso lo puede sentir y es que sobre todo eso que mencionas, de que subimos a un escenario con un poco de nuestra mente acosadora diciendo: ¡cuidado te equivocas!, esa es la parte poco agradable de los nervios, pero sin duda, sin ellos no haríamos magia alguna!!!
Increíble lo que logró nuestra hermana en su presentación, yo desde que inicié en Hive Open Mic solo 1 vez he logrado esa hazaña, cuando hice mi participación en la semana 91, con la temática que yo propuse, creo que en el video se nota esa alegría jajajaja, fue sublime haberlo hecho en la 1 era toma, casi lo logro esta semana con mi presentación pero al 3 er intento fue que logré todo a la "perfección" 😁.
Como artistas es difícil no grabar varias veces, en la música el sonido debe ser pulcro, nítido, y la ejecución del instrumento no debe dar pie a errores porque hasta el más aficionado lo percibe, creo que esa sería la parte más exigente de lo que todos hacemos semana a semana y ciertamente hacemos magia así duremos horas grabando 😂, pero al final, esos bellos comentarios como los que tienes aquí son lo que hacen saber, que lo que hacemos se disfruta a plenitud y que vale la pena pasar horas haciendo un trabajo de calidad 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Amiga, mi admiración por ti es grande, cada vez que te presentas es un abrazo que me das a distancia, porque siento tu calidez en lo que haces y el amor con que lo haces, eres una artista INCREÍBLE, tu presencia en esta comunidad sinceramente es una bendición para todos, porque sabes qué? jajajajajaja.... YOU ROCKKKKKKKKK 🙌😀🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯
Toma otra rosa 🌹.... 😘
Jeje, gracias por las rosas,
tú eres la segunda persona que me ragala hoy flores. Una de las dos personas soy yo misma, me compré una orquidea! Para día de las madres, que hoy se celebra en España...
Tienes razón, los nevrios los tenemos todos, los más grandes también, pero es una experiencia genial, estar allí y ofrecer música y alma. Qué bonito es, verdad?
Incluso te acuerdas del número de la semana que te salió de primera, jajaja, muy bien. Yo lo conseguí también algunas veces, pero lo más frequente es que no, que me equivoco en principio. Es mejor, en principio. Si me equivoco en final, oh no, me cae fatal 😂
Es verdad, tienes toda la razón. Creo que todos debemos sentir esto, tener motivación a seguir. Sin las palabras de aliento ninguno de nosotros durará...nada.
Si algún día terminas tu comentario en mi publicación sin la última parte, ya sabes cual, jajjaja, no hablo ya contigo LOL 😂 😂 😂
You Rock tooooooooooooooooo y gracias de nuevo por una rosa adicional 😇
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh que GENIAL, te felicito y te regalo otra mássssss 🌹💖 Feliz día de las Madres querida amiga, que Dios y la vida te sigan dando fortaleza, sabiduría, paciencia y mucha salud física, mental y espiritual para los retos que como mamá tengas, ustedes son la creación más sublime de este universo sin duda alguna 🙏😊💞
Ya vi que publicaste algo sobre orquídeas, visitaré ese post, a mi mamá también le encantan de hecho en algún momento ella trabajo haciendo flores de cerámica y le quedaban super brutales, hizo de muuuuuuuchos tipos, ahora las hace en otros materiales, solo por encargo, también pinta cuadros de paisajes con técnicas modernas... todas las mamás son INCREÍBLES sin duda alguna 🙌😀❤️
Me desvié un poco del tema jajaja, pero todo va de la mano 😁, que bonito es que valoren de forma tan especial lo que hacemos, tu sabes bien que no soy profesional de la música, pero entrego lo mejor de mi y esta nueva puerta que se abrió en mi vida me ha hecho tener muy en cuenta la valoración que dan a lo que hacemos, por ello siempre debemos dar experiencias audiovisuales que no se olviden, tu cada vez que tocas piano yo reproduzco esos videos varias veces porque entregas lo mejor de ti SIEMPRE!!!
Por eso es que tú.... mmmm ... tú... ups lo olvidé... ah yaaaaaa, jajajaja (es broma 😘) You Rockkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! Eres lo máximo JAMÁS olvides eso por fa 👍😉🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯
Oh, pues gracias por una rosa más :)))
No pasa nada por el desvío, es todo conectado! Qué chulo lo de tu mamá, así que es una artista? Debe ser muy bonito. A mí también me gusta, bueno, me gustaría saber hacer manualidades, pinatar, dibujar... pero no soy muy buena en ello. Quizás falta de práctica :D
Uh, casi, casi se te olvida jajjaja 😂
Bueno, como eres tú, te lo perdonaría de todas formas, yo ya lo sé, porque me lo dijiste 😇 Y las palabras de Fernando hay que tomarlas en serio 😎
Jajajaja, de verdad que eres muy GENIAL 🙌😀💖 y si, son palabras serias 😁!!!
Ella es una gran artista, yo si nunca tuve talento para eso, bueno en realidad ese tipo de arte no llama mucho mi atención, pero mi mamá trabaja en manualidades desde que tengo uso de razón, y sabe mucho de otras áreas también, actualmente se dedica a la creación de ropa femenina, ella es diseñadora de moda, en Venezuela le iba muy bien y ya su marca era conocida, aquí en Colombia tocó empezar nuevamente y bajo otro nombre y apenas está agarrando vuelo, la competencia aquí es de un nivel muy superior y más en Medellín que es la capital de la moda en Colombia!!
Oye no dudes en practicar algo de ello, son actividades que estimulan más nuestro cerebro y traen bienestar, además que se pueden realizar en la comodidad del hogar, deberías cuando puedas darle rienda a tu creatividad de otras formas, porque eres muy brillante y porque también You Rockkkkkkkkkkkkkk 👍😉🔥🎙️🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯
Uh, espero tu madre pueda darse de conocer en el mercado, seguro que es dificil con tanta competencia, pero nada es imposible. Los caminos que tenemos que pasar no son siempre lo que inicialmente pensabamos que vamos a hacer...quizás alguna otra cosa y oportunidad le va salir. Le deseo mucho éxito, en todo lo que haga. :))
Así es nada es imposible 🙌😀💛... muchas gracias querida amiga 💖... You Rockkkkkkkkkk 👍😉🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯
A breath of fresh air.
It is truly magical, absolutely magical...
I realize that listening to a piano play usually gets me emotional...
It almost feels like it takes me to unimaginable realms that I can't put to words...
You are truly gifted and You are an even greater gift!
Thank you for this. I needed it tonight.
P.S: Your hair is simply beautiful and silky... I love 😍😍😍😍
Thank You for this truly uplifting touch to this post :)) Piano and emotional , I absolutely get you 🎹😊
I am glad this music fulfilled its purpose and came perfectly to you! 😇🎶
Hair - thanks 😇 I think I need a bit of a haircut to shape it , it was some months ago I cut it and really liked it. Later it went back to its normal shape, don't know how 😆 It has its own life, I think 😂
It truly did!
More like she has her own mind and personality...
She is truly flourishing!!!👌👌👌
Hahahha, yes, her own mind, yes!
Sometimes it just doesn't listen to me 😂
She is a modern liberated woman.
You can’t really blame her 😂
true 😂
Thank you for mentioning me here. What a lovely performance @mipiano!! True enough, it is not that easy to perform in public but eventually self-confidence sets in and with a brave mind and heart, a great performance is made. ❤️
Thank You, as your entry was the trigger for my choice :))
Hmm, yes, self-confidence is very important in that whole process of becoming a musician - performer. You are very right @me2selah :)
Thanks for listening 🎶🌟
I love listening to piano pieces. I am a frustrated pianist. 😁 I play basics. My daughter is becoming great in her piano skills..I would love to see her play this piece you just performed. Since it is also one of her favorite songs. I'll try to look for a copy of this piano piece.
I wish your daughter a lot of success in her pianistic adventures, and to learn this song one day :)
@mipiano it was a very nice presentation. I congratulate you.👏👏
Along with my brother @veliozdemiroglu, we had the opportunity to chat with Erdal Erzincan, one of the most famous baglama players in our country, in recent years. He told us about a situation that we noticed at his concerts and that he experienced frequently. That it is not always noticed by the listener when he plays with baglama, especially in concerts where he performs live, when he hits the wrong notes and makes a wrong move. However, he still said that it was a mistake and that he discovered a different arrangement of music for the music he was playing at that moment. In fact, when we said that we noticed that he was stuck on those wrong notes and repeating them from time to time, he conveyed that he lived that moment by improvising without any problem and without breaking the rhythm of the album. He added that the audience liked these innovations very much.
In short, he talked about the right to play the music bravely by feeling and experiencing it in his mind and heart. Sometimes our mistakes make us discover new ways. Of course, this also happens thanks to a brave mind.😊
Hello @okayozdemiroglu
That is a sign that he is a great musician, he can create something new from an error, something even better. Improvisation is a skill that also requires a lot of dominance over the instrument and this musician you mention, Erdal Erzincan (I found now him on YouTube, what a quality!! ) for sure has it. I listen to him right now, wow, top-notch virtuosity and played with so much heart.
Thank you for your great comment,
Greetings 👋
Yes, I think this is the reason why he succeeded, self-confidence. I have been watching and listening to Erdal Erzincan for years. However, I'm having trouble understanding how he did it. I can say that he has reached Nirvana in Baglama.✌️✌️✌️😄😄
See you @mipiano 🙋🙋
Typical, and very annoying🤣🤣
Everyone can relate to this dilemma… I think it’s just a matter of choice and following through, but that’s exactly what you’ve said so I’ll zip it now. I’m currently facing multiple forms of the same situation, and while I think I have made a decision, I still have at least one butt cheek on the fence 😅… I’m calling it a “process”
So you know that too hahaha
I like your description and calling it process!! Yes, we all have it, a process!!
Pura belleza 😍👌.
Hey @yuli07
Gracias por tus palabras de ánimo, me alegro que te ha gustado la pieza y mi interpretación :)) 🎹 🌟🌟
Si de corazón te lo digo, que agilidad para tocar, 🤩👌.
Abrazos y buen día, Dios tbg ☺️
Hermosa ejecución del piano y que linda melodía mi piano y que la paz sea contigo.
Es verdad, la melodía es muy linda y gracias por tus palabras sobre mi ejecución 🎶
De nada eres una artista genial y a mí me gusto escucharte que Dios te bendiga.
Yes, some paths we just have to walk alone. To learn… it teaches us what we need to change, do or just guides us. Others can not always help… or even understand.So beautiful @mipiano 🥰
Good night 😴
Yeah, others can walk with us or not...
thanks, little girl for listening 😇
good morning :D
You are welcome @mipiano 😊
Good morning 👋🏻☀️🐝
good morning ☀️👋
Yep, still good morning 👋🏻😁☀️
Esta canción toca lo más profundo de mi corazón, hace un tiempo hice cover cortito, espero algún día cantarla completa, es de esos temas que hacen que la voz se me quiebre de la emoción, el mensaje que envía es tan hermoso y esperanzador<3, gracias por traerla esta semana, ya mis ojos están llenos de lágrimas, me conmueves.
Dios bendiga tu maravilloso talento.
Es larga la canción :D
Yo también la corté un poco jejeje
Lagrimas en ojos mientras tocamos, a mi me pasa a veces, la voz se me puede quebrar, como no canto no se notaría, pero nunca he pensado esto, ves, que si los cantantes se emocionan si esto afecta la voz también... pues sí que afecta, y los oyentes pueden recibir aún más emociones.
Gracias por tu tiempo @eugelys y por ser tan amable 😇
Great song! Well done 😁
I think that I would be one of those people that has to record 100 times before I hit the publish button and I could never get up on a stage to perform in front of others 😰. Forget it. I would be way too nervous.
I totally agree with this. It's not easy though. It takes a lot of courage to forge your own path.
Thanks :)
I know, I kinda do it similarly. Read and re-read the post, the writing, the photos, the video 😅 and there are always some typos and mistakes, and playing... never perfect 😂 But we just have to accept it, try our best but also accept the reality. Live on the stage, huh, you hear your heartbeats lol but once you start and enjoy the music, you get more relaxed. If you make a mistake, then the opposite hahah, just more nervous 😂
Not easy to go against the tide, I know. But sometimes worth :)
Fanática de un instrumento tan complejo y maravilloso com el piano. Muchisimas felicidaes por la el talento tan grande para intrepar con las manos. Bendiciones
Piano es un instrumento complejo, sí, pero creo que todos los instrumentos musicales tinen su dificultad. Gracias por tu comentario amable y saludos!!
There is so much passion about You!
The passion for life and every segment of it definitely moves us and is the only attitude that makes The Difference! And I am sure you do feel and live it fully!
Thank you for stopping by, it was an honour to receive a comment from You. Thanks a lot!
Como siempre hermosisima tu interpretación en el piano. Maravilloso poder disfrutar de esta calidad de sonido y ejecución
@davidosunamusic , muchas gracias por tus palabras, viniendo de un músico como tú, tienen peso :)) 😇
Simply wow!
!discovery 20
I appreciate your stopping by and your support 🎶 😊Thanks @delilhavores
Your playing could NEVER bring unpleasant feelings!
This was a beautiful version of a beautiful melody from the film!
Love it! 😍
Love the bit about pressing the record button and hell breaks lose, because the nerves kick in.. 😂
Brilliant! 👍
Well, never say never :D
Who knows how I will play the next week 😂
Nothing is granted hahaha
Thanks @anna-newkey for being around, I really appreciate your engagement and your always uplifting comments 🤗
There are times when Dina and I have had to repeat our entries up to 5 times, sometimes one of us makes a mistake even starting the song 😅, but we suppose it's brave to put our nerves aside and try to get it right.
You say you don't sing but your piano does the work for you, listening to you do the excellent job you have us used to is more than enough, as you say, the lyrics are below 🤷♀. 🌹
Five times? nothing less than that :D
What is good is when we make a mistake in the beginning so it is ok, we start again. What is bad, really bad, is when we make an error at the end of the song or composition hahah, so all that we played doesn't count 😂
Muchas gracias por vuestro comentario tan amable 😇
ooooooooOOoooomy Godddd..
This songs kept me awake all night reading for my exams back in school.
This is so dear to my heart, I ll take it as a gift from you.
Thanks so much for this.
and that like you love is the same line I love the most and it always comes to my head.
I had done something really bold back then, that had to do with chasing my dreams and a lot of people thought I was being too overzealous and conditioned me not to have thought well.
This song helped to bring out the brightness my mind needed to focus and forge ahead. Yes I relate well with music and I ve sure watched the movie the greatest showman, saw it twice on the same night back to back ... hehehe
Thanks,, I m gonna have to hold on to this one..
Dr musician friend :)
Wow, you could read for your exams with music? Well, usually I also write or work while listening to music, but then it is music without lyrics. Just instrumental, and with a lot of beatssssss!! Loud 😅
You had that experience, you see, we have to do some bold things and then those who can not recognize it as a good thing for us will question our decisions. But, your choice is your choice :))
Thank you for listening to me and your comment @jaydr 😇
Yes I could.
Hehe. My attention span got longer with music but at the expense of 💯 focus. Which I could easily get cause I was only revising. But I needed speed and longer AS.
Med school was tactical to some extent.. hehe.
We all do.
Excellent touching, celar sounds, lovely music... 👏👏
Thanks @veliozdemiroglu
I am glad you liked it 🙂
I sang along word for word, I love this song so much and I'm sure you nailed it but you were just scrutinizing yourself.
Beautiful playing as usual, loved it.
Oh, that's cool, then I had a singer with me :))
Thanks for singing it with me, each one from our homes! 😇
Thank you for this wonderful piece.
Your piano passes the message very well. I love it. I'm in awe each time I hear you play.
Yes. And I don't mind failing. As long as I'm at peace with my decision, I'm good.
That's it. You resumed it very well, as long as we are in peace with our choice it doesn't matter what others call us :D
Thank you for your kind words and for listening to my entry @wolfofnostreet 😇
Ah, well played as always @mipiano. I love this song and the film itself. And yes its not easy to stand by your own but sometimes its the inner peace that matters. Have a good one. 😍
Chichi, I agree with you, the inner peace is what matters, although we have to be brave to stand for our decisions.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great evening 😇
Wow. I find your performance lively and inspiring.
Thank you for taking the time to play the piano for us. :)
And I find your comment very kind.
Thanks for your time and listening to this piano playing :))
Yessssss, I don't know what weird power that camera has that makes me get it wrong a lot, I have to take a few breaths before the final shot. I've never uploaded a video on the first take, so my respects to whoever succeeds.
Excellent performance as always mipiano.
Hahaha yes, how familiar feeling.
I am kind of talking to myself, saying: you have to do it right this time!! Or: Ok, this is the last attempt, you have to play it now finally good! 😂
Sometimes I do achieve to record from the first take, then I am super proud :D
Thank you so much for your listening and your comment. Much appreciated, @mirel0510
I can't stress enough how much I love this song!
Thank you so much for this flawless performance!🙂
I envy your fingers
Don't envy my fingers lol
they just do what I order them :D
I am glad I played a song you liked, and you enjoyed it.
greetings 😇
I envy them anyways😅
My fingers don't obey me that much.
Yet, anyways
train them to obey :D
"We can live in a world that we design" muy bello mensaje. Me gustó mucho su interpretación, c{omo solventa las dificultades de la melodía que es hermosa, "pegajosa" y provoca escuchar muchas veces. Gracias por compartir. ´Éxito en Hive Open Mic
Gracias luisfe, me alegro que te gustó mi interpretación.
Un saludo
The way you caress your fingers softly on the keys always get me mesmerized. It's just cool enough to strengthen the weakest of hearts and make it brave. Great play
Ow, strengthen the weakest of hearts and make it brave? I like this phrase :)))
Thanks @dave-estates 😇
😍😍🥰 esto es muy hermoso, de verdad se me hace hormiguitas en mi barriguita cuando te escucho tocar, linda y hermosa melodía mi bella @mipiano sigue haciendo el buen trabajo 🤗 felicitaciones saludos
Hormiguitas en la barriga mientras me escuchas, esto es un honor para mi :)
Gracias @adrianalara por escucharme y pot tu comentario, que tengas un feliz fin de semana 😇
Bravo my friend, I applaud your performance, every time I hear a piano playing it relaxes me. 🌹🙏
Piano is the best (oh, I hope other instrumentalists don't read this comment :D )
hahh, just a joke, of course. I am glad you liked it and that piano relaxes you :))
Thank you for stopping by 😇
Que potente esa canción! Me encantó, no la había escuchado antes. Gracias por compartirla. Un abrazo!
Gracias a ti por tu visita
Un saludo y feliz semana
Bonito🌟 @mipiano mucha paz.
gracias @solanaya94 😇
Great Post!
Thanks @luizeba 🌟🎶
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🙌 Dziękuję Ci @ewkaw 🙌
De nada :D
This is really play so well too,really smooth, so therapeutic 🤍. love it