Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community working for world peace through a love of live music. Each week is a new invitation to express and connect.
Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) es una comunidad global que trabaja por la paz mundial a través del amor por la música en vivo. Cada semana es una nueva invitación a expresar y conectarnos.
Hive Open Mic
Community Guidelines / Pautas Sugeridas
We send a special greeting to all the musicians and friends of the Hive Open Mic! It has been more than 130 weeks since this musical space of Global Harmony began and we have seen so many artists grow together with our community. With much happiness, we noticed how language barriers were broken and today our weekly event is a global experience that has even united us in the same feeling more than once.
Following the suggestions of many of our participants, we would like to make you aware of the suggested community guidelines; those important details to take into account at the time of your participation in order to qualify for the benefits and rewards sponsored by our collaborators. Rather than listing them, we want to explain in detail what is most valued at the time of curation.
¡Enviamos un saludo especial a todos los músicos y amigos del Hive Open Mic!. Han pasado más de 130 semanas desde que comenzó este espacio musical de Armonía Global y hemos visto crecer a tantos artistas junto a nuestra comunidad. Con mucha felicidad notamos como se rompieron las barreras de idioma y hoy nuestro evento semanal es una experiencia global que incluso nos ha unido en el mismo sentimiento y la misma canción más de una vez.
Siguiendo las sugerencias de muchos de nuestros participantes queremos hacer de su conocimiento las pautas sugeridas de la comunidad; esos detalles importantes a tomar en cuenta al momento de realizar su participación para optar por los beneficios y recompensas que auspician nuestros colaboradores. Más que enumerarlos, queremos explicar detalladamente lo que más se valora al momento de la curación.
🌟 Produce your song: The dynamic of the Hive Open Mic consists of sharing music based on a weekly theme chosen by the Spotlight Artist. The week begins on Sundays with our opening post and ends on Saturdays at midnight. All musical expressions: instrumental, singing and accompaniment, a cappella singing, and singing with a track are allowed, but artistic expression must always prevail. It is good to prepare your song well. Knowing the song is important as it is not the best option to read the lyrics throughout the video. Also, it is not good to sing over the original audio; if you are going to perform a cover you must present the instrumental track to accompany yourself.
🔥 Present your video: At the beginning of your presentation, you must appear in the video indicating that it is an exclusive entry for the Hive Open Mic community and say the number of the week, in addition to your username. In general, the platform values music videos recorded horizontally. You should check that your video does not cut off in the middle of the performance. There is a preference for recordings that are made with the camera on a stable surface since it provides professionalism to the work. Works clean of sound glitches receive more support. Each video that you present on the platform represents your image as an artist. Always seek to be professional no matter how simple your entry is. Shoot your video in a bright place and avoid outside noise as much as possible.
💎 Promote your link: Your video must be posted in the Hive Open Mic Community and only one entry per week is allowed. English is the main language of the community, but you can also add text in your original language. It is suggested to use "openmic" as the first tag. It is not necessary to share the lyrics of the song, what we value in the community is to know through your blog why you have chosen this song, how you relate it to the weekly theme and give credits to the original artists of the composition, especially if it's a cover. If you share the lyrics of the song, it is mandatory to share the link to the website where it is hosted so as not to be considered plagiarism; this also applies to images. If you are not the owner of the images you have shared, you must place the link to the website to which they belong. The Google search engine is not considered as a reference for song lyrics and images, it must be strictly the website from which it is taken. In the same way, the suggestion is to present original works. It is vital that the post is well-designed and attractive to the viewer's eye.
⭐ Practice Deep Listening: The Hive Open Mic seeks to unite us in an atmosphere of Global Harmony, which is why it is very important to know how to transmit your message and listen to the message of your fellow colleague. Interaction between users is valued throughout the Hive platform. We all have something to say and we must give to receive. Take the time to visit other colleagues and if you feel, leave a comment of support. Respect is vital in our space, it is very delicate to comment on someone's voice or talent, suggestions can be made but the evaluations are made by the moderators. Through the screens, the comments are the way how we can applaud the artist. If you have the possibility to participate, then you also have the possibility to support the work of others. It is a completely voluntary action, but being such a lively community we take into account the activity of the members.
Produce tu canción: La dinámica del Hive Open Mic consiste en compartir música basada en un tema semanal elegido por el Artista Spotlight. La semana comienza los domingos con nuestro post de apertura y culmina los sábados a la media noche. Se permiten todas las expresiones musicales, instrumental, canto y acompañamiento, canto a capela, canto con pista, pero siempre debe prevalecer la expresión artística. Saberse la canción es importante, no es bien visto leer la letra durante todo el video. Tampoco es bien visto cantar sobre el audio original; si va a realizar un cover debe presentar la pista instrumental para acompañarse.
Presenta tu video: Al inicio de tu presentación debes aparecer en el video indicando que es una entrada exclusiva para el Hive Open Mic y el número de la semana, adicional a tu nombre de usuario. En general la plataforma valora los videos musicales grabados en horizontal. Debe revisar que su video no se corte a la mitad de la interpretación. Hay preferencia por las grabaciones que se realizan con la cámara en una superficie estable ya que brinda profesionalismo al trabajo. Reciben mayor apoyo los trabajos limpios de fallas de sonido. Cada video que presente en la plataforma representa su imagen como artista, siempre busque ser profesional por más sencilla que sea tu entrada. Graba tu video en un sitio iluminado y evita el ruido exterior lo más que puedas.
Promueve tu link: Tu video debe ser posteado en la Comunidad Hive Open Mic y solo se permite una entrada por semana. El inglés es el idioma principal de la comunidad, pero puedes añadir también el texto en tu idioma original. Se sugiere usar "openmic" como primera etiqueta. No es necesario compartir la letra de la canción, lo que valoramos en la comunidad es conocer a través de tu blog por qué has elegido esta canción, cómo la relacionas con la temática semanal y dar créditos a los artistas originales de la composición, sobretodo si es un cover. Si compartes la letra de la canción es obligatorio compartir el link de algún sitio web donde se aloje la misma para no ser considerado como plagio; esto también aplica para las imágenes. Si no eres propietario de las imágenes que has compartido debes colocar el enlace al sitio web al cual pertenecen. El buscador Google no se considera como referencia de letras de canciones e imágenes, debe ser estrictamente el sitio web del cual es tomado. De igual modo la sugerencia es presentar trabajos originales. Es vital que el post esté bien diseñado y sea atractivo al ojo del espectador.
Practica La Escucha Profunda: El Hive Open Mic busca unirnos en una atmósfera de Armonía Global por eso es muy importante saber transmitir tu mensaje y escuchar el mensaje de nuestro prójimo. En toda la plataforma de Hive Blog se valora la interacción entre usuarios. Todos tenemos algo que decir y debemos dar para recibir. Tómate el tiempo de visitar a otros colegas y si lo merece déjale un comentario de apoyo. El respeto es vital en nuestro espacio, es muy delicado opinar sobre la voz o el talento de alguien, se pueden hacer sugerencias pero las evaluaciones las hacen los moderadores. A través de las pantallas los comentarios son lo único que tenemos para aplaudir al artista. Si tienes la posibilidad de participar, entonces también tienes la posibilidad para compartir el trabajo de otros. Es una acción totalmente voluntaria, pero siendo una comunidad tan viva tomamos mucho en cuenta a los miembros más activos.

The Hive Open Mic is not a contest, it is a weekly community concert of live performances promoting peace through music. The user @cabelindsay is the one who built this idea and it is carried out by a team of moderators who are in charge of maintaining order, remembering the rules and promoting healthy interaction between the participants. Those people are @mipiano, @musicandreview, @fernanblog, and @jesuslnrs.
We are grateful to all the projects that have always rewarded musicians in our community who meet all established guidelines with generous upvotes, which basically focuses on talent and artistic expression, good quality videos that enrich the platform, the writing and design of the post and the interaction through votes and comments.
El Hive Open Mic no es un concurso, es un concierto comunitario semanal de presentaciones en vivo promoviendo la paz a través de la música. El usuario @cabelindsay es quien modificó esta idea y es llevada a cabo por un equipo de moderadores que se encargan de mantener el orden, recordar las reglas y promover la sana interacción entre los participantes. Esas personas son @mipiano, @musicandreview, @fernanblog y @jesuslnrs.
Agradecemos a todos los proyectos que siempre han recompensado con generosos votos a favor a los músicos de nuestra comunidad que cumplen con todas las pautas establecidas, que básicamente se enfoca en el talento y la expresión artística, videos de buena calidad que enriquecen a la plataforma, la redacción y diseño del post y la interacción a través de votos y comentarios.

The official @hiveopenmic account is relatively new, created in 2022, we would like to increase our Voting Power to grant more rewards to our participants. If you like this project you can help us with a delegation using Hivesigner.
La cuenta oficial @hiveopenmic es relativamente nueva, creada en el año 2022, quisiéramos aumentar nuestro Poder de Voto para otorgar más recompensas a nuestros participantes. Si te gusta este proyecto puedes ayudarnos con una delegación usando Hivesigner.
wow! tremendous phrase... great reflection!
Totally agree.
I have delegated 50HP to the community account. It is little, but I hope to increase my voting power to double my contribution.
Wow! tremenda frase... gran reflexión!
Totalmente de acuerdo.
He delegado 50HP a la cuenta comunitaria. Es poco,pero espero aumentar mi poder de voto para duplicar mi aporte.
That's the way it really is. There is no better way. Beyond the well-deserved incentive that draws so much attention to us, as artists the applause and support of the public are worth a lot, if it is not through the comments how can we demonstrate the great work of colleagues... Thank you for your contribution, it is quite a large community and we hope it continues to grow. We will work on it!.
para mi es un honor contribuir con ustedes cada semana
Aw, this gesture of yours touches my heart. Thank you, brother. In addition to your generous delegation, you're also drawing special attention to a phrase that is worth repeating again and again:
It's true. This is exactly what makes our community so special. We are all audience members here, whether we are musicians or listeners, and it really makes a positive difference when we give other artists our words of gratitude and encouragement. Global harmony is happening in this way. 💛🌟
You're totally right, dear friend and I fully agree.
I always try to make several comments every week and keep in touch with others.
I love Hive Open Mic, its people, and its feelings.
Thanks a lot, warm hugs.
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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @fernanblog, @musicandreview, @ovey10, @jesuslnrs ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
All completely sensible guidelines. I haven't been doing this for long but I love taking part each week as it gives me something specific to work on. It's great listening to everyone else too because I get lots of new ideas here. Thank you to all the fantastic moderators for running this community and to all who create great recordings for the rest of us to enjoy.
Hi everyone, here is my entry for this week. Gracias
Hello everyone. Here's my entry
Hola mis amigos Hive Open Mic gracias por presentarnos las reglas y guiarnos con ellas aún mejor post y conocimientos de lo que hacemos la tomaré en cuenta para mejorar mi edición un abrazo y que la paz sea con ustedes mil bendiciones 🤗🎸🎶❤️
It was already necessary to set our rules at the beginning of our community. Thank you very much for stopping by and checking them out, you are one of our radiant gems and we are very happy with the work you have been doing. Always keep in mind to keep growing as an artist and as a member of our community.
Thank you very much a huge hug and may God guide your steps a thousand blessings 🤗🎸🎶
Buen día. Siempre es bueno recordar algunas reglas y establecer otras para seguir creciendo de la mejor manera, creo que este es un espacio maravilloso y me gusta la idea de que se motive al creador de contenido a mejorar en todo sentido.
Since the first week we have seen the growth of several users who are now examples of our community. We appreciate having one of the most active and strongest communities on the platform and we owe a lot to the teaching of our moderators and the talent of our participants, thank you very much for being one of those Radiant Gems!.
I'm so happy to see that this community is responding enthusiastically to these guidelines. These guides are designed to be a firming foundation, much like the underlying soil where a garden will grow and flourish. 🌷
Over these 2+ years we've created a model of acceptance and appreciation for the arts. It feels like good timing to articulate what is working well in the Hive Open Mic community, so we can bring in even more of the brilliance and beauty that lights us all up. I'm thankful to @jesuslnrs for leading this initiative, along with the awesome Hive Open Mic moderators: @mipiano, @musicandreview, and @fernanblog. There are many other leaders among us too, with a growing number of individual stars, shining. And this is awe-inspiring!
Excelente mis queridos hermanos, siempre es bueno recordar las reglas de cada comunidad para que todo marche bien y podamos seguir disfrutando y aprendiendo del gran talento que hay dentro de este espacio, es por ello que me sumo al aporte de un granito de arena y he delegado 50hp al @hiveopenmic.. Aprovecho la oportunidad para felicitar a; @cabelinsay - @mipiano - @jesuslnrs - musicandreview y @fernandoblog, por el buen desempeño y grandes aportes para con todos nosotros dentro de esta comunidad... Les envío un gran abrazo, ¡Que sigan los ÉXITOS!
Hi Siul! We really appreciate the love and commitment you have for our community. Thank you very much. Your musical work is getting better and better, we love to see you growing with us. Thank you for reading this post, it is very important for us that everything is very clear to continue and aspire more than 130 weeks more of our global event.
Me encanta poder recordar todas las pautas para un mejor compatir. En la brevedad estaré haciendo mi aporte a esta comunidad que me gusta tanto. Les quiero.
We are happy that you feel at home in the Hive Open Mic community. We keep working to be one of the strongest on the platform and look forward to the week where you will be our host. Thank you very much for considering delegating and helping us grow.
Muchísimas gracias Hive Openmic! Por hacer ésta actualización de las reglas! Es realmente necesario e instructivo tener ésto muy claro a la hora de publicar, muchas veces no comprendemos porque una publicación genera más recompensas que otra, pero con ésta publicación se puede tener una idea precisa de lo que se debe hacer.
Muchísimas gracias, un abrazo fraternal.
Thanks to you for responding. We must not forget that these are our internal rules, but the communities that support and sponsor our event also have their own internal rules and criteria to evaluate, in addition, the history of each user is important at the time of curation. Having published repeated content in the past, not using image sources and even being voted many times a week could be another reason for the difference in rewards between users. The only thing we can ask from our members is that all the work is correct to increase their chances of success.
Excelente poder leer una vez mas las reglas de esta maravillosa comunidad.
Se que esto ayudara a muchas personas a mejorar ya que lo que se quiere también es que podamos presentar siempre un trabajo de calidad, no solo para el bienestar de la comunidad sino para Hive de forma general!
Se vienen cosas buenas para el Hive Open Mic y que lindo poder estar junto a ustedes!!
Bendiciones! Sigamos creciendo!
Thank you very much for visiting and reading this post. As a pillar of the community it is good that you know and share this information so that the newer ones continue to grow. I am sure they will work both in the Hive Open Mic and for many other sister communities, as many of the information we explain here is fundamental throughout the platform.
One of the major challenges I face often is the background noise, but I will work on it and every other thing. I will also make sure that my next presentation is more professional.
Thanks for putting the guidelines out again for better understanding.
Although it is not a limitation, it is important that you can improve this aspect, since the platform rewards high quality work, but at the same time understands and has faith in the growth of each individual who participates. We appreciate that you have the intention to evolve towards success. We will be here with open arms.
Thank you for the nice and encouraging comment.
Thanks to hive open mic, when I have improved in all areas, I can look back and smile at what I'm doing now.
Growth is important in a person's life and it can only be attained when one works towards it, and that is what I will be doing.
Thanks again🙂😇
Hello Jessica. It's good to meet you. Please can you assist me to join this community on discord?
Necesitaba repasar las reglas. Gracias por este refrescamiendo. Espero la comunidad siga creciendo. Muchos éxitos también a todos los participantes frecuentes.
Excelente Post para así tener claro la manera correcta de publicar, a ponerle corazon para seguir creciendo y nutriendo la comunidad🙏
Estupendo, a trabajar con las nuevas pautas!! Exitos a todos y grcs a los moderadores por sus apreciaciones
I love this contest so much, how you all have managed to keep it up more than 130 weeks!! Easy to say, hard to do! Congrats! Cheers for so many more weeks!
Congratulations @hiveopenmic! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):
Your next target is to reach 500 comments.
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!
Excelente que hayan compartido y aclarado las reglas o normas para realizar los trabajos a presentar . Es la mejor manera de iluminar el sendero y continuar en este hermoso trabajo en armonía global . Felicitaciones al equipo .👍😎
Muchas gracias querido equipo por recordarnos las reglas es muy bueno a mí en particular me encantó este recordatorio, que Dios siga bendiciendo a esta bella comunidad.❤️💞🥰
Saludos comunidad, que bueno es saber esto. Aportando un granito más para la comunidad y delegando 100 hp, espero que cada vez nos sumemos más. Bendiciones a todos
This is a vivid explanation and I believe it will go a long way in direction and moderating people in this platform especially new comers. Thanks for sharing @openmic ONE LOVE 🎶 🎹 🎵 🎻 🎤 🥁 😘
Siempre es interesante y básico leer las instrucciones con el fin de ajustarse a los parámetros y reglas que rigen una comunidad en Hive.
I love Hiveopenmic with their users. God bless them.
Hola es genial tener las reglas y saber como hacer mi post, me gusta mucho compartir aquí todos son muy lindas personas. GRACIAS POR ESTE LUGAR 😊🥰 ES GENIAL.
Hi sir, I want to ask a little, how do I post a video of threespeak, I have registered my account, but do not understand how to post it, I want to share here🙏
Thanks for the clarification.. We hope to get better with time..
Thanks for helping me grow here in the hive🤗 Thanks for the support @hive open mic..
@hiveopenmic, grandiosa la iniciativa de redactar este post de aclaratorias que se necesitaba. Creo que hay una forma de que quede "clavado" en su blog y aunque pase el tiempo siempre se pueda ver de primero arriba. Sería bueno que lo hicieran para que las personas que lleguen nuevas posteriormente tengan también acceso a esta información. Muchas gracias.
@hiveopenmic, the initiative to write this clarification post that was needed was great. I think there is a way for it to remain "stuck" in your blog and even if time goes by you can always see it first on top. It would be good if you did it so that new people who arrive later also have access to this important information. Thank you very much.
Hello to hive community, i have searching to this community for a long time ago, and i think now the community is grow with amazing people here, and thats below is a perfect explanation, and i am happy to heard that, i hope this community will be a big community in the world, with amazing musician here,
Now i am understand about all guild, and if i get more, i swear i will delegate for hiveopenmic
And i just wanna sharing that, why can we make a video duet with other musician, so we can make a duet video for a ween on hive openmic, what do you think? @hiveopenmic
Gracias por todas las normas y sugerencias en esta publicación.
Gracias por esta guia para los participantes, muy bien explicada.
hi, a good user recommended me this community, I am wondering if I can join the contest showing just half of my face, I am a really shy person 😶 thanks for your response
@hiveopenmic que bueno que recalquen las reglas para seguir de buena manera el andar de nuestra comunidad. Gracias va ustedes considero que he crecido en mi parte interpretativa y quiero que la comunidad se mantenga y que todos sigamos creciendo
Es un orgullo y un gran gusto estar acá y pertenecer a esta maravillosa familia de Hive Open Mic
Fraternal embrace to all who make life here at @hiveopenmic, always wishing you the greatest success. This is a wonderful space, let's continue to cultivate it.
This is wonderful. I so much love the fact that we highly promote originality here in hive open mic. Thank to all the moderators of this prestigious community...
Entendido. Muchas gracias por todo. por ese trabajo que realizan.

What a nice theme
Here's my entry for the week
Greetings everyone
This is the link to my entry
I really love and appreciate this comunity.
Muy bueno! Gracias por aclarar las normas de la comunidad. ☺️🙏🙌
Hi everyone
Here's my entry for the week
Hello. I've gone through this and it's indeed a wonderful community to belong. I've joined this community already on ecency but I need to join on discord and I don't know how to. Please I need some assistance.
I just sent some delegations, although is little, but as time goes on I will increase my delegations to this community... Much love to you all .. Jah bless..
It's been a while I come around open mic community due to some pressing engagements. However, I must say I've missed a whole lots of events & happenings here.
This community has maintained her standard so far, & its no longer a new things that part of her standard aimed at creating unity & harmony universally. Bringing to oneness all people around.
You've always allowed everyone the mic to showcase their talentsThank you for this initiative @hiveopenmic
I hope to in earnest resurface with some entries.
Wishing you all merry Christmas & warmest New year 2025.
Saludos a este gran equipo que nos orientan hacer y seguir las pautas establecidas para lograr una buena presentación... Gracias por siempre guiarnos... Mil bendiciones
Hi everyone one
Here is my Link