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RE: 🎵 Community Guidelines | Pautas Sugeridas del Hive Open Mic [Eng-Esp]

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

Across the screens the comments are the only thing we have to applaud the artist.

wow! tremendous phrase... great reflection!
Totally agree.

I have delegated 50HP to the community account. It is little, but I hope to increase my voting power to double my contribution.


A través de las pantallas los comentarios son lo único que tenemos para aplaudir al artista.

Wow! tremenda frase... gran reflexión!
Totalmente de acuerdo.

He delegado 50HP a la cuenta comunitaria. Es poco,pero espero aumentar mi poder de voto para duplicar mi aporte.

 2 years ago  

That's the way it really is. There is no better way. Beyond the well-deserved incentive that draws so much attention to us, as artists the applause and support of the public are worth a lot, if it is not through the comments how can we demonstrate the great work of colleagues... Thank you for your contribution, it is quite a large community and we hope it continues to grow. We will work on it!.

Realmente es así. No hay mejor manera. Más allá del merecido incentivo que nos llama tanto la atención, como artistas los aplausos y el apoyo del público valen mucho, si no es a través de los comentarios cómo podemos demostrar el gran trabajo de los colegas... Gracias por tu contribución, es una comunidad bastante grande y esperamos siga creciendo. ¡Trabajaremos en ello!.

para mi es un honor contribuir con ustedes cada semana

Aw, this gesture of yours touches my heart. Thank you, brother. In addition to your generous delegation, you're also drawing special attention to a phrase that is worth repeating again and again:

We give our applause through our comments.

It's true. This is exactly what makes our community so special. We are all audience members here, whether we are musicians or listeners, and it really makes a positive difference when we give other artists our words of gratitude and encouragement. Global harmony is happening in this way. 💛🌟

You're totally right, dear friend and I fully agree.

I always try to make several comments every week and keep in touch with others.
I love Hive Open Mic, its people, and its feelings.

Thanks a lot, warm hugs.