Bravo community!. It makes me very happy to see that everyone's effort has built a space full of music, peace and brotherhood. I have witnessed the evolution of the Hive Open Mic, and I know that there is still a lot to give, in addition to that every week we have more participants. This is a great idea Cabe Lindsay that will bring many good things, I know it will be well received by everyone in the hive...
¡Bravo comunidad!. Me hace muy feliz ver que el esfuerzo de todos a construido un espacio lleno de música, paz y hermandad. He sigo testigo de la evolución del Hive Open Mic, y sé que aún hay mucho para dar, además de que cada semana tenemos más participantes. Esta es una gran idea Cabe Lindsay que traerá muchas cosas buenas, sé que será bien recibido por todos en la colmena...
Thanks for your encouragement. In fact, I believe you are the dear sweet soul who first inspired the idea of creating a profile specifically for this community. Great idea. And your involvement in shaping this community is a total Godsend. Thanks again.