Happy memories and connections from Hivefest

in HiveFest22 days ago (edited)

This is going to be my last HiveFest post, and it will be a photo dump of the happy memories I captured with people. Compared to previous years, I didn't take many photos this year. Most of the time was spent on real life interaction with people. I mean everyone spent so much time and effort and not to mention money travelling to HiveFest, it would be a wasted opportunity not to engage with them. Plus, this year I noticed that HiveFest is becoming more of a family affair and not just a crypto/technical gathering. This is truly a sign of how the Hive community is maturing. Here's some of the happy moments and a lot of tagging 🙂

Day 2

This is the first day of the presentations and we had our gala dinner in the evening. I had to get my annual photo with The Wizard @gtg

Here's me taking a selfie with my good friend @zirochka who bought her husband and daughter @nataliabuchynska with her this year. The photo was taken by Mr Zirochka, and Mr @delishtreats is sitting behind us. See what I mean this being a family affair.

I'm very happy to meet @honeydue in person at last. She's been on the chain for a long time but our paths have only crossed properly recently.

During the gala dinner, we took a TeamUK photo. @bil.prag was nearby and we got a him to do a professional photoshoot for us. Starting on the left is @alessandrawhite, @steevc, @starkerz, @brianoflondon and @basilmarples, and me at the front 😀. There were a couple more Brits present but we didn't manage to catch them.

@zirochka @delishtreats and I took a photo with Sara's brother 😁 the one and only @jarvie, another great photographer amongst other things (brains behind Peakd, my courier) on Hive. You're da best 👍 Photo credit to @jarvie

Day 3

On the second day of the presentation, I remembered to take a few more photos. This is @ph1102 and @delishtreats

Me caught on camera by @louis88 taking a wefie with @detlev, @arcange, @lizanomadsoul, @steevc and @stoodkev

And here's @stoodkev again, this time with @howo, the French double trouble 🇫🇷 😱😄

Day 4

Today was supposed to be the boat trip but it was moved to day 6 due to bad weather forecast. It turned out to be a great day and I went to Klis Fortress with @zirochka and @delishtreats and their family. I'll be posting about this separately.

In the meanwhile, here's another example of HiveFest becoming a family affair, Mr Delishtreats, Mr Zirochka and Mr Livinguktaiwan.

And an happy group photo of us at Klis Fortress credit @delishtreats

Day 5

This was originally the last day of HiveFest with the closing drinks in the evening. A lot of people turned up. From top left going clockwise is @detlev, @ninaeatshere, @lizanomadsoul, @ph1102, me and @evelynchacin who came all the way from Poland with her husband and 10 month old baby!! See! Another family affair!

This is me, @steevc, @basilmarples and @akipponn

I'm glad I can finally meet @akipponn, she's such a diverse content creator!!

Day 6

Our rescheduled boat trip happened on the last day and I got to speak to talk to more people. @bil.prag is the guy who's been taking a lot of the awesome photos you see at HiveFest

@forkyishere came all the way from New Zealand, I think he took four flights to get to Split!!!

During the boat trip, we got to go on land and many of us went for a walk after lunch. I can't remember the handle of the person at the front, but I did speak to him and I know he's from Romania. This is @abbak7 in the front and behind him is @buttcoins who bought his family @myinnervoice and @thebombkids along

And then after the boat trip a bunch of us went for coffee. You can say we enjoy hanging around with one another. @growandbow is playing in his phone behind me, next to him is @honeydue, @llunasoul,@primersion who cycled (!!!) 5 days from Austria to Croatia, @masterswatch, @detlev, @misslasvegas and... @louis88 or is it @rivalzzz 😬🫣😅

Group photo

And finally, no Hivefest is complete without a group photo, credit to @bil.prag.
hive fest split (262).jpg

Happy memories and connections from Hivefest. See you all next year!



What I want to know is... who's behind the sinister looking cape?

Oh come on, it's on my avatar from the very beginning.

It must have been hot under that cape and pointy hat! 😀

Actually its main purpose is to protect me from the heat (and direct sun). It's my "mobile shadow" and it's really very effective. I prefer that instead of pointy hat (which I borrow from @yidneth) for practical reasons (full body protection, won't be gone with the wind, easier entry into hobbit houses)

Come to think of it, I can't recall seeing you outside before during the day. In Bangkok it was that restaurant (at night) and every other time it's been indoors.

'The shrouded figure' added an element of mystery to all the smiles and waves, can't beat that 😀.


People constant express confusion when I wear long sleeves and layers in the 35C heat...

  • Blocks Mosquitoes
  • Prevents skin cancer
  • Prevents sunburn
  • Can control temperature by removing layers if needed
  • Creates an inner sweat clothing so people aren't grossed out by armpit sweat or whatever externally
  • Sweat evaporates between layers, creating cooling effect
  • More pockets
  • About 7 other reasons I can't think of right now



Haha!! If I told you he might cast a spell on me 🧙🪄


He would never survive an hour at HiveFest now 🔪🔪🔪


it is pretty obvious, but i am not doxing :D

Wizard is Wizarding...🤣


So nice to have chatted for a while and to have met again!
I really relate to the idea of a maturing Hive community and of spending time really engaging in person!
P.S. that’s @abbak7 in front of us
A friend of mine from the steemit days!

Ah! Thanks, I remember he had a number in his username, and for some reason I thought it was 21 😊

We're getting on to our 10th year now, pretty old by crypto standards I think, I heard not many last that long

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Lots of happy memories. It does feel a lot like a family who get together every year or so. It is not like some business conference where everyone is out to make deals. We share ideas and inspiration. I want to see lots more people experience this, so we need more events. Local communities need to organise those around the world. I am sure some people will travel to be there.

It does feel a lot like a family who get together every year or so

I certainly get that feeling after three years. And every year I get to talk to more people. Still a lot that I didn't get round to this year.

I loved our selfie! We certainly had wonderful moments that become lifelong memories. The family! 🤗

And thanks so much for bringing Olivia along, she must be the youngest Hivefest attendee.

Yes, I think she was🤗🤗🤗

I wonder how it'll feel if I get the chance to swing by a Hivefest and meet all of the names I see on a daily basis!!! It'll be a hectic feeling!

Does it feel like family? I bet it does eyyy!!!

Those really are memories that will never be forgotten! #corememories

Nothing beats meeting online friends IRL. You should try it one year, you'll love it and I bet you'd you'd be out partying all night with the gang!!

Now that might be a fact😃😃

thanks for the share, now i do have at least 3-4 pretty decent photos :D

it does have a bit of family feeling overall.

i was not thinking about it till you mentioned it, there was a decent number of real families.

Yeah, I forgot to mention mightrockylee came with his mum, so baby, kids, husbands, wife, mom. And dogs!!! Mustn't forget them!

Judging by the posts I have read from the participants at the Hive Fest it was really memorable and left very good impressions on everyone.

Thank you very much for this post that has put a face to those names that we see daily in the community, I knew some of them, but not many, it was a pleasure to meet them. A hug 🤗

I thought it would be nice to put a name in front of a face. Often I see people post meet up posts and lots of photos, I wish I knew who was who.

Thanks again for doing so 🤗

It was nice to meet you... again... and again... 😃
Also, couldn't agree more with your observation... Every next time we meet, it looks more and more like a close family gathering! Love it!
Can't wait for the next meetup!

HI @ph1102 glad to see you made it to Hive Fest. Hopefully I will make it next year!

I hope you will! It would be great to see you again and have a chat with you live...

I will always remember our first encounter as you were the first person that I met at HiveFest, Amsterdam! I like to tell that story to my introverted, Hive friends... 😃

Yes, @jarvie is Sara's Brother! :) Glad you guys got to hang out. Excited for the delivery, which I think will be Christmas.

Christmas is good timing!

It was a little joke we had as Jarvie said he was better known as Sara's brother in front of us girls, it was so funny 😄

Wow, that's quite the collection of characters there! It looks like you really had a blast!

There were still a lot of people I didn't get round to talk to, must do better next year

This looks great and impressive

Yes, it is

Thanks with much love

That is really cool to see some of the faces behind the names. It sounds like it was a really cool time. Maybe someday it will come to the U.S.

Or a country easily accessible first Americana. I think some may have visa issues getting into the States, and it's a relatively expensive country, but I definitely hope you'd be able to get to a HiveFest one year, it's really fun

So many happy faces and smiles!!! I LOVE it!!!

You tempted to join us next year😉

Will do my best! :)

Wonderful to see that all of you enjoyed the time there, and a fest is certainly a great place to be.

I don't know if we've had any attendees from South Africa before, maybe you can be the first!

I so wish, but I run a charity, and we have no money for traveling.
Just received this prestigious award from Greatnonprofits for The Papillon Foundation and I will do a post about it soon.




Thank you kindly, and maybe we can hold a Hivefest here in Cape town.

here's another example of HiveFest becoming a family affair, Mr Delishtreats, Mr Zirochka and Mr Livinguktaiwan.

Some great photos, and good to know these great personalities by their face, see all the Mr, @stoodkev is much younger than I thought.

I have to say, he does look younger than when I last saw him a few years ago. I want to eat whatever he's been eating 😋

happy bunch of people, some I can now recognise and put a face to the name!

That's the intention. Still waiting for your attendance ....

Well I keep saying it...one day I will. when Ian told me the dates of this one I was already prepaid on another little adventure. Ho hum!

Amazing collection of memories ❤️❤️❤️
Photos that will always make you smile 😀

Happy times in deed

Awesome memories! I want to go back in time with all these lovely people :)

Countdown to next year has started...

Great memories <3 It was a nice time and looking forward to next year. Actually it was louis on the pic :D

Liz told me how to tell you two apart but I forgot 😅

Bet you two enjoyed confusing teachers at school when you were a kid

Bet you two enjoyed confusing teachers at school when you were a kid

indeed that what happened in our earlier time 😜

Oooooh here you have such a great #BearSaturday pic! (Can I borrow to one my next post? I’m not ready to stop talking about HF xD)
Aww nice seeing all pictures here, the MRs ones it’s sooo cool!!!

Of course, no problems with the photo

creating circle of friends through Hive 😊 love those photos...
I thought delishtreats was coquicoin haha... looks similar..

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Now I have to go find a photo of coquicoin..

hehe..go ahead

here she is hehe


At these events, interacting with people you knew virtually, it must be very exciting to meet them in person and interact with them.

It's certainly is. if you have an opportunity to attend a local meet up, it is highly recommended to go

Oh man this looks like it was a great trip! Would love to attend HiveFest one of these years.... HiveFest Tainan 2025? ;)

Thanks for sharing!

Tainan !! Yes!!! 💪💪💪

😍 All I know is that I felt a lot of joy when I saw these photos. I know you lived it to the fullest. Cool!

I don't know if I'm biased, but I am very happy when I go through my post, I've be re read it quite a few times 😄


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@papilloncharity(1/15) tipped @livinguktaiwan

It was so nice to meet you in person finally 🤗💛

Likewise! I love it how I come back from HF everytime with more friends

Two things I loved so much about this post, the great pictures you took with so many good friends and seeing you smile, that's the best thing that can happen to us. I'm so glad you enjoyed every moment. There is always the promise of a future meeting, I hope you will be a protagonist then too 🙏 A big hug for you, respectable lady!...

The good times spent with great friends is definitely the best part of meetups.

Have a great weekend!

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been manually curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks:
a community encouraging first-hand content, and each individual living their best life.

Such a fabulous set of photos, and such great smiles! I am thrilled that all of you had a good time together with many exciting adventures! Thanks for sharing the pics! 😊

Thanks @thekittygirl , I really wish we can meet up one day!

Good times and awesome pictures! It was really great to see you again @livinguktaiwan🐝🐝🐝
Where did the selfie go that you did on that other picture? I would love to see it :D

Likewise and it was great to meet the WMP team.

I think I had a horrible double chin so I deleted that selfie 🫣 but luckily I took many including this one where Louis snuck in


Hahaha I see. This one is great. Love how @steevc is jumping in 👍🐝

ah just seen this! so many great shots and fine memories. Whens the next uk meetup?
