What Does a Septuagenarian Do on Hive? My First Post on Silver Bloggers

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Guardian Angel Cathedral Farragutful 04.png
Credit: Farragutful. Used under CC 4.0 International license

In April of 1973 my husband and I married at the Guardian Angel Cathedral in Las Vegas, Nevada. I wore an off-the-rack straight line dress with a geometric design. Guests at the wedding were our mothers and my sister. One might say this ceremony was performed in defiance of custom and in compliance with tradition. I was a child of the 60s and I was going to do it 'my way'. I think it's fair to say my life still follows that path.

My first child was born in 1974. By mid 1980s that child, my son, had talked me into buying a Sinclair computer.

Sinclair-ZX81 Evan-Amos 3.0.jpg
Image credit: Evan-Amos. Used under CC 3.0 license

It didn't take much convincing. In 1982 I had taken an independent study course at a local university and earned 4 credits in BASIC programming (Applesoft). I wanted to understand the changes that were taking place in technology.

Predictably, my son became a computer maven, and it was because of him that I discovered the blockchain. Isn't that what happens? We lead them, then if we are willing, they lead us.

In February of 2018 I wrote my first blog on Hive. Oh those first blogs: payouts, $0.00. And then something happened. In April of that year I wrote a really long research article, The Curious Relationship Between the Wasp and the Fig, and got a $70.00 payout.

Picture From That Blog: 350-Year-Old Fig Tree, in India
Thimmamma-marrimanu_1 3.0.jpg
Credit: Abdulkaleem md, picture of Thimmamma Marrimanu. CC 3.0 License

I had discovered StemSocial (under a different name at that time). It was obvious this community of scientists looked past my low Rep, and my low VP. They read the blog and appreciated the work. I have stayed committed to the StemSocial community since then. It is still run by @lemouth and @mobbs.

The blockchain was in my blood after that first success.

collage community, LMAC. At that time, LMAC wasn't really a cohesive community. The first collage I created was made on a lark, in the comment section, for fun.It wasn't until early 2019 that I discovered @shaka's

First Collage in LMAC
my first collage.png
Credits for images used: Bear, Eagle,Elk, Mountain goats

My art skills were non-existent. But @shaka was kind so I went back and made more collages. It was the first time I thought I could do anything involving art. I'm still with LMAC. Today I'm a moderator, and wow, has LMAC grown. Big prizes are awarded. We have a team, and our own image library. I have personally donated hundreds of pictures to that library. They are all public domain now, and can be borrowed.

I began spending most of my free time working on projects related to Hive. Because of Hive, and LMAC, I became an amateur photographer. Another new hobby. I was given a camera for Christmas and started going around with my husband (the same one from 1973!) to look for great 'shots' so I could contribute these to the LMAC library. Here is one I contributed last week, a cutout of the family cat:
eli on shelf2.png

Here is one I took at the beach
spotted bird and seagull aug 11.png

There is so much on Hive, that it would be impossible to blog in every community that appeals to me. I've tried my hand at a number of these communities. The amazing part of my blogging activity is that many people my age are looking for things to do because they are 'bored'. I don't have enough time to do everything I'd like to do.

For example there's Fascinating Insects (I've blogged there, briefly), and CineTV (I've blogged there also). How about Hive Book Club? I love Hive Book club--most of my formal training is in literature, and I've actually written books! But where is the time to blog everywhere that appeals to me?

The cover of a book I wrote, a few years ago:
art literacy for blog 001.png

My love of writing, and background in it, are how I got involved in the second community in which I currently curate: The Inkwell. This community of writers was founded by @raj808 and @stormlight. When Raj told me about The Inkwell, I was of course interested.

In time, Raj had to step away and there was need for more hands-on curation. As a writer who loves writers, I stepped up and joined the team of curators, led today by @jayna. New writers and established short story writers find an audience and develop their skills at the Inkwell.

Hive in the Life of a Septuagenarian
I've had a full life. Marriage to the same man for almost fifty years. Children and now a grandchild. It's been a productive, useful life. These are aspects of life I want to have: productivity and usefulness. Hive gives me these things. I am useful, every day. Each day I work to make my communities, and this platform, stronger. That is rewarding. And I am never bored.

The Silver Bloggers community is a natural place for me to share these thoughts. We of a certain age share certain concerns. It's really good to have a place to express that.

Everyone, be well and enjoy each day.

Thank you for reading my blog

Hive on


Awesome writeup, AG. @agmoore. You are a gifted wordsmith. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story. Hive has added another dimension to our lives. We seniors do have life knowledge to share and hopefully inspire the following generations.

Love the photo of the family cat. 😊

Have a wonderful day! 😊

 3 years ago  


Thank you my friend. The best part is, we get to 'meet' wonderful people.

Really nice to know you, @redheadpei

Thanks A.G. And to know you my dear friend @agmoore. 😊

Hello @agmoore

Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.I'm (@fionasfavourites) part of the

Thank you a wonderful first post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, reblogged and curated.

We hope to see many more and that you enjoy being part of our community.


 3 years ago  

Thank you! It feels really good to be 'Silvered'🌟

It's nice to know more about the personal lives of the people we interact with on the Blockchain, which gives it a more human touch.
I'm glad to hear that you found in Hive the love for photography, I think that has happened to more than one of us (including me) ;-D
I wish you a lot of happiness in your personal life and I hope you continue to be successful in Hive! I'm glad we are teammates! 🤗

 3 years ago  

Hello my friend @mballesteros,

I didn't realize that your interest in photography was prompted partly by your association with Hive. You are so very good. I thought you were professional🍂

I am so very glad we are teammates. Working with you and the LMAC team has been a very rewarding part of my Hive experience. Thank you for stopping by and for that kind comment. Happiness and peace to you as you transition into new experiences.

No, I'm not a professional photographer but I would love to, I'm just an amateur. And yes, it was here in the blockchain where I started to get more interested in this art and when I discovered LMAC then I discovered that I also love image editing and manipulation!
How do you see blockchain opens our minds in different aspects! 😜🤓

Wow wow wow..

This is really inspiring..

I am sure the 70$ post felt like a EUREKA moment.

Mine was a little bit different.. I got an 80$ upvote on my first days and when I stopped receiving votes I stopped.

Then I came back in 2020 and told myself that if people can do it, I should be able to do it.

I got my first hang of writing on Stemsocial and since then I have been doing my best to keep myself a little bit consistent.

I intend to do better.

Your story is a motivation I must say

 3 years ago  

Hello @bhoa,

I'm glad you came back in 2020. It can be very discouraging if no one votes on your posts. But since I have lived a long time (as my post indicates😄) I think communities are really helpful for establishing connections, and connections are the key on Hive. People have to know you exist before they can vote for you.

Thanks so much for that wonderful comment. I will try to keep up with your stemsocial blogs. They are always interesting.


Oh, I didn't even know you were a senior citizen.

 3 years ago  

Then the disguise worked 😄

Thanks for stopping by, @enforcer48

 3 years ago  

Welcome to the SilverBloggers community, you will fit right in here. 🤓
Thanks for such a great first post!
Have a wonderful day today 👋🏻☀️

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much for that cheery, warm greeting. It seems this community is a very friendly place. I am sure I will be back to blog here. It already feels like home 🌞

 3 years ago  

Yes, please do 😉You are so welcome @agmoore 😊👋🏻

What a great blog, and thanks for sharing these thoughts and experiences on your blockchain journey on Silver Bloggers.
Hope to see you here again :)

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much! What a warm greeting I am receiving from this community. It certainly will be one of the places I spend time in the future.

Very nice to 'meet' you, @coquicoin

Nice to meet you too, and looking forward to reading more of your posts here 😄

Quite the journey @agmoore, filled with productivity, usefulness, and helping others, on and off-line.

I didn't know you were into computers, tech, and programming since the 80s (I'm about 10 years behind 😆).

Thank you for being an invaluable part of the communities you mentioned, for everything you did/do, and for sharing that piece about your journey on Hive.

Stay strong, stay awesome, and keep Hive'ing!

 3 years ago  

So nice of you to stop by, and with such an uplifting comment. I think it might not be accurate to say I was 'into computers', if that in any way implies significant knowledge. I wanted to be informed. I wanted to understand the logic behind programming and computing. Basically, I didn't want to be a dinosaur, left behind in world of ever-changing technology. Plus, it was really good for my son to have a parent who understood and appreciated his hobby.Hello my friend @yaziris,

You have become an important part of my journey on Hive. You have taught me some sobering, but necessary lessons. Thank you!

Nice that you do not get bored and keep us happy with your youthful charm. Maybe I'll find a little more time for HIVE & Co in the next few years, but I'm still more tempted by real life. I am still young. 😅
I will certainly not be bored, I still have many plans.
Kind regards & HIVE ON! 😎Thanks for this little glimpse into your personal life @agmoore, I found it very interesting.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for that comment.Hello my friend @muelli,

keep us happy with your youthful charm.😅

Not quite😄

I know you have plans. You lead a full life. It is inspiring to read about your adventures and misadventures. Keep writing about them. I love those blogs.

Take care of yourself @muelli and enjoy every day, as I know you do.


I’m so glad Hive has you. Just think what would’ve happened if you’d developed some other arbitrary passion. At least, here, you’re incredibly valued! 🤗❤️💕

 3 years ago  

Hello my dear friend, @itsostylish

Just think what would’ve happened if you’d developed some other arbitrary passion.


Think about that. Forks in the road. Happenstance. How we got where we are. I am so very glad I took this fork.

Wonderful to work with you at the Inkwell, and to meet you on the platform. Thank you for your wonderful comment. ⭐️🌟

You have written such a lovely piece @agmoore and there are countless words of wisdom to learn from this piece.

The fact that you "were willing" to be led by your son shows how open and ready you are to learn new things. This opens you to the world of growth and progress, hence your journey on Hive.

Your journey on Hive was not an easy one, as you have pointed out. You had your fair share of struggle, disappointments and set-back, yet you didn't relent. You kept pushing forward, till you climbed up the ladder of success.

Now, you're not just a writer on the Hive Blockchain but you're a writer who people look up to; you are a model to others; and your words of encouragement bring hope to younger generation of writers.

Your trademark in the LMAC is not only felt but is also seen and your contributions will remain forever in the heart of Hive; heart of other people's collages and in the heart of authors.

Thank you for all you do 🥰

 3 years ago  

Hello @ksam,

You are so kind and gracious. I don't imagine that you are nearly close to my age, but it seems to me that you are blessed with a wise view of life.

I don't think people look up to me, but I do feel a responsibility to encourage and help those who are just starting out. There have been so many enterprises in my life where I was just starting out. I know what that feels like. It is a privilege to be able to reach out and make just a tiny difference in someone's day, even if it is only on the blockchain.

I appreciate your very kind and sincere comment. It feels good to read those words.

Good luck to you. I hope to see you around the blockchain in different communities.


 3 years ago (edited) 

Funny how much of your story resonates with me - married in 1974, my son's love of IT & gaming started with the Commodore 64 & Atari and he introduced me to the blockchain, although he's no longer active. He now is a lead Java developer and more into gaming when he has time!
Hive has become my passion post-retirement, even though I now run a bnb from home.
Yep, also still married to the same man, something a recent young guest could not believe as he asked hubby how many wives he's had. Both his parents have been married a couple of times already 🙈 That question really gave us a chuckle!
Silver Bloggers is a space where you're sure to meet a kindred spirit...or more...but it's also a space where you can share life memories/ experiences/ hobbies etc.
We look forward to seeing more of your writing.
PS I will definitely check out some of the communities you mentioned, thank you 🤗Hi @agmoore, welcome to the Silver Bloggers, I am so happy that you discovered our community!

 3 years ago  

Hello @lizelle,

Thank you for the welcome. We do have similar elements in our life stories. Commodore 64 and Atari. Oh yes!! How about dial up service which cost so much money back then. It was truly the Stone Age of Internet communication, until we learned how to navigate and until the technology became more user friendly.

You do bring back memories... that first big phone bill😆

You run a bnb...wow, how energetic. You must meet interesting people. I'm sure you have stories to share about that.

Silver Bloggers is a great community, I am learning. So glad I finally took the plunge and became part of it. Thanks again for the sincere welcome.

 3 years ago  

Oh gosh, I'd forgotten about those phone bills, used to be a real contentious issue🙈
As for bnb guests, yes I could write a book about them & have shared some stories. We are blessed with really nice people from all walks of life, so see how different people celebrate, mourn, work & just play. Very interesting for sure, we've even had baptisms in our swimming pool! The current guests are here for a funeral. Fortunately we only have 1 cottage & a studio unit so it's manageable with 2 good staff members.
Have a great Friday further @agmoore

I love the seagulls picture, the young ones are so funny watching them grow and lose their tan 'baby' feathers as I call them:)Welcome to Silver Bloggers @agmoore and what a wonderful post. I agree with you that in Hive there is so much to 'do' and so many communities to blog in. I like to write and have dropped a story or two into The Inkwell. LMAC now I have seen that, and have friends who make some funky collages, but as of yet I have not dipped my toes into the collage world.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for that warm welcome. Silver Bloggers seems to be a very friendly place. 🌿 It is certain I will write again in the this community.Hello @tengolotodo,

I do remember seeing your name (great name!) in the Inkwell. I'll look for it if you write again :) As for LMAC...that is my therapy. Though I don't compete I still make collages. So much fun that sometimes I 'steal' time from other responsibilities and get lost in playing with a design.

Thanks again for the welcome.

Welcome to this wonderful community, feel comfortable because here you are like a family and for sure you will always be received with much affection. Write a lot, write what you feel, they love that. It was nice to meet you in your publication and to know about your steps in Hive. I hope to see you back very soon.

 3 years ago  

here you are like a family and for sure you will always be received with much affection

I see that. The spirit of the community is so positive. Sometimes the blockchain can seem sterile, and even forbidding. But not here. Thank you very much for the warm welcome. I will surely be back.

Your blog made me smile @agmoore

Not for the astounding amount you do behind the scenes on hive, nor for the reasons you put a lot of your time in, I already knew these things about you from our conversations.

And as a retired teacher, it makes so much sense that:

These are aspects of life I want to have: productivity and usefulness. Hive gives me these things. I am useful, every day. Each day I work to make my communities, and this platform, stronger. That is rewarding.

All this I could have guessed, and for me, I find it remarkable that I've got to know a handful of people so well on hive such as yourself. I've said it before and I'll say it again this is the thing I most cherish about my time on hive.

But, after that lengthy preamble, what made me smile is that (and this has happened in many of the blogs & stories you've published on hive) I had to go look up the word 'Septuagenarian' online 😂

The gift of a new word is priceless IMO, so thank you for so many.

It's ironic that as I opened hive up to write my last story (btws it is a gritty, gory fantasy 3-part short story so really no need to read it as it might not be your cuppa tea) on hive for a long while, maybe for good, I don't know that the future holds, I look at my notifications and find a mention from one of 5-6 people who I first really got to know on here.

Thank you for being a friend, thank you for expanding my vocabulary and just overall thanks for being a constant for so long.

I know you read my '5 years on hive' blog, and understand why I'm stepping away.

If I miraculously manage to complete a manuscript, find an agent, get it all together, hit that rare combo of luck/talent/rightplacerighttime 😂 within a year, and actually get something published, I shall turn up again shouting it from the rooftops.

But, I'd DM message you before even writing that post my friend, as if I'm lucky enough to bring my dream to fruition, there are a few people on here whom I'd want to send copies too if they fancied reading a fantasy novel. You are one of them.

Take care 🙂🌿

 3 years ago  

Hello my dear friend @raj808,

Always I will credit you with being profoundly influential in my journey on the platform. All it takes is a few words, encouragement, validation at the right time. You did that.

Your writing is brilliant, and you have a heart. Whatever you decide about Hive, that has to be good for you. But as a writer, continue to create. You have a gift. Some of us can write when we try, but we can't create the music you create. We can't transcend the ordinary.

Thank you for your kind words. Be good to yourself. I wish you the peace and success you deserve. Of course let me know when you publish that book (not if, but when).

Your friend,

What a great first post in our community! I love how Hive has stretched (in a good way) so many of us in the time we've been on the blockchain. I do hope you'll hang around and join in on some of our initiatives and pop in at our Coffee Corner on Discord.

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much for the warm greeting. I have eyed the community for while but (as I explain) the blog had to wait until I could catch my breath 😄. It's a great idea, a forum for people of a certain age who will certainly have disparate interests. The community can be validation of that idea --we may have all lived a long time, but we all have led different lives.

Thanks again for the greeting.

Indeed we have! I completely understand and eschewed communities because I didn't want to be boxed and none really resonated.