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RE: What Does a Septuagenarian Do on Hive? My First Post on Silver Bloggers

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Quite the journey @agmoore, filled with productivity, usefulness, and helping others, on and off-line.

I didn't know you were into computers, tech, and programming since the 80s (I'm about 10 years behind 😆).

Thank you for being an invaluable part of the communities you mentioned, for everything you did/do, and for sharing that piece about your journey on Hive.

Stay strong, stay awesome, and keep Hive'ing!

 3 years ago  

So nice of you to stop by, and with such an uplifting comment. I think it might not be accurate to say I was 'into computers', if that in any way implies significant knowledge. I wanted to be informed. I wanted to understand the logic behind programming and computing. Basically, I didn't want to be a dinosaur, left behind in world of ever-changing technology. Plus, it was really good for my son to have a parent who understood and appreciated his hobby.Hello my friend @yaziris,

You have become an important part of my journey on Hive. You have taught me some sobering, but necessary lessons. Thank you!