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RE: Transforming an Ugly Duckling

in Silver Bloggers8 months ago

What a lovely project. the table looks fantastic. It's great that you're able to identify what you can and can't do to keep the ball rolling. It's beautiful that you're continuing your legacy with your husband even if he's not physically with you. Sounds like you're putting yourself 1st which is great 🤗🤗🤗🤗

 8 months ago  

Thank you Claire! Yes, so many people asked me if I'm going to sell up and move to a smaller place as the BnB will be too difficult to manage etc. etc. But, no!
Losing one's life partner and then having to say goodbye to everything familiar, is a recipe for disaster. Life goes on, although it sucks at times when grief hits.
The desk conversion has been a lovely project.

people don't want to talk about grief and loss. I know, I used to be one of them. In a way, people are just frightened they'll cause you more pain. Losing my dad last year was... unimaginably painful. I knew it was coming, I thought I was ready but honestly, I don't think you ever really are ready to lose a loved one.

I would love to take @zakludick to spend some time at your Air bnb sometime soon! Where are you based again? KZN?

I want to do a long drive up the east coast, stopping in George, Knysna, Natures Valley, East London and visiting Durban... as soon as money will allow <3