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RE: Transforming an Ugly Duckling

in Silver Bloggers8 months ago

Thank you Claire! Yes, so many people asked me if I'm going to sell up and move to a smaller place as the BnB will be too difficult to manage etc. etc. But, no!
Losing one's life partner and then having to say goodbye to everything familiar, is a recipe for disaster. Life goes on, although it sucks at times when grief hits.
The desk conversion has been a lovely project.


people don't want to talk about grief and loss. I know, I used to be one of them. In a way, people are just frightened they'll cause you more pain. Losing my dad last year was... unimaginably painful. I knew it was coming, I thought I was ready but honestly, I don't think you ever really are ready to lose a loved one.

I would love to take @zakludick to spend some time at your Air bnb sometime soon! Where are you based again? KZN?

I want to do a long drive up the east coast, stopping in George, Knysna, Natures Valley, East London and visiting Durban... as soon as money will allow <3