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RE: Grandparent Stories Contest Entry: @cmplxty

in Silver Bloggers4 years ago

Hahah you might be tired man! There's definitely a W in that word there, for sure no T! Lol.

I'm glad I got to spend time with not only my dads dad but my moms dad as well. I wouldn't go visit them as often as I would have liked but I did visit them more often than my other siblings did. It's nice to just sit down and chat, keep the older generation company. I'm more comfortable with them and shooting the shit than I am with a lot of other people because they just love to talk, and have pretty crazy stories to tell! Hopefully our son will enjoy that type of thing when he gets older, I’ve learned a lot from them!

 4 years ago  

I'm back to say I kinda had that same relationship. Thanks for entering man. The competition was tough.

And I didn't realize you post so much! Got dang. Impressive.

Lol thanks man! I’m glad there was some awesome competition for the contest! Means that it was an excellent one indeed.

I’m trying to post once a day as a way to stay committed but also have a routine. It would be nice to have this money in a couple years if shit really hits the fan! Compound some interest and daily post earnings with some curation and I could have many thousands of hive waiting! It’s fun to shoot the shit as well, see if people find my musings interesting lol

 4 years ago  

I've noticed your routine somewhat, they come up weekly and now I'm catching on to where I can name some like music Monday.

You have a good streak of themes going. More power to you posting daily, that's pretty big time. I swear I spend at least 1 day editing, I'm lucky if I publish two a week. Then add 50 something contest entries when Galen throws a party and I didn't even consider my own content. If you ever wanna host a contest, have him announce it.

I went 7 days a row two times in my four years and they were both quite awhile ago. Qurator has a weekly author badge and I wanted that mufuker. First week I was unsuccessful so I didn't try it again for about another year. The second time, though, shooooooot I won that shit! It's so old it has my old profile pic.
