Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I’m here posting on a community I just learned about that I love: Silver Bloggers!

Grandparents Wisdom
What better way to start posting in a community than to enter a contest?! I don’t know of one sometimes!
The contest is to write about something memorable from your grandparents or an older person in your life that has made a mark on you for the better.
For my entry I’ll be talking about a period of time that I went through a significant change and shake up that shaped the rest of my life.
I just broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years. I was at the age (sort of) that we were talking about marriage and all that. I broached the topic with my parents and her parents because I was considering it. In the back of my mind though I had some red flags and there were things that weren’t great and just wasn’t right for me. I had some stuff that I thought about and I decided that it was best for me to break it off and after a long time, it was finally done. We broke up. I felt a little sad but what I also felt more importantly was free and happy! That’s when I knew I made the right decision. There are others in my family that never forgave me for that decision (because getting married isn’t about my choice you know?! Lol) and it’s evident to this day even though I’m now married to a beautiful and absolutely wonderful wife who is far superior in every way to my ex girlfriend, they don’t approve but that’s a book for another day.
What it comes down to for the post topic though was that what did I do after I broke up with her? I did what I felt was a good idea and called up my grandfather who lived in Vermont and asked him if I could come stay with him for a week to clear my head and talk to him. He didn’t get many visitors so he was ecstatic and said absolutely!
I told him about the situation I just got out of and he said to me “coming from a guy who’s been married three times, if they aren’t the right one and you know it in your heart and head that it’s not the right one for you, then Don’t fucking do it!!” Lol. It was some good advice but was genuine. My grandmother, my dads mother, died at an unfortunate age and my grandfather admitted all the time that she was the best woman he ever had and would still be married to her if she was alive. I can still hear his voice saying what he told me. That week spent with him was a great week. I did a lot of talking with him about him and his life, which I knew a decent amount anyways, but it was good to come at a time of change in my life and get to spend time with him. He wasn’t the best role model in many ways but he was a good man in his own right. I learned a lot from him and he gave me a gift that week that I still have and will pass it onto our son when he’s old enough not to lose it or break it in hopes that it will become a bit of a tradition to pass it down through the family.
The sad part about it was that I was the only grandchild that went out of my way to drive up and see him on my own and spend time with him just to hang out. Not have my hand out looking for money or some other shit. Just to spend time with him, keep him company and learn some stuff from him if I could. I was fascinated by some of his stories of things he did and the military stuff he told me about. I’ll always remember and appreciate that week and the several other weeks after that initial stay, that I got to spend with my grandfather. He passed away three years ago and I still miss him but I’m very glad that I got to have the opportunity I did to spend time with him like I did, it was a great time to do it for the both of us!
What do you have for a story for your grandparent? I'd love to hear one and you should enter the contest, with the link right here!

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Thanks for your great entry mate.
Thanks for the idea as always man! Love these thought provoking things. Some great stuff to think about and remember. Found some old pictures on my phone that I enjoyed trying to come up with what to talk about.
It's good to reminisce a little now and then, remember those people who have left us with valuable lessons.
Wassup? I was that grandkid too. I was at my grandparents house more than their own kids. I don't know how many of these I've read, I'll chalk it up to my eyes are tired, I read this three times..
I kept seeing "not" with a T like what the?
Hahah you might be tired man! There's definitely a W in that word there, for sure no T! Lol.
I'm glad I got to spend time with not only my dads dad but my moms dad as well. I wouldn't go visit them as often as I would have liked but I did visit them more often than my other siblings did. It's nice to just sit down and chat, keep the older generation company. I'm more comfortable with them and shooting the shit than I am with a lot of other people because they just love to talk, and have pretty crazy stories to tell! Hopefully our son will enjoy that type of thing when he gets older, I’ve learned a lot from them!
I'm back to say I kinda had that same relationship. Thanks for entering man. The competition was tough.
And I didn't realize you post so much! Got dang. Impressive.
Lol thanks man! I’m glad there was some awesome competition for the contest! Means that it was an excellent one indeed.
I’m trying to post once a day as a way to stay committed but also have a routine. It would be nice to have this money in a couple years if shit really hits the fan! Compound some interest and daily post earnings with some curation and I could have many thousands of hive waiting! It’s fun to shoot the shit as well, see if people find my musings interesting lol
I've noticed your routine somewhat, they come up weekly and now I'm catching on to where I can name some like music Monday.
You have a good streak of themes going. More power to you posting daily, that's pretty big time. I swear I spend at least 1 day editing, I'm lucky if I publish two a week. Then add 50 something contest entries when Galen throws a party and I didn't even consider my own content. If you ever wanna host a contest, have him announce it.
I went 7 days a row two times in my four years and they were both quite awhile ago. Qurator has a weekly author badge and I wanted that mufuker. First week I was unsuccessful so I didn't try it again for about another year. The second time, though, shooooooot I won that shit! It's so old it has my old profile pic.
You were very wise from a young age to have done what you did back then, I can imagine what a special time that was for both you and your grandpa! Lovely entry and so glad to have you here in the Silver Bloggers!
A marvellous, bittersweet recollection, thank you. IMO, it's sometimes those who aren't the best role models who are the best teachers. They've learned so much!
So glad you had that special time with your grandfather.
You are the lucky one that spent time with him and got to hear your grandfather's stories.
He sounds like a man who had many interesting stories to share too :D
Lovely story! I think it's awesome you went there to spend time with him..
I know how it feels to be the only grand child that visited for company reasons just to be with the grandparents she loved, compared to having nieces and nephews that only came to the door to pick up their allowance and leave right away. I never understood how they could do that. So rude.. but that's the difference between me and them lol.
Your story made me consider entering the contest, I guess I have plenty stories, and it would be nice if at least one of them is to be found on the chain forever :)
Enjoy the weekend!