A Little Annoyed, but it's Nothing in the Bigger Scheme of Things

in Silver Bloggers4 years ago

This morning, for the second time in two days, I went looking for a WordPress post I knew should have been there. Because I had a "pretty" recipe print out. It wasn't there, so couldn't include a link my Instagram post. I am glad they are on the blockchain (thanks @exxp), so reconstituting them will be considerably easier.

But still, I am annoyed.

Embraced by snowy mountains (pics tomorrow), it was an evening for a hearty oxtail with mustard mash, last night.

Oh, and served with the first of thia season's peas.

This was a popular Sunday Supper offering and keeping it local, a not negotiable ingredient is McGregor Herbes de Provence.

It cooked for the entire day in the slow cooker and was as good as I remember my mother's.

The bigger thing occupying our minds is the [looting, burning and violence] that has broken out around South Africa. It is very serious and there are Hiveans caught up in it. Please hold @lizelle, @joanstewart and @artywink and South Africa in your thoughts. I have to believe this will pass. That said, the army has been mobilised and there are calls for a state of emergency.

It's going to be another day of keeping an eye and ear on the news.

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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  • If this post might seem familiar, it's because I'm doing two things:
  1. re-vamping old recipes. As I do this, I plan to add them in a file format that you can download and print. If you download recipes, buy me a coffee. Or better yet, a glass of wine....?
  2. and "re-capturing" nearly two years' worth of posts.
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 4 years ago  

That food looks absolutely divine Fiona! We had soup & scones tonight as we have to start rationing whatever supplies we have; the destruction has just been too awful, fortunately our community police forums are very active and we have a good local police station, but, the crowds are dying to get their hands on our suburb.
My son is also one of the patrollers so it's quite a worry!
I don't think I've ever seen such images of destruction happening here in our city, but thank you for your kind words and for holding the fort for Silver Bloggers.
I have been way too preoccupied with this horror and get distracted by hearing of another area being hit plus it's getting closer! My friend @artywink's suburb has already been hit!

 4 years ago  

Yes it's awful, our community dud some cleaning up today, the looters are still hanging around, the community watch is keeping them at bay. My son in law is head of security in Umhlanga Rocks North of Durban, hadn't had much sleep for a few days. My granddaughter has been stranded at a friend in Amanzimtoti down the south coast since sunday, my son in law is going to fetch her tomorrow. @lizelle keep safe my friend praying for Warren's protection. It is a very worrying time for us all. There is positive side to it, I have seen people of all races come together in the communities and are standing together to protect their community. That is such a good sign. I hope to get back into Hiving soon, just been hectic, we still can't get food from the stores, will try tomorrow again. Keep well and stay safe. Thanks again Fiona for your thoughts. @lizelle my friend, I'm here if you need me.

 4 years ago (edited) 

That is one thing that struck me as well, that the community have actually grown closer even though this horror is going on around us, all races and religions standing together and getting to know one another. My neighbours on both sides have offered basic things like flour & eggs which is unobtainable and I in turn could help them with stuff I had in abundance.
I was going to buy my weekly fresh produce on Monday, not realizing that this thing was already out of control!
We will have to get that veggie garden going but first do something to stop the monkeys from helping themselves!
Thank you my friend, I really miss you!

 4 years ago (edited) 

I miss you too my friend @lizelle .I was really getting myself into deep depression about everything that has been happening around us and getting so fearful. Then I took another look around and saw how the community are standing together also the taxi bosses, how they're protecting the communities, I have hope for our beloved country. All the evil behind this is busy beeing exposed. Stay safe my friend, love you to the moon and back.

Lizelle, you and Cheryl are in our thoughts. I wish there was something we could do. I am glad that the army is moving in and in greater numbers. Stay safe.

 4 years ago  

Thank you Fiona, let's hope they do become visible as so far they have not been seen in some real hotspots!
We heard a true story today and that came from someone who works in the defence force; them members have gotten into the habit of filling their own vehicles with fuel at the army base, and now that there's an emergency, there is not enough petrol at the army base here in Durban; just totally unbelievable but this guy does not BS!!!
We saw private helicopters today, but not one from the defence force so that is telling a story!

All I can do is shake my head!

Go to bed, Lizelle. Get some sleep. Môre's nog 'n dag.

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 4 years ago (edited) 

Thank you @fionasfavourites your ox tail looks devine. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts, mu neibourhood is left in a total mess, no food in the shops, the shops that have food, there is a long que, we have been warned to stock up with food and water for at least three weeks. It's just to awful, it's like a war zone, now they are burning the farms too, started in PMB.hopefully it will end soon.

Oh dear! I am so sorry. please stay safe. We continue to think of you and our other friends in KZN and Joburg.

 4 years ago  

Thanks Fiona. You keep safe too.

Thinking of you all over there @artywink. So sorry to read of all that is going on. Hoping things improve quickly in all regards.

 4 years ago  

I hope so too @plantstoplanks ,things seem to be under control by the security and community neighborhood watch at the moment .thank you for the kind thoughts much appreciated.

Fiona, I sense your anxiety...
Is it that serious in South Africa?
Riots, martial law?
God bless you all!

Yes, it's very serious. Nearly 70 dead and more than 12,000 arrested. There have been calls for a state of emergency. Not marial law. God forbid. I am hoping though that the worst is passed. We shall see. Thank you for your care and concern.

Ox tail looks so yummy Fiona, cold has hit here as well.

Really felt for the men manning our barriers throughout night in towns. People are cooking and distributing whatever they are able, not only in our area but down the coast where food has run out completely.

So far Amanzimtoti and surrounds, residents, private security and handful of police have managed to secure all major shopping centers only a storage unit was looted and vehicles burnt in one industrial site. Military still not arrived.....

Crazy to see what all is going on over there Joan. Hoping the madness passes soon and you escape the worst of it. Stay safe!

I'm glad you're ok, Joan. I am getting a sense that they've got a handle on things. I do hope so. Stay safe.

Ooh, fresh peas! But boo to another lost post, and an even bigger boo to the rest of all that is going on over there. Truly hoping for some better days ahead.

Thanks, @plantstoplanks, I guess we have to celebrate the little things. Like peas. And big things like being safe. At least I can do new and improved Jambalaya and Oxtail blogs... lol.

 4 years ago  

Looks delicious. That is the right attitude to take, do not let small things annoy you. Life is too short.