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RE: A Little Annoyed, but it's Nothing in the Bigger Scheme of Things

in Silver Bloggers4 years ago

Ox tail looks so yummy Fiona, cold has hit here as well.

Really felt for the men manning our barriers throughout night in towns. People are cooking and distributing whatever they are able, not only in our area but down the coast where food has run out completely.

So far Amanzimtoti and surrounds, residents, private security and handful of police have managed to secure all major shopping centers only a storage unit was looted and vehicles burnt in one industrial site. Military still not arrived.....


Crazy to see what all is going on over there Joan. Hoping the madness passes soon and you escape the worst of it. Stay safe!

I'm glad you're ok, Joan. I am getting a sense that they've got a handle on things. I do hope so. Stay safe.