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RE: Choices Have Consequences: What We Forego When We Make Choices

A friend of mine — who is both a Buddhist monk as well as manager of a martial arts dojo — often talks about "the third option" when people present you with "either-or" situations. We don't have to accept the choices we are offered; we can come up with a different option, instead.

And that's one of the dilemmas I am once again wrestling with this weekend, as I tried to direct my energy at money making endeavors, none of which will ultimately be good enough to serve short-term needs.

What is a third option? THAT... is what I must find...

I am an east asian man!
Your thoughts are revealing the choices we often face in life. As a Christian, I believe that the third choice is God's. As in the Christian Trinity, we will be able to make the right choices when the Holy Spirit gives us revelation.Dear @denmarkguy , Nice meet to you! Are you Danish American?