Choices Have Consequences: What We Forego When We Make Choices

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

All the choices we make in life have their consequences.

In the most direct sense, when we make a firm decision to go in a specific direction it also means that we can no longer be going in a different direction.


For example, when I'm sitting here typing this post for my Hive blog, I have accepted the consequence that at this moment I cannot also be listing items for sale on eBay.

Of course many of the choices we make also have indirect consequences... they could be related to things like our long term physical wellness (If I choose to take on a very stressful job, there is a good chance I'll have developed bleeding ulcers in my stomach five years from now). Or they could be things happening in our sphere of influence: If I choose to support a particular politician, it may mean that certain people I consider friends no longer want to talk to me.

A lot of people — and I include myself in this particular group — often struggle with making specific choices because we're not willing to accept the consequences of making those choices.


For me, mostly the challenge is that a lot of what I look at have undesirable outcomes regardless of what I choose, and therefore my non choice is typically a reflection of the fact that I'm actually waiting for a better choice to come along.

Sadly, ”better choices” seem to be very few and far between. Which is my somewhat nebulous way of saying that I feel like I spend far too much of my life in a position where I'm having to choose between a figurative "shit sandwich" and a "turd burger." I really don't want either of them but I am told that I ”have to” make a choice.

It's a real challenge to make an assertive choice when none of your choices are really anything particularly attractive.


A friend of mine — who is both a Buddhist monk as well as manager of a martial arts dojo — often talks about "the third option" when people present you with "either-or" situations. We don't have to accept the choices we are offered; we can come up with a different option, instead.

And that's one of the dilemmas I am once again wrestling with this weekend, as I tried to direct my energy at money making endeavors, none of which will ultimately be good enough to serve short-term needs.

What is a third option? THAT... is what I must find...

This, too, shall pass!

And now I must get back to my work. Thanks for stopping by and have a great remainder of your weekend!

How about YOU? Do you look for "3rd options" when choices look unattractive? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!


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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT cross posted anywhere else!)
Created at 20220227 00:23 PST



A friend of mine — who is both a Buddhist monk as well as manager of a martial arts dojo — often talks about "the third option" when people present you with "either-or" situations. We don't have to accept the choices we are offered; we can come up with a different option, instead.

And that's one of the dilemmas I am once again wrestling with this weekend, as I tried to direct my energy at money making endeavors, none of which will ultimately be good enough to serve short-term needs.

What is a third option? THAT... is what I must find...

I am an east asian man!
Your thoughts are revealing the choices we often face in life. As a Christian, I believe that the third choice is God's. As in the Christian Trinity, we will be able to make the right choices when the Holy Spirit gives us revelation.Dear @denmarkguy , Nice meet to you! Are you Danish American?

I love the idea of the third option... of taking a HUGE mental step back from what seems to be an either-or and letting something new, something hybrid or something out-of-the-box bubble up into what previously felt like a crowded space.

Your yellow roses are simply magnificent.

This is quite thought-provoking.

When I have to choose between two unattractive situations, I just go for the one I consider to be better amongst the two.

But then, the possibility of not having to choose either seems exciting.
The third option for me, sometimes, is choosing to do nothing(which, from my perspective, is also a choice). That choice doesn't always turn out well though.

I've never actually considered introducing a whole new variable before. I think that's something worth exploring.

Those pictures are very nice btw. They look amazing.

In a recent election, I was allegedly presented with two choices. I didn't like either one of them, so I voted for a third party. That person had no chance of winning, and some would say I threw my vote away, but I couldn't bear to choose either of the big names.

One of the scary things about choices and consequences is we make oodles of choices every day without stopping to consider all the possible consequences. Years later, we look back and say "Oops!" or perhaps "That was a great choice!" But if we took the time to consider all possible outcomes every day, we'd never make any decisions at all, and just be frozen. That's no good, either.

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