 2 years ago  

Hi, El! Happy New Year to you! I am looking forward to a great year! Health, wealth, happiness, and prosperity to all... a big dose of Peace is warranted! ❤️

Hope you had a wonderful New Year. I am still catching up!

Love to you!

I'm hoping for the best, coughcough*.... meanwhile.... I am sick and paying for making Merry with the family Christmas day. Not covid though (unless the test was wrong or they have a new strain that doesn't show up on the tests).

Blah !

 2 years ago (edited) 

Noooo! Boo! If you test negative right after you start feeling sick, retake it a couple days later. That is when the viral load will be at its highest. Does anyone/did anyone else get sick?

Your immune systen coukd be kicking butt right now, fighting off a virus.

I had been sick 3 or 4 days before I tested.

Yes.... My brother has 2 sons and a daughter that are married with children. One son didn't come to Mom's Christmas day because he got up very sick, however, he and his wife and 6 kids had been with my brother and all the sibs and their families for the day or two before, so evidently, at least one of them or their children were spreading the love. At the time I started having symptoms, my mom said my niece was sick and coughing, her two children had a degree of temp but were playing like nothing was wrong (probably just like the day before) and his wife wasn't feeling well. Within a few days, my brother had it as well, so I think their sweet wonderful family was the culprits. Fortunately, Mom didn't get it. If other extended family are sick as well, I have not heard.

 2 years ago  

Let's call it a virus. Sounds better, yes? Well, your family has just won the award for sharing is caring. I actually have heard so many people sharing the germs over Christmas. I should be happy that I only had mono in the house.

The things we have become grateful for!

I hope everyone starts feeling a little better and I know this is the nightmare that prevented you from big family gatherings. Do you have a temp? Are you still coughing today?

I hope you feel better soon. I hope you have all the supplies that you need for now. ❤️

Yes.... just like all the other covid years when I didn't go and where others were meeting and getting sick ! I knew I was taking a gamble to go to some of the family things this year, but of course I was hoping we would not all get sick. I don't know whether it was worth it or not, but at least I feel justified for not going before. If only I had stuck to that.... but forever ??? That just makes me unhappy to think on it.

I have not had a temp that I know of. My normal temp is lower than average and I never saw that change more than a half of a degree. I had not been coughing, but started a little when I talk day before yesterday. Needless to say, it is not working out well when answering work phone calls. Ugh !

I have everything I need for sure. Just treating the symptoms best I can. Like I said, the rest of me feels fine.

 2 years ago  

❤️ Feel better soon. My thoughts go with you.