Living in our province I have learned to love spices, often able to get fresh turmeric, ginger, plus extras many may not use or combine together. Love experimenting with flavours!
Sorry to hear you having a rough winter, feeling the heat here don't venture out in midday sun. Washing on the line before the sun beats down.
Having Bob assisting is great that was my younger son who cooks delicious meals today, always watched, learning when young. My Dad was amazing in the kitchen, where I learned, no such thing as men not being in the kitchen... Sending love and so nice to hear from you.
Great to hear from you also. Trying new spices and flavors is right in my wheelhouse.
Keeps life flavourful, my sister has a fetish toward colour, mine is all about what one gets from spices and herbs. What ever keeps us ticking joyfully over, have a great day!
I am with you Joan, at my age, every day is a gift.