The pandemic for sure brought about many changes and certainly changed the way I now regard the people in 'high places', and sorry to say, not in a positive way!
I, however, do miss some of the old ways before the pandemic!
Still catching our breath...closed for now.
Makaranga Gardens, just one of the countless fatalities of COVID-19, and one of the loveliest places we used to visit. We drove past there a couple of times, and the sign remained, till one day when it was replaced with a closed sign. It was a sad day for us, and I can just imagine it must have been heartbreaking for the owners and staff!
I miss walking through the Makaranga Gardens or having lunch overlooking the stunning and tranquil gardens. I miss the many other places that were swallowed by COVID!
What else do I miss about the pre-pandemic world?
I miss being able to do simple things like sneezing, or coughing, without any furtive looks from people around me;
It could be Covid, you know. My friend's sister's niece had it, and it keeps on coming back. We still have to be careful, you know!
I sneeze a lot!
I'm tired of being told to be careful; it makes me start examining every sore throat, headache, bodily aches, and so forth.
We've all become experts at COVID and the vaccine;
It's the vaccine that did it. Have you ever heard of so many people dying at a young age?
They never had the vaccine, that's why they got so sick!
Maybe, and that is something else, the maybes.
I've been sneezing and coughing this past weekend. I had a fever, and my nose has now become an open tap! Is it the flu, or is it a new kind of COVID? I miss not having to wonder about that as well!
There have been so many unknowns around COVID-19; far too many conspiracy theories, and doctors telling us after the event that the medical world does not know enough about the vaccine.
I miss not having to worry about taking pills daily to prevent seizures, something very likely triggered by the vaccine!
What else do I miss?
Hard-copy magazines and newspapers all but disappeared and are slowly resurfacing, but I miss my favourite magazines that were never revived! I know we can read online, but I like to turn the pages and feel the paper between my fingers.
I very much miss the many local airlines that closed, as we could travel locally for next to nothing; sadly, that is no longer the case!
Friends and family gatherings have gotten smaller - I miss the togetherness of the whole clan! Even weddings and funerals have gotten smaller; you can watch it remotely, they say, even though the worst of the pandemic has been over for a long while already!
Friends and family used to have heated discussions about their stance on the vaccine, but as the years passed, many of us are now saying that perhaps our anti-vax friends were right! I, for sure, changed my stance and am sorry I did not listen to my wise friends. Thankfully, it did not break up any friendships, otherwise, I'd have something even bigger to miss!
We have talked well into the night with friends about how things were before and after. At the beginning of the pandemic, would any of us have believed just what a change it would bring about in our world? I, for sure, never saw it coming, nor did I ever imagine that some simple things we took for granted would be taken away!
I'm still doing catch-up, and this has been my response to question #49:
What Do You Miss About the Pre-Pandemic World?

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My husband and I are lucky to have never had it, just about everyone we know had it. He got the vaccine this year, I will not get it.
Very wise decision @myjob, I regret having it, but it's too late now. Gosh, so they're still giving the vaccine!
IDK if it was the same vaccine as they had, but he told me he got the covid vaccine so yes they are still doing it.
Now when I read you, I notice that too, the places that closed and did not reopen even when everything happened, or we think it happened.
Regarding the vaccine, there are still distributions for and against, there is no one to agree with because nobody knows anything.
I also take care not to sneeze in public, so that they do not stigmatize me.
Kind regards.
The scale of the damage caused by COVID, or rather the mishandling of it, is unbelievable! Awful the way people look at one when you show any flu-like symptoms, but that is how people are, unfortunately!
Thanks for reading @charjaim, I hope you're keeping well.
What annoys me is that so many people didn't question things, like sheeple they did as they were told, and what pisses me off now is the number of people you talk to who "caught covid" and wear it as a badge of honour! "No. you got a flu, deal with it" is my usual response.
Like lamb led to the slaughter, we all went!
People are strange creatures, wanting to have a COVID test for every bout of flu. It's true, many people see it as a badge of honour!
The seed was planted!
Oh, yes, I have experienced that uncertainty and that barrage of questions regarding symptoms: and your bones hurt, and you lost your sense of smell. We are kind of traumatized and helpless. And I, too, miss the newspapers and magazines I could read lying in bed on Sundays. Catching up, while sipping a pot of freshly brewed coffee. But the important thing is that we survived, my friend! Thank God. Hugs
I'm actually sorry I never renewed my subscription once they started printing the Sunday papers again! Somehow feels better reading the news on paper!
It's almost like the people of the world all suffer from ptsd post-covid, it was awful, but somehow there were good things born during that period. Learning to make do with what we have instead of running to the supermarket all the time!
Have a wonderful week @nancybriti1 😊
I was nodding my head the entire way through this post. You brought up a few things that I forgot to mention in my own post. I feel embarrassed that I fell for the lies about the vaccines. Some of the truth is coming out now and it's absolutely horrendous. We lost a lot of small, local businesses here as well. I really miss some of them. It's weird for me to think that we lived in the golden age of small businesses (2010-2020). It was so much fun, you really did give you more of a sense of community when you could frequent those local shops and get to know the owners and staff. I really hope some of what we've lost is recovered. It probably will in time.
The vaccine debate caused major problems for a friend in her family! Like you, I also feel embarrassed that I fell for the lies!
Some smaller businesses are slowly opening up here as well, and others have started earning with online ventures. But many people who lost jobs fell by the wayside, very sad!
There is so much to miss! For me, and for you, I miss not being to just say "I've got the flu," getting in bed, and expecting to be all better within a few days. Now, because I am expected to get tested for all sorts of things before I can get into my bed to recuperate, I just don't tell anyone I am sick.
A friend of mine has a brand new grandson, but, because her perfectly well husband tested positive for RSV, she cannot go see him until the incubation period is over.
I miss people behaving sanely about common illnesses!
I don't think I knew this about you. That is sure a bummer.
Absolutely, I rather keep quiet and stay away. A friend was not allowed to visit her grandson too soon after recovering from a bout of flu!
Those seizures were scary for my son and hubby, I knew nothing, but it did make me anxious, thankfully not again since taking the meds.
The COVID was a bad experience, I had a terrible time. But my husband and I survived. But we also learn from those bad experiences. Now we are more careful when we go out of the house and where there are a lot of people, especially with hand hygiene and protecting our noses. I am in favor of vaccines and I think they have saved many lives.
Dear @lizelle I am a little away because the power outages do not give me a break. I hope you are in much better health and that the moving preparations continue smoothly. A big hug 🤗🥰❤️❤️❤️
It was an incredibly difficult thing for us to live through. a Modern day plague. So may people played it down, but working in a hospital made the facts so real. Long Covid is also so real. Many people and businesses have not completely recovered :( I actually got covid myself just a few weeks ago so it's definitely still around. Although we only did one PCR test which came out positive, the whole family was down :( at least it didn't last long but the symptoms were acutely severe from chest pains, to upper respiratory tract viral infection, to nausea and diarroeah. Not peasant. Glad I've been vaccinated like 3 times!