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RE: Memoir Monday #49: Still Catching our Breath - forever after?

in Silver Bloggers7 days ago

Oh, yes, I have experienced that uncertainty and that barrage of questions regarding symptoms: and your bones hurt, and you lost your sense of smell. We are kind of traumatized and helpless. And I, too, miss the newspapers and magazines I could read lying in bed on Sundays. Catching up, while sipping a pot of freshly brewed coffee. But the important thing is that we survived, my friend! Thank God. Hugs

 7 days ago  

I'm actually sorry I never renewed my subscription once they started printing the Sunday papers again! Somehow feels better reading the news on paper!
It's almost like the people of the world all suffer from ptsd post-covid, it was awful, but somehow there were good things born during that period. Learning to make do with what we have instead of running to the supermarket all the time!
Have a wonderful week @nancybriti1 😊