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RE: Light at the End of the Tunnel

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Hi Eli,
Thank you so much for your concern, and for doing such a sterling job with Silver Bloggers as I simply have not had the time to look at the writings of all our members!
Will we ever learn and more importantly, will the people in charge of infrastructure also start doing the right thing!
It's been heartwarming seeing how our community have banded together and helped those who've been affected by opening up school and community halls to feed and house the people.
A beeeg hug back to you as well, special lady, hope you're having a good Easter 🥰


Thank you, Lizzie. We spent Easter with the family and celebrating my son's birthday at the weekend.
I have always thought that tragedies bring out the best or the worst of who we are. And I'm glad there has been so much solidarity in your community.
Big hugs and take care. 🤗😊