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RE: Exercise's Role In Slowing and Reversing Age Related Deterioration

We're never good at remembering to do the things we know are good for us. It's the aches and pains that remind us. I've recently started trying to get into a routine massaging my back, because I always forget to do it as a preventive. I remember whenever it starts hurting again. 😅

That's impressive if your friend has prevented cardiovascular conditions through her regular exercise. Considering she's the only one not having issues in her family, it certainly seems that her walking passion has something to do with it.

 5 months ago  

I remember whenever it starts hurting again.

Shall I say:
I do the same, vow to be regular with stretching/exercise, walking/ not eating deliciously wicked acid-forming food, which causes inflammation in the body, and other bad stuff!
But, in my defense, I have been more disciplined with my diet at least, it's the exercise that's falling by the wayside!
Thank you for the reminder.
I'm positive my friend is not having the same cardio issues as her family because of her regular walking.
I need to get moving as well!
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday @minismallholding