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RE: A Day in the Life of a Retiree.

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

The experiences with both vets shows that western med doctors of all kinds are really just guessing as to what is wrong, and then they guess about what will help. But now, they tend to guess that the illness is one that requires toxic and expensive treatments. Western med has become, for the most part, a racket. We would all do better to just stay away from them whenever possible. Preventive treatment is a joke.

Thanks for enjoying my post! I chuckled while writing it. It's nice to know someone else did too.


Lots of chuckles here.

And yes, western medicine is a complete and total pharmaceutical racket. To be avoided whenever possible. However, they're great at surgery, when needed. Such as with my dad at the end of the month, on his mitral valve. Can't say I am not grateful for THAT kind of medicine.

 3 years ago  

If we could pick and choose what treatments we accepted, western med would be much more valuable. But we are fast losing that right. Now, doctors are expected to prescribe what they are told to prescribe, and if they deviate, they risk losing their licenses or being sued. Parents of children with special needs lost all those rights decades ago. We've been so stupid.

Well, we still have the option to say yes or MOST treatments offered. The real problem is less about our ability to decline what it provided, but the ability to choose from a variety of options available. The options are limited, and as advanced as medicine is pharmaceutically, mechanically, and academically, it is apalling to me how little we still know about how the human body capably mends itself under more natural conditions.

I am not saying I don't trust doctors in general, per se, but anyone who subscribes to a "theology" of medicine, without looking into the inner workings of one's own philosophies of healing and immunity, and just accepting the western text and the current insurance model as the final model, is truly, truly ignorant. I cannot trust a doctor who works for a system that is entirely corrupt and built on pharmaceutical and annuity racketeering. I just can't. And it's not even their fault. It's just where the money is and how the checks are cut for them to run a "proper" business.

Finding a holistic MD is almost unheard of anymore.

 3 years ago  

Any parent of a special needs or chronically ill child knows that refusal to follow medical advice is no longer safe. This is not new. Nearly twenty years ago, I was threatened with losing one of mine if I did not comply with western medical advice for his Crohn's disease. Today, after years and years of unsuccessful and increasingly toxic "treatments", he is severely disabled. It wasn't until he became an adult that he (and I) could step away from poisoning him regularly. But don't think for a second that we are spared from being forced to comply.

Whenever he does need medical attention, we have to battle with the doctors to get adequate and acceptable care. First, he is required to undergo several expensive, invasive, traumatic and downright sadistic tests, before they will even discuss what to do for him. This part of the process is a joke, because the GI's, one and all, are getting kickbacks to prescribe the new, and extremely expensive ($20,000 a dose expensive) biologics that are all over TV ads now, and they know what they are going to prescribe before the first test is even done. It is nearly impossible to get a GI to prescribe anything besides the biologic du jour, which is currently Stellara for Crohn's disease.

This biologic is, as I said, ridiculously expensive. It is very difficult to get the insurance company (insurance "premiums" are protection fees paid to a mob) to approve it. In my son's case, it took six months to get the paperwork done, and they gave it six months to see if it helped at all, which it did not. We lost A YEAR dicking around with their favorite pharmaceutical. For that entire year I asked the doctors to please prescribe a drug that had helped him earlier in his life and none of them would do it. When I finally got one to do it, he said "I haven't prescribed that in ten years." When I asked why not, he said "I don't know."

During the years of forced medicalization, my son's health was very unstable. He regularly developed new symptoms that sent us to specialist after specialist. At one point, he had a GI, a rheumatologist, an endocrinologist, an orthopedist, a psychiatrist and a neurologist treating him. The last five of those were treating him for symptoms that were results of the medications given to him for Crohn's.

We finally have escaped the tyranny of medicine, simply by staying away. I can't say we have undone 20 years of poisoning, but he no longer experiences illness that is so extreme he has no choice but hospitalization.

Stay away from doctors. Something is very very wrong there. And if your child has any kind of illness or difference, do not tell the schools.


No kidding. I'm sorry to hear about your torture. I could not imagine. Glad you have been able to find some more holistic alternatives to alleviate the symptoms.

I do heyoka healing if you're interested. Don't know if you're into that. But I know I can help, if you are still on the lookout for a solution.

 3 years ago  

I don't know what that is.

I do subconscious reprogramming for people in a way that affects the mind and body to the point they heal. And they don't have to do much of anything. I do most of the work. It's kind of magical. But it's not for everyone. So I'm not offended if you aren't interested. Just thought I'd offer.