
Yes, indeed! It is a struggle though. It is never nice to leave a loved one for so long. The classes I am giving will only end in July, but it is for a better future, I would hope!

That would be lovely! Keep me posted. My days are relatively flexible.

 2 years ago  

You are of the right frame of mind when you focus on building the future, as it is so important. A bit of sacrifice now will be sure to result in much happines later.

We are going there at 3pm tomorrow to check up on the coding classes. Can you make it?
If you can then Imibala is in Bright street just off Main street. Coming from the R44 direction, you will pass the police station on the right hand side and at the traffic lights turn right. Imibala is halfway down the block.

Oh I am so sorry for only responding and seeing this comment now. I really thought my days would be easier. The classes are hectic. Or, I just don't get much time for Hive as I would like to have. I will send you a message on discord, if you are still on there, and we can exchange numbers. If we can message each other directly, I will not miss the opportunity again!

 2 years ago  

Nope, no need to apologize as life is indeed hectic nowadays. The months only fly by.
I saw it on discord and you can delete it. Will tip you off when we will go there again.


Yes! I am looking forward to it. I will obviously respond much quicker on the phone. I am only young once, so the body can still take this workload, but it is not sustainable in the long run.

 2 years ago  

It turned out that your number was already on Marian's phone. (I don't have a phone).
So I will let you know in advance when we will do our next visit to the coding project.
Above all, don't lose your Elan, your fighting spirit and your uniqueness, as they are precious qualities that you were blessed with.

I am working on them! The academy has a way of biting you as well. I am a newbie in the space and I already understand why most lecturers and proffies are who they are!