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RE: Oh yes, I made it.

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Oy Vay, you will get many more like that and some even try to justify their plagiarism. The only way that works here is to get them to sign written reprimands.
Another problem that is now emerging is that the non performers are ganging up against the tutors and this can only be bad for the future.


When I was studying we did not have these WhatsApp groups. But after Covid and Lockdowns, the students en masse flock to these groups and team up against even the lecturer. I had cases in the past where students, amongst themselves, decided the due date for an essay did not suite them so they said I needed to change it. Very funny stuff to be honest.

 2 years ago  

Oh yes, you have to climb very troublesome mountains and I hope that you did not change the due date.
Never an easy decision as you are between two fires. If any of them drop out then you will have the university on your neck and if they riot, then you will be fired.
Never easy.

I did not! And what a battle that was. I think some of the students protested by handing in late, I even had a student hand in a week after the due date! You cannot imagine all of the excuses the students thought about. But luckily most of them did well in the test, so their bad essay marks scared them into learning for the test.

 2 years ago  

Great to see, as once that you give in, they will break your spirit. And you handled it well with the bad marks, as that is always a wake up call.


Very true! Hopefully, they learned something from the situation. It is really scary how bad these students' writings are. A strange future is ahead of us!

 2 years ago  

I also hope that they did! Terrible, I know, but then again it was found that children in grade 4 cannot read with meaning. By the time that they reach 20 years of age, I will be long gone and you guys will sit with the mess !LOLZ

It doesn't matter if my wife tells me I'm not mature
I'm not going to let her enter my tree house without the right password

Credit: reddit



@fermentedphil, I sent you an on behalf of @papilloncharity

It is not nice to sit with this mess, to be honest! Because now we sit with the baked pears (lol) "gebakte pere" as they would say. And linked with that intense sense of entitlement it is dangerous. One meeting went very south and I actually got a little scared; luckily, there was someone else in the office as well. Alas, we can only do so much!

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