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RE: Oh yes, I made it.

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

They call it logical thinking and every time that I see it, my heart aches. It would be so easy to make another Strand golf course and to turn the current one into a very large lake, both sides of the road that passes through it. Machines can dig it deeper and the ground that is removed can be compacted in the townships that are below the water line to increase the height.
There is ample space on the old Denel grounds for a water works that can pump the water from the lake all over the province.



Sorry for the long wait for the reply. What a couple of weeks, and for the next couple of weeks as well. I am presenting a paper in 10 or so days and I am still writing the damn thing!

In any case, so true. I always think about our ability to really mess things up (I recently saw mountains full of cars in China that they built and "sold" on the books to receive subsidies from the government, but they stashed them in rural areas); but this also showcases our ability to do good! As you mentioned, we can make a dam where the golf course is, and we can reintroduce native plants and get rid of alien vegetation which uses more water. Yet, it is almost as if people just do not care, as if they do not want to bother themselves with making things better. Really sad.

 2 years ago  

No need to waste your ink on apologizing, as I know that you are a busy guy.

Yeah, everyone is chasing the mighty buck (Cina included), and the clamor of the people here for services has the city planners against the wall. Money is tight and with the elections around the corner, all of a sudden everyone is more focused on service delivery. So, there is no time to plan for "extras", such as new dams. A real sad story.

Oh yes, I need to remind myself that there is an election soon. Eish, all of these short-term "success" will soon burn away as it is wholly unsustainable. We should just hope that it is not too late. For all the damage we do we can do so much good as well. It is just sad that the majority of people could not care a bit.

 2 years ago  

Empty promises time again in the rush for votes. But this time round, the voters know it and they simply stay away. You are right about the non caring majority and things will get much worse before it can get any better.


Hopefully the younger generation voters will have a say and an impact. One can only hear so many empty promises and live in a society where you can actually see how things deteriorate before you hopefully connect the dots. But I am skeptical of my own hope.

 2 years ago  

Too many new political parties are mushrooming now that will be sure to take many votes away from the big parties and things are going to turn out very interesting.
Hope is indeed all that we have but expect many dirty tricks.

Why did the coffee go to the police?
Because it was mugged.

Credit: reddit



@fermentedphil, I sent you an on behalf of @papilloncharity

Already the truck burnings. I am not sure if they are related. It is a little bit scary because I am presenting my paper on Saturday in KwaZulu-Natal and I need to drive those very highways. But hopefully, all will be well. Politics are so nasty and there will never be easy answers.